Core courses [60.0]
Dissertation and dissertation seminar (30 credits)
Dissertation and work placement in Natural Language Processing (30 credits)
For students doing the professional focus in automatic language processing, the dissertation includes a laboratory research placement of a minimum of 7 weeks which is an essential part of the dissertation. For these students, the 30 credits awarded for the dissertation are spread as follows :FR
q1+q2 5 credits
q1+q2 15 credits
Dissertation LAMUSO (30 credits)
For students taking the LAMUSO focus, the 30 credits linked specifically to the dissertation are divided as follows :
q1+q2 5 credits
q1+q2 25 credits
Methodology course (15 credits)
One of the two following courses :
One of the two following courses :
q1 30h+10h 5 credits
> Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
> Cédrick Fairon
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
q1 22.5h 5 credits
> Amandine Dumont (compensates Gaëtanelle Gilquin)
> Gaëtanelle Gilquin
Amandine Dumont (compensates Gaëtanelle Gilquin)
Linguistics course (15 credits)
One of the two following courses :
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Iulia Grosman (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Iulia Grosman (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
One of the two following courses :
One of the two following courses :
Additional language course (3 to 5 credits maximum)
Students whose level of English does not enable them to read academic articles may add to their programme one or two of the following English courses provided justification is given. Students who have a particular interest in sign language may add one course (5 credits) to their programme, provided justification is given. The additional course will form part of the overall Master¿s programme which will total more than 120 credits
q1 or q2 30h 3 credits
> Timothy Byrne
> Philippe Denis (coord.)
Timothy Byrne
LSIGN1101 French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) - Breakthrough level (A1) -Complete beginners
This course is only available to a restricted number of students. A selection procedure based on motivation is held at the beginning of the academic year at the Modern Languages Institute.
List of focuses
The student chooses one of the following focuses :
Professional Focus : Natural Language Processing [30.0]
This professional focus trains students in language industry tools (spell-checking, speech recognition, machine translation, document management, etc.). With its strong business focus, this specialization welcomes guest researchers (from academia and business) and offers a company internship.
For further information: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/ilc/cental (https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/ilc/cental)
Computer studies (10 credits)
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
> Kim Mens
> Siegfried Nijssen
> Charles Pecheur
Kim Mens
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> Guillaume Derval (compensates Pierre Dupont)
Guillaume Derval (compensates Pierre Dupont)
Automatic Language Processing (20 credits)
q1 22.5h 5 credits
> English-friendly
> Anaïs Tack (compensates Cédrick Fairon)
Anaïs Tack (compensates Cédrick Fairon)
Professional Focus : Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society [30.0]
The master degree specialisation "Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society" (LAMUSO) focuses on usage-based models and methods in language research and their applications, especially in multilingual contexts. It provides a combination of fundamental courses in various domains of linguistics and more practice-oriented modules related to several fields of activity. One of the main features of the programme is its strong multilingual component. It can be followed entirely in English or in a combination of languages (Dutch, English, French, German), and students have access to advanced descriptive courses of these languages.
The aim of the LAMUSO programme is to satisfy the growing demand from both public and private sectors for professionals combining excellent language skills in two or more languages and solid linguistic theory and methodology. Hence, the programme trains students to become professionals in fields such as language teaching, language curriculum design, language syllabus design, language testing, language policy, language technologies, etc.
Access to high-level training in scientific research is also provided thanks to the strong collaboration between the linguistics programme and several top research centres hosted by the research Institute for Language and Communication.
Students enrolled in the LAMUSO specialization are encouraged to apply for an Erasmus grant to cover a period of study at a university offering an interesting range of linguistics courses.
- Germany: Erlangen-Nürnberg or Giessen;
- France: Paris 7, Grenoble-Alpes;
- Switzerland: Fribourg, Geneva;
- The Netherlands: Leiden or Nijmegen;
- Sweden: Lund;
- Finland: Jyväskylä.
