- to understand the main theories on learning and their pedagogical implications in educational situations.
- to analyse the educational situations in the light of the various theories tackled in the course.
- to approach the diversity of educational practices.

Main themes
- conceptual clarification of the basic notions in educational sciences.
- introduction to education as a practice field (particularly in the belgian context).
- historical survey of the learning theories applied to the educational field (from the end of 19th up to now).
- thorough examination of the various theoretical currents in the psychology of learning and their educational implications.

Content and teaching methods
- general introduction (clarification of the basic concepts)
- historical survey of the learning theories applied to the educational field
- the behaviourist, cognitivist, constructivist, socio-constructivist and historico-cultural currents and their implications in education
- the theories of learning motivation and their implications in education
- in-class session: theoretical lectures, questions/answers on the home readings, case studies, testimonies of field professionals and exercises
- group works: case studies, various exercises and supervised formative tests
- personal work: prepared readings, case studies and exercises

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
- certificative assessment by multiple choice questionnaire focused on the analysis and understanding abilities (see aims)
- continuous formative assessment: formative exercises and tests corrected during the year
course outline and website (iCampus)

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
(5 credits)
