Tronc commun [30.0]MLSMM2200 Final Master's Thesis
q1+q2 18 credits
MLSMM2201 Master's Thesis SeminarMLSMM2202 Internship with CoachingFR
q1+q2 30h 10 creditsTeacher(s):
> Catherine D'Hondt
> Isabelle Platten
Catecoine D'Hondt
Professional Focus [30.0]Content:MLSMM2220 Seminar on Current Managerial Issues
q1+q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Olivier de Wasseige
> Alain Vas
Olivier de Wasseige
MSHUM2201 Compétences relationnellesMLSMM2112 Corporate FinanceMLSMM2114 People & Organization ManagementFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Gaëtan Bonny
> Gaëtan Bonny (compensates Laurent Taskin)
Gaëtan Bonny
MLSMM2113 Strategic MarketingMLSMM2111 Corporate Social ResponsibilityFR
q2 30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Laurent Lievens
> Vincent Truyens
Laurent Lievens
MLSMM2218 Performance ManagementLes étudiants partants en échange ne doivent pas s'inscrire à cette unité d'enseignement de la finalité spécialiée à l'UCLouvain mais doivent en trouver l'équivalence dans leur destination d'échange. -
Cours de langues étrangères obligatoires
Langues étrangères - niveau avancé 1 [5.0]Content:MANGL2163 Advanced English 1
q1+q2 0h+30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jessica Degroote
> Céline Gouverneur (coord.)
> Guy Monfort
Jessica Degroote
MNEER2164 Advanced Dutch 1NL
q1+q2 0h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Erika Copriau (coord.)
> Bruno Michiels
Erika Copriau (coord.)
MESPA2165 Advanced Spanish 1ES
q1+q2 0h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Langues étrangères - niveau avancé 2 [5.0]Content:MANGL2236 Advanced English 2
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jessica Degroote
> Caroline Lambert
> Yannick Paquin (compensates Karen Ratcliffe)
Jessica Degroote
MNEER2238 Advanced Dutch 2NL
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Erika Copriau
> Bruno Michiels (coord.)
Erika Copriau
MESPA2237 Advanced Spanish 2ES
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Major Financial Management (Mons) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1MLSMM2121 Derivative SecuritiesFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
MLSMM2122 Equity ValuationMLSMM2123 Fixed Income AnalysisFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anh Nguyen
> Anh Nguyen (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Anh Nguyen
Term 2MLSMM2124 Behavioural FinanceMLSMM2125 Portfolio ManagementMLSMM2126 Risk Management & Financial Institutions -
Major Auditing & Accounting Expertise (Mons) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1MLSMM2141 Internal Control & Risk ManagementMLSMM2142 Belgian Accounting Law (BE GAAP)MLSMM2143 Valuation RulesTerm 2MLSMM2145 IAS & IFRS -
Major Tactical & Digital Marketing Decisions (Mons) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1MLSMM2131 Retailing & Distribution ManagementMLSMM2132 Price ManagementFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Caroline Ducarroz
> Nadia Sinigaglia
Caroline Ducarroz
MLSMM2133 Product & InnovationTerm 2MLSMM2134 e-Consumer BehaviorMLSMM2135 Methods & Models in MarketingFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Caroline Ducarroz
> Nadia Sinigaglia
Caroline Ducarroz
MLSMM2136 Trends in Digital Marketing -
Major People Management (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Quadrimestre 1LLSMS2070 Organizational Diagnostic (in French)LLSMS2072 Clinical Sociology of work (in French)FR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> John Cultiaux (compensates Thomas Périlleux)
John Cultiaux (compensates Thomas Périlleux)
LLSMF2007 Change Management (in French)FR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
> Emilie Malcourant (compensates Alain Vas)
Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
Term 2LLSMS2071 Diversity ManagementLLSMS2073 Strategic Human Resource ManagementEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marie Antoine
> Gaëtan Bonny
> Philippe Depaepe
Marie Antoine
Interdisciplinary Program in Entrepreneurship (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LCPME2001 Théorie de l'entrepreneuriatCours au choix CPME (5 credits)Un cours parmi :
LLSMX2001 Regenerative EconomyLLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial Finance (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
> James Thewissen
Yue Zhang
Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
q1 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Benoît Macq
> Jean-Pierre Raskin
> Benoît Raucent
Benoît Macq
Term 2Cours au choix CPME (5 credits)1 cours parmi :
LLSMS2080 International Entrepreneurship (in English)Attention : sélection des étudiants sur dossier
LCPME2005 Social and Sustainable EntrepreneurshipLSST1001 IngénieuxSudFR
q1+q2 15h+45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Merle
> Jean-Pierre Raskin (coord.)