Academic writing skills (5 credits)
Students take 5 credits in a language, chosen on the basis of their previous courses : places on the courses in academic writing in a foreign language (German, English, French or Dutch) is reserved for students who had this language as their major subject at Bachelor¿s level or who can prove they have the required level by having passed an official examination (TOEFL, CNAVT, TestDaF, etc.). For non-Francophone students who wish to take LFRAN1405, there is a test of their level at the beginning
Students at level B2+ in English
q2 15h+22.5h 5 credits
> Amélie Bulon (compensates Fanny Meunier)
Amélie Bulon (compensates Fanny Meunier)
Students learning French
Francophone students (native)
q1 7.5h 5 credits
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Students at level C1 in Dutch
Students at level B2+ in German
Work placement (10 credits)
LLING9995 Work placement in a research laboratory or a company
The language used during the internship and in the internship report will depend on where the internship takes place. The choice of language must be approved by the academic coordinator.
Linguistic courses (15 credits)
Students may choose their 15 credits from one or more of the six suggested linguistic fields.
Comparative and contrastive linguistics
q1 30h 10 credits
> French-friendly
> Sylvie De Cock
> Barbara De Cock
> Marie-Aude Lefer
> Costantino Maeder
> Ferran Suner Munoz
> Kristel Van Goethem (coord.)
Sylvie De Cock
q2 30h 5 credits
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
q2 15h 10 credits
> Wout Van Praet (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
Wout Van Praet (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
Regardless of the chosen focus, students must complete their programme with 30 credits.
Students may take:
the option in Digital Culture and Ethics (15 credits) and make up the 15 remaining credits with optional courses;
the interdisciplinary program in Entrepreneurship (30 crédits);
optional courses worth 30 credits.
Students specialising in NLP and taking the option in Digital Culture and Ethics must give priority to additional courses in the "Computational linguistics and computer science" section of the optional courses.
Note: If certain optional courses offered in options or taken as optional courses are also available in the core curriculum or in a professional focus, they must not comprise more than 6 credits.
Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship [30.0]
The interdisciplinary program in Entrepreneurship (CPME) extends over two annual blocks and is part of the Master's programme. Students choosing this option are brought together in cross-disciplinary teams to create businesses. Admission is limited to students selected based on their academic record. Further details are available at: https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/cpme/le-programme.html (https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/cpme).
This course is compulsory for students who do not have any management prerequisites. Students who have taken the minor in Management or the minor in Entrepreneurship do not have to take this course.
Compulsory courses (20 credits)
Additional courses (5 credits)
Students who do not have to take the LCPME2021 prerequisite choose 10 credits from the following courses:
q1 30h 5 credits
> Raphaël Betti (compensates James Thewissen)
> Quentin Colmant
Raphaël Betti (compensates James Thewissen)
q1 30h+15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Benoît Macq
> Jean-Pierre Raskin
> Benoît Raucent
Benoît Macq
q1+q2 15h+45h 5 credits
> Stéphanie Merle
> Jean-Pierre Raskin (coord.)
Stéphanie Merle
Option in Digital Culture and Ethics [15.0]
The digital has transformed our lives and culture to the extent to which everything takes place nowadays in “digital space,” as our own space, time, and existence are all deeply digitalized. In the “culture of connectivity,” the digital is ubiquitous, we are, one way or another, always online, while technology is no longer just ‘at hand’, but already intimately infiltrating and fusing with our thoughts, our sensations, and even our bodies.
The Digital Culture and Ethics Option offers courses focusing on such profound changes brought about by the digital in all walks of life and academic disciplines alike. It invites the students to reflect critically and creatively on the resulting large-scale evolutions and equips them with the right skills and tools for approaching their subject matters from cutting-edge and presently much needed, genuinely effective and encompassing perspectives.
The topics and practical applications taught in this option also open up the scope of our specialized fields to wider cross-disciplinary viewpoints, thus making us ready to be professionally versatile and successful in a deeply transformed digital world.
q1 22.5h 5 credits
> Cédric Byl
> Charles Pence (coord.)
Cédric Byl
One course from the list below : (5 credits)
LHIST2600 Digital Practices in History Professions
This course is only open to students with a Master's degree in history or who have taken the minor in history
q2 15h 5 credits
q1 15h 5 credits
q2 30h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Axel Gosseries
> Olivier Pereira
Axel Gosseries
q2 20h 5 credits
> Julien Boelaert (compensates Christine Schnor)
Julien Boelaert (compensates Christine Schnor)
q2 30h 5 credits
> Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
> Alain Strowel (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Enguerrand Marique (compensates Christophe Lazaro)
Optional courses [30.0]
To ensure coherence of their studies, students must select their optional courses from those listed below.
