The monitorship is given during the whole year in 2 parts:
1. A first approach of scientific papers in the various fields of Psychology and Educational sciences:
- to familiarise students with experimental research by their participation as subjects in various experiments run in the Faculty
- to introduce the students to a process which narrowly links up scientific research strictness and the contents of psychological disciplines
- to develop analytic and synthetic abilities, and to train students to writing summaries
- to train to logical reasoning and to critical survey of a text and of other sources of information
2. The mastering of a methodology fitted for university studies. These optional sessions are designed:
- to delimit the set of factors contributing to the adaptation to university life
- to help the students to analyse the academic requirements: what type of work should be accomplished in order to succeed in the studies?
- to allow the students to delimit their weaknesses and their strengths, and to adapt them according to their project
- together with the students, to look for the adapted means allowing them to reach their aims

Main themes
The monitorship aims to introduce the students to various research levels, on one hand by favouring their synthetic and reflection abilities by a direct contact with the scientific literature in psychology and in education sciences, and on the other hand by planning a specific program for the methodology of university work (optional).
The monitorship also includes practical works allowing the students to discover the wide variety of the scientific activities inside the Faculty by taking part in various experiments.

Content and teaching methods
1. Scientific publications: each student will choose a paper in one of the proposed journals and will summarise it conforming to the specific standards of a scientific report. The text will be presented to the coordinator and the students will be asked to present their work in small groups guided by a monitor.
2. Practical works: each student must total up to 300 minutes of participation as subject in some of the proposed researches.
3. Methodology of university work: this includes workshops on how to work on the courses, to plan the study, and to prepare the exams.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Summary of a scientific paper + writtent report at the end of the workshops (optional)
Course outline

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
(3 credits)
