PSP 11BA First year of studies |
Foundation studies (60 credits)
Socio-cultural Bases of Behaviour (a choice of one of the following courses)
TECO1210 |
Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée
TECO1220 |
Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean Leclercq
TECO1230 |
Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Philippe Cochinaux
Major in Psychological Sciences and Education
Socio-cultural Bases of Behaviour
PSP1121 |
Elements of philosophy[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Leclercq
PSP1122 |
Introduction to epistemology[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Thiry
must be preceded by PSP 1121, in the same quadrimester
PSP1123 |
Sociology[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Georges Liénard
PSP1125 |
Language sciences[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Michel Hupet
Biological Bases of Behaviour
PSP1131 |
General and genetic Biology[37.5h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe van den Bosch Sanchez de Aguilar
PSP1132 |
Human Physiology[22.5h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Jean Lebacq
PSP1133 |
Neurophysiology[37.5h+4h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
André Roucoux
must be preceded by the PSP 1132, in the same quadrimester
PSP1134 |
Ethology and compared Psychology[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
René Zayan
Psychology and Education Sciences
PSP1120 |
Psychology 1[90h] (8 credits)1q (in French)
Raymond Bruyer, Bernard Rimé
PSP1145 |
Psychologie générale II[45h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Yves Bestgen, Guy Lories
PSP1150 |
Education sciences (I)[30h+15h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
Etienne Bourgeois (coord.), Mariane Frenay, Léopold Paquay
PSP1155 |
Psychologie du développement[75h] (8 credits)1q (in French)
James Day, Xavier Renders
Practices and methods
PSP1118 |
Observation methods[0h+30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
PSP1114 |
Psychology workshops[0h+37.5h] (3 credits)1+2q (in French)
Guy Lories (coord.), Marie-Anne Schelstraete, René Zayan
Language course
ANGL1840A |
English: remediation(2 credits)
PSP 12BA Second year of studies |
Specific studies (60 credits)
Major in Psychological Sciences and Education
Biological Bases of Behaviour
PSP1200 |
Psychophysiologie et neuropsychologie[60h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Marc Crommelinck, Mauro Pesenti, Xavier Seron
Psychology and Health
PSP1267 |
Psychologie et Santé[60h+15h] (6 credits)1q (in French)
Susann Heenen-Wolff, Yves Libert, Murielle Meynckens, Pierre Philippot, Nady Van Broeck
PSP1264 |
Personality and individual psychology[30h+5h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Bernard Rimé
Social, Work and Organisations Psychology
PSP1217 |
Psychologie sociale, du travail et des organisations[90h+15h] (9 credits)2q (in French)
Muriel Dumont, Florence Stinglhamber, Vincent Yzerbyt (coord.)
Educational and Developmental Psychology
PSP1224 |
Education sciences 2[60h+5h] (6 credits)2q (in French)
Etienne Bourgeois, Mariane Frenay (coord.), Léopold Paquay
PSP1226 |
Development psychology[30h+5h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Pierre Feyereisen, Isabelle Roskam, Marie-Anne Schelstraete
Practices and Methods
PSP1271 |
Méthodologie de l'expérimentation[30h+30h] (5 credits)1+2q (in French)
Olivier Corneille, Michel Hupet
PSP1278 |
Psychométrie (y compris édumétrie)[30h+10h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Jacques Grégoire
Language course
ANGL1840B |
Anglais - Compréhension de textes de psychologie(3 credits)
Option (15 credits)
Two possible options :
- minor (opening in another subject; 15
credits in BAC2 + 15 credits in BAC3) : any minor from the other faculties available for the PSP students
- more in-depth intra-faculty courses : 30
credits (15
credits in BAC2 + 15 credits in BAC3) without any prerequisites from the following list :
PSY1401 |
L'animal et les environnements humains[30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
René Zayan
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
PSY1403 |
Psychologie du sport et de l'exercice[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Godin
PSY1404 |
Psychologie, littérature et création[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Lekeuche
PSY1405 |
Psychologie de l'expertise et du témoignage[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Olivier Luminet (coord.), Pierre Philippot, Xavier Seron
PSY1406 |
Psychologie et politique[30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
René Zayan
PSY1408 |
Technologies de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Marcel Lebrun (coord.)
POLS1225 |
Social and cultural anthropology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Robert Deliège
PSP 13BA Third year of studies |
Specific studies (60 credits)
Major in Psychological Sciences
The psy courses : 1332, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1314, 1315,
1317, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1327, constitute the three modules of three
courses each (+ the exercises), introducing the student to the
principal professional domains of the future master of Psychological
Sciences : they thus prepare him for the personal training profile
that he will define for his masters, without constituting an
irreversible choice regarding this profile. The student will
select one module (3 courses + exercises). The six courses of the two
non-selected modules will become part of the available "options". The
exercises of any given module can only be chosen if the three courses
of that module are also selected.
