Economics of firm strategies and innovation (Site UCL) [30.0]

Economics of Business Strategies and Innovation (UCL campus) [30.0]

Making Europe the most competitive knowledge society in the world is the stated aim of the European Union. Innovation and information and communication technology are at the centre of the different aspects of knowledge. How does knowledge differ from other goods? Do the  ways in which it is produced, acquired, spread and used merit special treatment from public authorities? The Strategies, Global Competition and Innovation focus aims to provide students with the tools to answer these questions. The selection of both compulsory and optional subjects is based on an interdisciplinary approach to the way markets work, with particular reference to the field of information. This approach brings together the different perspectives of public authorities with businesses as economic players within the regulatory framework. This is achieved, amongst other things, through the analysis of the framework (objectives, content and impact of European microeconomic policies: competition policy, industrial policy and foreign trade policy).


Teaching for this option will almost always be in English.

Target audience
This is designed for students interested in a career in the field of the impact of regulation on economic players (European and national civil service, different regulatory bodies, consultancies, private sector companies in IT and in sectors where there is regulation, legal firms specializing in competition law and new technologies, research departments and international bodies).

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory ECON2370

Industrial Organization and Corporate Strategy  (in English) Jacques-François Thisse, Xavier Wauthy30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2372

Corporate Strategy and Anti-Trust  (in English) Elisabeth Van Hecke30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2374

Economics of information sector  (in English) Paul Belleflamme30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2033

Applied econometrics: Microeconometrics  (in French) Muriel Dejemeppe30h + 12h 5credits  x 

MandatoryCours au choix
2 parmi :
Optional LSMS2041

Economics of Innovation  (in English) Paul Belleflamme30h 5credits  x 
Optional DROP2101

Economic Aspects of Intellectual Property  (in French) Nicolas Brahy, Yann Menière30h 5credits 2q x 
Optional ECON2373

Special Topics in Law and Economics  (in English) Paul Nihoul, Elisabeth Van Hecke30h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2371

Economics of ICT'S: Impact and Regulation  (in English) Chantal Kegels, Elisabeth Van Hecke30h 5credits  x 
Focuses offreing this option
| 12/01/2009 |