- to supply an overall view on the cognitive processes implied in the production, the memorisation and the comprehension of language, in normal adults.

Main themes
The subject matter is organised on 4 lines:
a) organisation of the mental lexicon and of the processes of access to the lexical units, for the production and the comprehension, in the written and the oral.
b) Syntaxic processes, in the light of the late linguistic models (shortly presented) and of the empirical works on the sentence production and comprehension.
c) Macro-organisation of discourse or text: impact of the inferences on semantic integration, discourse segmentation and planning, regulation of conversational exchanges.
d) Contextual (pragmatic) variables in their effects on the production and comprehension of the utterance: speech acts, presuppositions, cooperation between speakers.

Content and teaching methods
The subject matter is organised on 4 lines:
a) organisation of the mental lexicon and of the processes of access to the lexical units, for the production and the comprehension, in the written and the oral.
b) Syntaxic processes, in the light of the late linguistic models (shortly presented) and of the empirical works on the sentence production and comprehension.
c) Macro-organisation of discourse or text: impact of the inferences on semantic integration, discourse segmentation and planning, regulation of conversational exchanges.
d) Contextual (pragmatic) variables in their effects on the production and comprehension of the utterance: speech acts, presuppositions, cooperation between speakers.

Other credits in programs
Année d'études préparatoires au master en linguistique
(3 credits)
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Année d'études préparatoires au master en logopédie
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation (majeure en logopédie)
