To teach students :
- to analyse the links between cultural and economical inequalities
- to assess the micro- and macro-sociological effects of teaching or training actions and politics (introduced by institutions or by associations)
- to catch the external determinations weighing on the systems of education and training
- to understand the behaviours of the people acting inside the educational system
- to distinguish and to link critical analysis and axiologic approach

Main themes
The analysis focuses on the link between the macrosocial (debates on the ends of education and training; social groups and their education practices; the networks and their pillars, etc.), mesosocial (the institutions, sections, classes and their hierarchy, the practical organisation of education and training) and microsocial (relationships between the actors in the framework of education and training and their effects on the achievements) stages.

Content and teaching methods
In order to be able to analyse the system of education and training, here and now, the students will be given theoretical references and factual informations on this system. The theoretical references will be given through the analysis of concrete situations, so that they could catch the particular structure of our education and training system.
One of the major aim is to catch how the external influences contribute to make evolve the national, communitarian or regional politics and to point out their effects on daily practice in all the institutions and organisations concerned. The aim is also to catch how singular interests manage to compel recognition and to direct these politics. In the lectures as in the case studies, the course aims at shedding light on the reciprocal influences between the stages.
Another aim is to understand the people connection with knowledge and with training, according to their history and their position in the social relationships, to their culture and to their experience.
A third aim is to analyse the link with the game rules and the distance with the roles in the framework of the interactions between actors inside the institutions.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
The pedagogy adapted to adults includes the link theory/practice, work in groups, formative evaluation, collective and individual taking over of the contents. Illustrations in the various fields of adults education and formation: lifelong education, special education, continuing education, educational field, etc.

Other credits in programs
Année d'études préparatoires au master en sciences de l'éducation
(6 credits)
