- to acquaint with the contents of the psychology of sport and exercise

Main themes
This course brings to the fore the fact that the psychological aspect influences sport practice and exercise and conversely. The psychology of sport principally leans on a conception of the normal human being, but in peculiar situations.
The psychology laws principally find their applications in looking for a better efficacy, related to some welfare (emotional control, motivation theories, personality, aggressiveness, group cohesion
Sport and exercise are considered through various classes of population: child, adolescent, young talented sportsman, high level athlete, physically and mentally handicapped, delinquents and also various classes of population according to culture and gender. The application to these categories shows how sport and exercise can in some cases and in certain conditions, favour fulfillment, recovering of good mental and physical health, rehabilitation and can still be a mean to excel oneself or to face extreme situations.
The excessive and deviant aspects are also presented (burn-out, food disorders, dependence...).
Presentation of some scientifically validated tools, technics and methods for mental and psychological preparation.

Content and teaching methods
Historical context of the conceptions of human being in connection with the psychology of sport.
- the main fields in the psychology of sport and their theoretical aspects: motor learning - personality - motivation - level of physiological activation and role of emotional factors - attention, perception and information processing - self-esteem - leadership... and their practical implications.
The practice of physical and sports activity according to gender, cultures, specific populations (child, adolescent, senior, adult, handicapped, ...), work and business competition.
