- to give a survey of the running of a company/organisation and of the space taken by the human resources management (GRH) in the managerial politics and strategies.
- to explain the main assignments and functions of GRH, in the light of psychosociology, in relationship with the various socio-institutional and economical contexts.
- to tackle the main conceptions and theoretical models transverse to the various aspects of GRH (individual and collective competences, qualification and quality, psychological assessment of the persons and job analysis, socialisation and learning, organisational configurations
- to present the main methods, procedures and devices used in the various fields of GRH.

Main themes
Historical and comparative approach of the GRH main fields of action, particularly recruitment and assignment, capacity evaluation and career management, training and development of individuals and labour teams, evaluation of labour and performances, professional and organisational identities, in- and outplacement.
Theoretical and critical presentation of the various models of competence (and related concepts) and of the corresponding fields (personality, professional interests, aptitudes, cognitive and psychosocial components) and methods (interviews, tests, simulations, assessment centres, biographic inventories).
Validation of the methods and techniques assessing the persons and their performances at work: construction
principles, reliability, validity, utility value analyses, appraisal contexts, ethical dimensions. Survey of the various forms of planning, management and appraisal of the training actions in the organisations (needs analysis, objective setting, structured operational plan, piloting, quality control, appraisal and audit). Analysis of the methods and technics used, of the developed training devices, of the underlying theoretical conceptions, of the organisational variables determining its implementation and efficiency.

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil chimiste
(4 credits)
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Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en sciences psychologiques)
(4 credits)
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Année d'études préparatoires au master en sciences psychologiques
(4 credits)
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