- to draw the interrelations between the basic concepts of the theory of Piaget;
- to understand how the research methods, such as experimental method and systematic observation used in other fields of psychology, could be inserted in a developmental view;
- to understand the coherence between the piagetian concepts and their extension in the neopiagetian researches;
- to situate the works of Piaget and Vygotsky in their historical context; to understand the conplementarity between both authors' approaches.

Main themes
- detailed survey of the basic concepts of the theory of Piaget.
- survey of the general concepts in human developmental psychology and of its own research methods, namely about the life-span developmental psychology. This part of the course leans namely on the detailed analysis of some researches on social interactions, inserted in a neopiagetian perspective and a neovygotskian perspective. It refers to the themes of socio-cognitive conflict and of tutoring.
- contribution of developmental psychology for the psychologue professional practice

Content and teaching methods
Lectures with audiovisual documents, exerpts of texts of Piaget, texts of other authros written in a didactic perspective and recent papers.
Group work on some given questions, sharing of the works and feedback of the professor.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course is inserted in the following curriculum:
- enhancement of the notions on the theory of Piaget, briefly presented in PSP 1160 (Psychology of child and adolescent);
- transposition into recent empirical studies of the basic concepts about the work of Vygotsky, presented in PSP 1150 (Educational sciences 1)
- link with other courses about the recearch methods in psychology
- basic notions for some courses of the master

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
(4 credits)
