Core courses

The core subjects are available at both campuses in either English or French. The way in which the languages are spread between the different subjects and campuses means that a student who wishes to take all the core components in English is able to do so by combining the English lessons at both Louvain-la-Neuve and Namur.


Each subject is worth 5 credits. This represents 30 hours of teaching in addition to practical, individual and group work supervised by the lecturer with the help of an assistant for practical work.

Note : a detailed description of the core subjects available at Namur is at

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryMémoire (20credits)

MandatoryPour les étudiants de finalité didactique ou spécialisée
Mandatory ECON2910

Thesis  (in French) N. 20credits   x

MandatoryPour les étudiants de la finalité approfondie
Mandatory ECON2910A

mémoire (1°partie-FA)  (in French) N. 5credits  x 
Mandatory ECON2910B

Mémoire (2°partie-FA)  (in French) N. 15credits   x

MandatoryFormation de base (20credits)

MandatoryMicroéconomie (5credits)
1 cours parmi :
Optional ECON2011

Interdependencies and Strategic Behavior  (in English) Pierre Dehez30h + 12h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2902

Microéconomie : interdépendances et comportements stratégiques (M902 - Hungerbühler)  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 

MandatoryMacroéconomie (5credits)
1 cours parmi :
Optional ECON2021

Economic Fluctuations and Foundations of Macro Policy  (in French) David De la Croix30h + 12h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2903

Macroeconomics: Economic Fluctuations and Foundations of Macro Policy (M903 - de Walque)  (in English) N.30h 5credits  x 

MandatoryActivité au choix (5credits)
1 cours parmi :
Optional ECON2041

International Trade  (in English) N.30h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2904

Economics and Politics (M904 - Aldashev)  (in French) N.30h 5credits  x 

MandatoryEconomie du travail (5credits)
1 cours parmi :
Optional ECON2051

Labour economics  (in French) Muriel Dejemeppe, Bruno Van der Linden30h 5credits  x 
Optional ECON2905

Labour Economics (M905 - Hungerbühler)  (in English) N.30h 5credits  x 

MandatoryCours au choix (20credits)
parmi 1) les cours disponibles dans les Options du Master si les pré requis soient satisfaits et exceptés les cours de l'Option Adv Economic Analysis I réservés à la finalité approfondie et des cours des options de Complément d'une spécialisation non suivie, 2) cours correspondants à la KULeuven, 3) un max. de 15 crédits dans d'autres programmes. ATTENTION : l'option "Méthodes quantitative" est vivement recommandée pour les étudiants souhaitant suivre la finalité approfondie. Ou parmi :

OptionalSciences religieuses
1 parmi
Optional SREL2100

Heuristic of the sciences of religions  (in French) Louis-Léon Christians, Jean-Pierre Delville, Jean Leclercq (coord.), Vassilis Saroglou, Jacques Scheuer, Olivier Servais, Matthieu Van Pachterbeke (supplée Vassilis Saroglou)30h 4credits 1+2q xx
Optional TECO1210

Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings  (in French) Joseph Famerée15h 2credits 1q xx
Optional TECO1220

Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith  (in French) Jean Leclercq15h 2credits 1q xx
Optional TECO1230

Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics  (in French) Philippe Cochinaux15h 2credits 2q xx
Optional THEO2261

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions I  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional THEO2262

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions II  (in French) Walter Lesch30h 4credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx

OptionalCours réflexif
1 parmi :
Optional ECON2061

Philosophy and epistemology of the economics  (in French) Christian Arnsperger30h 5credits  xx
Optional ECON2065

History of Economic Thought  (in English) Michel De Vroey30h 5credits  xx
Optional ECON2067

Critical Analysis of Market Economies  (in English) Christian Arnsperger15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
| 21/01/2009 |