At the end of the course the students will be able:
- to analyse the various types of interviews
- to know their basis and their peculiarities
- to assess the relational dynamics and the psychological processes implied
- to spot the position and attitudes used by the practitioner
- to realise personally an interview and to assess it

Main themes
To teach the students the analysis and practice of the interview:
- according to the aims they pursue in various fields
- according to the peculiarities of the beneficiaries (age, sex, socio-cultural background
- according to the modes of intervention (individual, group, institution)

Content and teaching methods
Major themes:
- the aims of the psychological interview: research, case work, help, diagnosis, therapy
- the interview setting : space, time, variables likely to influence the interview
- the analysis of the supply and demand
- the attitudes of the practitioner (listening, empathy, authenticity, respect
- relational dynamics (projection, identification, transference and countertransference)
Lectures and practical work sessions.
The lectures present the theoretical cues essential to the personal and active engagement of the students.
The major part of the 30 hours (vol.2) devoted to the practical works is organised in sessions supervised by tutors having themselves an experience in the interview practical training.
Role playing and detailed qualitative analysis of the interviews carried on by the students.
Part 1 : lecture : the various types of interviews and their modes of intervention. Key-notions and presentation of the framework of the two interviews each student will have to carry out individually.
Part 2 : individual and group work : first interview and first group analysis

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The course "Introduction to clinical psychology"
Appraisal of the student engagement in the personal practice of actual interviews and analysis of these interviews in group. Final assessment on the written report (verbatim report of the interviews and analysis according to a theme studied in the course)
Course outline and readings portfolio.
Tutoring staff

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en sciences psychologiques)
(5 credits)