Psychology and Health
PSY1331B |
Psychiatrie et psychopharmacologie 2ème partie[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Philippe Meire, Jean-Paul Roussaux
PSY1334 |
Institutions and practice in clinical psychology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Yves Libert, Murielle Meynckens
Module :
PSY1332 |
Psychopathology[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Philippe Lekeuche
PSY1335 |
Clinical neuropsychology: instrumental and language disorders[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Agnesa Pillon, Xavier Seron
PSY1336 |
Clinical intervention, health and trauma[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Eric Baruffol, Philippe Godin, Guy Lories, Olivier Luminet (coord.)
PSY1337 |
Exercises in psychology and health[0h+30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Nady Van Broeck, Emmanuelle Zech
Social, Work and Organisations Psychology
PSY1313 |
Psychology of social cognition and intergroup relationships[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Vincent Yzerbyt
Module :
PSY1314 |
Human resources psychology[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Florence Stinglhamber
PSY1315 |
Organisational behaviour[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Stéphanie Demoulin
PSY1316 |
Attitude change and social influence[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Olivier Corneille
PSY1317 |
Exercises in social psychology, work and organisational psychology[0h+30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Olivier Corneille, Ginette Herman, Vincent Yzerbyt
Educational and Developmental Psychology
Module :
PSY1323 |
Neuropsychologie de l'enfant[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Marie-Pascale Noël
PSY1324 |
Psychology of disabled persons[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
PSY1325 |
Development, nurture and culture[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Isabelle Roskam
PSY1327 |
Exercises in educational and developmental psychology[0h+30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
Practices and Methods
PSY1344 |
Project[0h+10h] (9 credits)1+2q (in French)
Mariane Frenay (coord.), Guy Lories (coord.)
The project will be in relation with the domain of the module selected.
PSY1345 |
Project tutoring seminar[14h+16h] (2 credits)1+2q (in French)
Mariane Frenay (coord.), Guy Lories (coord.)
PSY1346 |
Deontology of psychological practice[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
Thierry Moreau
PSY1348 |
Psychological interviewing[15h+30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Luc Brackelaire, Anne-Christine Frankard
PSY1350 |
Psychodiagnostic et exercices sur les tests[45h+15h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Jacques Grégoire
Language course (a choice of one of the following courses)
ANGL2440 |
English - Interactive Communication Skills[30h] (3 credits)1+2q
Michel Bartholomé, Estelle Dagneaux, Marie Duelz, Marielle Henriet, Jennifer Moreman, Philippe Neyt, Jean-Paul Nyssen
NEER2440 |
Dutch communication skills for students in psychology[30h] (3 credits)1+2q
Nicole Engelen
ALLE2440 |
German - interactive communication[30h] (3 credits)1+2q
ESPA2440 |
Spanish - Interactive communication[30h] (3 credits)1+2q
Victor Manuel Mendez Villegas
+ the thwo courses and exercises from the module chosen (10 credits)
Option (15 credits)
Continuation of the option from the second year.
- Minor
- In-depth intra-faculty courses :
- any courses without prerequisites from the two majors of the 3rd year which do not constitute the student's principal programme
- the courses of the non-selected modules of the 3rd year in the major in Psychological Sciences
- courses from the following list :
PSY1401 |
L'animal et les environnements humains[30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
René Zayan
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
PSY1403 |
Psychologie du sport et de l'exercice[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Godin
PSY1404 |
Psychologie, littérature et création[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Philippe Lekeuche
PSY1405 |
Psychologie de l'expertise et du témoignage[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Olivier Luminet (coord.), Pierre Philippot, Xavier Seron
PSY1406 |
Psychologie et politique[30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
René Zayan
PSY1408 |
Technologies de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage[30h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Marcel Lebrun (coord.)
TitrePara VIDE
Specific studies (60 credits)
Major in Education Sciences
Major courses in Psychological Sciences
PSY1314 |
Human resources psychology[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Florence Stinglhamber
PSY1323 |
Neuropsychologie de l'enfant[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Marie-Pascale Noël
PSY1324 |
Psychology of disabled persons[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
PSY1325 |
Development, nurture and culture[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Isabelle Roskam
PSY1327 |
Exercises in educational and developmental psychology[0h+30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
PSY1348F |
Entretien psychologique[15h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Luc Brackelaire, Anne-Christine Frankard
Discipline Approaches in Education and in Learning
(a choice of three of the following courses)
FOPA1300 |
Philosophy of education and formation[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Franco Cortesi, Hervé Pourtois
FOPA1302 |
Sociology of education and formation[45h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Emile Charlier, Christian Maroy
FOPA1304 |
Economie de l'éducation et de la formation[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
Olivier Debande, Denis Meuret
FOPA1307 |
History of education and training[30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Dominique Grootaers, Guy Zelis
Participative Observation of Professional Practices
FOPA1340 |
Project (with tutorial seminar)[15h+40h] (11 credits) (in French)
Luc Albarello (coord.)
