At the end of the course the students should be able:
- to critically find one's bearing into specialised literature about oral language disorders and their treatment
- to plan the assessment of oral language disorders, to introduce the therapeutic devices to treat them and to control their efficacy.

Main themes
The main thread of the course is developmental. From the description of the construction of intraoral cues which are a prerequisite for articulation, up to the emergence of the phonological, lexical semantic, morphosyntactic, pragmatic, metalinguistic components of oral language, this main thread integrates the related pronunciation pathologies, tackling all their facets, including the psychological and socio-affective ones. The various matters reflect the importance of the eight pathologies considered and their theoretical and research stakes.

Content and teaching methods
- Disorders and treatments of the oro-facial pathologies disrupting a correct use of the intraoral cues (8h): orthodontics, tubal orthophony, rhinolalias.
- Articulation disorders, phonology disorders and their treatment (10h). Dysphasias and simple language retardations (25h), and their dyspraxic, linguistic, metalinguistic, cognitive and socio-affective components.
- pragmatic disorders: adult and child stammering, cluttering (12h).
- control of the therapeutic efficiency, through all the pathologies (5h).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The following courses: Anatomo-physiology of the phonation and audition organs, General phonetics, Genetic psychology, Genetic psycholinguistics (language development), General psychology, Language examination (approaches and tests).
Written exam about the acquisitions for each pathology.
Three-dimensional models to illustrate orofacial pathologies.
Videos, patient's protocols to illustrate the other pathologies.
Course outline and readings portfolio

Other credits in programs
Année d'études préparatoires au master en logopédie
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en logopédie)