Note: Some optional courses are also available in the core curriculum or the LAMUSO professional focus, but the courses taken may not exceed 6 credits. No computer science course may be chosen in the Natural Language Processing professional focus.
It is recommended that students following the NLP professional focus choose their optional courses in the "Computational and Computer Linguistics" section.
A maximum of 6 credits can be chosen from the Option in Digital Culture and Ethics is tolerated. Student's programme is submitted to the approval of the president or secretary of the jury.
Comparative and contrastive linguistics
Introductory course to linguistic typology, comparative grammar and contrastive linguistics between at least two languages.
q1 15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Maïté Dupont (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
Maïté Dupont (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
q1 26h 5 credits
Discourse and society
Courses taken at the Communication School of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences, and courses in discourse analysis and sociolinguistics.
q2 30h 5 credits
> Sébastien Fevry
> Adeline Werry (compensates Sébastien Fevry)
Sébastien Fevry
q2 22.5h 5 credits
Psychology and language
Introductory course to the cognitive processes involved in processing language, in particular oral language. These courses are taken at the Faculty of Psychology.
q1 45h 4 credits
> Elise Brassart
> Jolijn Vanderauwera
Elise Brassart
Modern language linguistics
Courses in linguistics of five different languages: French, Dutch, English, German and Spanish. Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required in order to take these courses. The courses are taught in the relevant language. Note: Students enrolled in the LAMUSO specialization may not accumulate credits for courses already taken as part of their curriculum.
French linguistics
q2 30h 5 credits
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
English linguistics
q2 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
Dutch linguistics
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
German linguistics
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
30h+15h 5 credits
Spanish linguistics
q1 45h 6 credits
39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
Computational linguistics and computer science
Courses in algorithmics, database design, programming, etc. Several courses may be taken at KU Leuven. These courses enable students pursuing the professional focus in Natural Language Processing to complete their programme by enhancing their training in computer science.
Prerequisite in computing
These courses are recommended for students who have not undergone equivalent training.
q1 30h+15h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> Anaïs Tack (compensates Pierre Dupont)
Anaïs Tack (compensates Pierre Dupont)
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
> Sébastien Jodogne
> Ramin Sadre
> Pierre Schaus
Sébastien Jodogne
Optional activities
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
> French-friendly
> John Lee
> Michel Verleysen
John Lee
q2 30h 5 credits
q1 33h 5 credits
q1 33h 5 credits
q2 26h 5 credits
q2 26h 5 credits
Linguistics applied to language teaching and learning
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Pauline Degrave (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
Pauline Degrave (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
q1 15h 5 credits
> Françoise Masuy
> Emmanuelle Rassart
Françoise Masuy
Other courses
To be chosen from the Faculty or University programmes, with the agreement of the Programme Committee Chair and the Examination Board Secretary. Students must check with the lecturer in charge that they may take the course(s) in question.
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
What is a preparatory module?
It is a set of supplementary classes (courses, practical works, seminars, etc.) from the first cycle (see the non-exhaustive list below). The complementary module (maximum 60 credits) is tailor-made by the jury according to the student's educational background and added to the Master’s programme in order to acquire fundamental knowledge to then pursue the 120 credits of the Master’s programme.
Who is it for?
- Students from a non-university higher education institution
- Candidates admitted with additional training
- Candidates admitted on the file with additional training
All the explanations are in this document (in French).
Core subjects (45 credits)
q2 45h+10h 5 credits
> Jean Leclercq
> Laurence Van Ypersele
Jean Leclercq
q2 30h 3 credits
> Philippe Hambye
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Philippe Hambye
q1 60h 6 credits
> Arnaud Szmalec
> Gilles Vannuscorps
Arnaud Szmalec
LROM1112 Introduction to the Study of French and Romance Languages and Literature : Trends, Concepts, Methods
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
> Mattia Cavagna
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Philippe Hambye
Mattia Cavagna
Optional courses (10 credits)
Depending on their training, students may choose from the courses below for a maximum of 10 credits (maximum of two different languages having formed part of the initial training).
French linguistics
q1 45h 5 credits
> Anne Dister (compensates Cédrick Fairon)
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Anne Dister (compensates Cédrick Fairon)
German linguistics
English linguistics
Dutch linguistics
q2 22.5h+5h 5 credits
> Philippe Hiligsmann
> Kristel Van Goethem
Philippe Hiligsmann