Continuation of the option from the second year
The following options are available for choice :
PSY1350 |
Psychodiagnostic et exercices sur les tests[45h+15h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Jacques Grégoire
PSY1332 |
Psychopathology[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Philippe Lekeuche
PSY1335 |
Clinical neuropsychology: instrumental and language disorders[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Agnesa Pillon, Xavier Seron
PSY1336 |
Clinical intervention, health and trauma[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Eric Baruffol, Philippe Godin, Guy Lories, Olivier Luminet (coord.)
PSY1337 |
Exercises in psychology and health[0h+30h] (2 credits)2q (in French)
Nady Van Broeck, Emmanuelle Zech
PSY1313 |
Psychology of social cognition and intergroup relationships[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Vincent Yzerbyt
PSY1315 |
Organisational behaviour[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Stéphanie Demoulin
PSP1267 |
Psychologie et Santé[60h+15h] (6 credits)1q (in French)
Susann Heenen-Wolff, Yves Libert, Murielle Meynckens, Pierre Philippot, Nady Van Broeck
TitrePara VIDE
Specific studies (60 credits)
Major in Speech Therapy
Oral language
LOGO1312 |
Oral language : basic processes[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Michel Hupet
LOGO1313 |
Oral language : development[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Michel Hupet
LOGO1341 |
Oral language : disorders and treatment[60h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
Bernadette Pierart
PSYC1340 |
Sociolinguistique et multilinguisme[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
PSYC1339 |
Phonétique générale[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Written language
PSYC1332 |
Langage écrit : processus de base[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
PSYC1334 |
Langage écrit : acquisition et troubles[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
LOGO1399 |
Maîtrise de la langue française(2 credits) (in French)
ORL sphere
PSYC1335F |
A préciser (in French)
LOGO1323 |
Anatomy and physiology of phonation and deglutition[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Marc Remacle
PSYM2512L |
Questions de neurologie (partim)[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
PSYC1336 |
Introduction à la neurologie pédiatrique[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
PSY1335L |
Neuropsychologie clinique: troubles instrumentaux et du langage (partim)[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Agnesa Pillon, Xavier Seron
PSYC1337 |
Cognition numérique[15h] (2 credits)1q (in French)
PSYC1338 |
Introduction à la psychopathologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Option (15 credits)
Continuation of the option started in the second year
- Minor (recommended minor : minor in Linguistics).
- Options : a choice between the following courses
PSY1324 |
Psychology of disabled persons[30h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Nathalie Grosbois
IEPR1024 |
Fundementals of neurophysiology and neuropsychology in motor control and motor learning[45h+0h] (5 credits) (in French)
Marcus Missal, Etienne Olivier
KINE1002 |
Handicaps and psychology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Anne De Volder
KINE1034 |
Psychomotor therapy[7.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Christine Detrembleur
KINE1036 |
Compléments de neurophysiologie[30h+0h] (3 credits) (in French)
Marc Crommelinck, Etienne Olivier (coord.), Léon Plaghki
PSYC1333 |
Psychopédagogie de la personne handicapée[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
PSYC1321 |
Les inadaptations scolaires et leurs rapports avec les systèmes familiaux et culturels[45h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
EDUC1301 |
Analyse des pratiques d'enseignement(2 credits) (in French)
EDUC1351 |
Etude des facteurs de réussite et d'échec à l'école(2 credits) (in French)
PSY1325 |
Development, nurture and culture[30h] (4 credits)2q (in French)
Isabelle Roskam
PSY1331 |
Psychiatrie et psychopharmacologie[60h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Yves Hayez, Jean-Marie Maloteaux, Philippe Meire, Jean-Paul Roussaux, Arlette Seghers
for 2006-2007 : PSY1331A and PSY1331B
PSYC1301 |
Psychopathologie et psychologie clinique[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
PSY1348 |
Psychological interviewing[15h+30h] (5 credits)2q (in French)
Jean-Luc Brackelaire, Anne-Christine Frankard
PSYC1305 |
Initiation à la pratique de l'entretien[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
PSY1350 |
Psychodiagnostic et exercices sur les tests[45h+15h] (4 credits)1q (in French)
Jacques Grégoire
ANGL2440 |
English - Interactive Communication Skills[30h] (3 credits)1+2q
Michel Bartholomé, Estelle Dagneaux, Marie Duelz, Marielle Henriet, Jennifer Moreman, Philippe Neyt, Jean-Paul Nyssen
FLTR1560 |
General linguistics[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Bart Defrancq
ROM1421 |
Synchronic approaches to French[30h+22.5h] (5 credits)1q (in French)
Michel Francard, Françoise Masuy (supplée Anne-Catherine Simon), Françoise Masuy (supplée Michel Francard), Anne-Catherine Simon
ROM1312 |
French Linguistics: Discourse Analysis[30h] (3 credits)2q (in French)
Anne-Catherine Simon
ROM1313 |
French Linguistics: General Issues in Linguistics[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Klein
ROM1311 |
Romance Linguistics[30h] (3 credits)1q (in French)
Jean Klein