Economie financière (Site FUNDP) [30.0]

Financial Economics (FUNDP campus) [30.0]

This is designed to give students training in the foundations of monetary and financial matters, with an analysis of the basic principles of monetary policy and the mechanisms for implementing it and the working of financial markets and financial institutions. It puts financial trading both in a macroeconomic and monetary context as well as looking at the microeconomic challenges of incomplete markets and asymmetric information. Students are also introduced to the empirical analysis of how markets work.


Target audience
This is designed for students who are interested in a career in the financial sector (e.g. banks, stock exchanges and insurance companies), in macro-monetary regulation (central banks and international monetary institutions) and in management in the private sector and who wish to have a better understanding of the financial markets with which companies constantly have to interact.

Note : a detailed description can be found at :

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory ECON2831

Intermediary financing analysis  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2331

Finance and Risk Management  (in French) Pierre Giot30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2834

Economic integration and monetary policy  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2335

International monetary economics  (in French) Vincent Bodart30h 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2835

Applied Econometric : Econometrics of Time Series (M835 - Laurent)  (in English) N.30h 5credits  x 

MandatoryCours au choix
1 parmi :
Optional ECON2833

Finance de marché empirique (M833 - Giot)  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2832

Contemporary financial markets and financial enterprises  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 
Focuses offreing this option
| 12/01/2009 |