Stéphanie Merle
Major European Business (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Quadrimestre 1LLSMS2018 European Corporate GovernanceEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Karine Cerrada Cristia
> Philippe Lambrecht
Karine Cerrada Cristia
LLSMS2060 European Economic Policy (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Per Joakim Agrell
> Eric Cornuel
> Sophie Wilmès
Per Joakim Agrell
LLSMS2064 European Public Affairs (in English)Quadrimestre 2LLSMS2061 Corporate Strategy in Europe -
Major International Business (LLN) [30.0]
Access to this major is limited to students selected on the basis of an application file. More informations about the selection. (https://uclouvain.be/en/faculties/lsm/ib.html) You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial Finance (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
> James Thewissen
Yue Zhang
Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
LLSMS2002 International MarketingLLSMS2030 Supply Chain Management (in English)Term 2LLSMS2114 EntrepreneurshipLLSMS2299 New Economic Models -
Major Corporate Finance (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial Finance (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
> James Thewissen
Yue Zhang
Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
LLSMS2017 IAS/IFRSLLSMS2108 Current Issues in Finance (in English)Term 2LLSMS2110 Empirics in Corporate FinanceLLSMS2118 Project Evaluation -
Major International Finance (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2027 Capital markets and innovationsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
> Leonardo Iania (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
LLSMS2128 Central Banking and Financial StabilityTerm 2LLSMS2140 Financial RiskLLSMS2029 International financial managementEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Bertrand Candelon (compensates Leonardo Iania)
Tom Dechaene
Bertrand Candelon (compensates Leonardo Iania)
Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2000 Marketing ResearchLLSMS2002 International MarketingLLSMS2007 New Business Models and E-commerceTerm 2LLSMS2003 Brand Management (in English)EN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré
> Doriane Magnus (compensates Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré)
> Gordy Pleyers
Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré
Major Consumer Insights (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2001 Consumer BehaviorLLSMS2021 Managing Brand EquityEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thierry Jupsin (compensates Valérie Swaen)
Thierry Jupsin (compensates Valérie Swaen)
LLSMS2024 Marketing StudiesTerm 2LLSMS2022 Customer Relationship Management(CRM)EN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Pierre-Yves Boucau (compensates Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré)
Pierre-Yves Boucau (compensates Nicolas Kervyn de Meerendré)
LLSMS2023 Ethical and Sustainable ConsumptionEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Coline Ruwet
Coline Ruwet (compensates Valérie Swaen)
Coline Ruwet
Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [30.0]
You can find the major's brochure here.
Content:Term 1LLSMS2281 Sustainable Management and Value ChainsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Carsten Reuter
Carsten Reuter
Term 2LCPME2005 Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
LSM Mons courses (if no exchange)
Cours au choix [5.0]Content:L'étudiant partant en échange ne doit pas s'inscrire à un cours au choix.
MLSMM2211 Management of SMEsFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Karl Colin (compensates Amélie Jacquemin)
Karl Colin (compensates Amélie Jacquemin)
MLSMM2212 TaxationUnité d'enseignement obligatoire pour les étudiants ayant pris la majeure et l'option "Révisorat et expertise comptable". Elle sera prise en compte pour les dispenses à l'IRE.
Options (alternative à l'échange)
Option Transport & Logistics (Mons) [15.0]Content:MLSMM2251 Modelling of Transport SystemsMLSMM2252 Supply Chain ManagementMLSMM2253 Transport & Mobility
MONS - Entrepreneurship [15.0]Content:MLSMM2261 Collective EntrepreneurshipMLSMM2262 Entrepreneuriat technologiqueMLSMM2263 Doing Entrepreneurship
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> David Valentiny (compensates Amélie Jacquemin)
David Valentiny (compensates Amélie Jacquemin)
Option Professional Immersion in Digital Marketing (Mons) [25.0]
This option is for students who wish to specialize in Digital Marketing. It is given during the two terms of the annual block 2. It must be combined with a major in marketing (followed in annual block 1) and is only accessible on file.
Content:MLSMM2231 Digital Data AnalysisCette unité d'enseignement se déroule au second quadrimestre en parallèle de MLSMM2233 Immersion professionnelle 2 - mise en oeuvre.
MLSMM2232 Digital Marketing Seminar - Part 1MLSMM2233 Digital Marketing Seminar - Part 2Cette unité d'enseignement remplace le stage obligatoire de Master pour l'étudiant inscrit à cette option.
Option Auditing & Accounting Expertise (Mons) [15.0]Content:MLSMM2247 Audit & Professional SkillsMLSMM2249 International Standards on AuditingMLSMM2248 Insolvency LawMLSMM2140 Ethics & Legal Requirements of External ControlsUnité d'enseignement prise en compte pour les dispenses IRE.
q1 45h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Victor Collin
Bernard Vandenborre
Victor Collin
Option Marketing Communication (Mons) [15.0]
Option Marketing Decision (Mons) [15.0]Content:MLSMM2131 Retailing & Distribution ManagementMLSMM2132 Price Management
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Caroline Ducarroz
> Nadia Sinigaglia
Caroline Ducarroz
MLSMM2133 Product & Innovation -
Option Asset Management (Mons) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in Financial Management
Content:MLSMM2121 Derivative SecuritiesFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
MLSMM2122 Equity ValuationMLSMM2123 Fixed Income AnalysisFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anh Nguyen
> Anh Nguyen (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Anh Nguyen
Option People Management (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in People Management.
Content:LLSMS2070 Organizational Diagnostic (in French)LLSMS2072 Clinical Sociology of work (in French)FR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> John Cultiaux (compensates Thomas Périlleux)
John Cultiaux (compensates Thomas Périlleux)
LLSMF2007 Change Management (in French)FR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
> Emilie Malcourant (compensates Alain Vas)
Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
Option Corporate Finance (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in Corporate Finance
Content:LLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial Finance (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
> James Thewissen
Yue Zhang
Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
LLSMS2017 IAS/IFRSLLSMS2108 Current Issues in Finance (in English) -
Option Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in « Consumer Insights »
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands
Content:LLSMS2000 Marketing ResearchLLSMS2002 International MarketingLLSMS2007 New Business Models and E-commerce -
Option Consumer Insights (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in « Marketing Strategy for Connected Brands»
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Consumer Insights
Content:LLSMS2001 Consumer BehaviorLLSMS2021 Managing Brand EquityEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thierry Jupsin (compensates Valérie Swaen)
Thierry Jupsin (compensates Valérie Swaen)
LLSMS2024 Marketing Studies -
Option Corporate Sustainable Management (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major Philippe de Woot Major in Corporate Sustainable Management
Content:LLSMS2281 Sustainable Management and Value ChainsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Carsten Reuter
Carsten Reuter
Option Sourcing and Procurement (LLN) [15.0]Content:LLSMS2036 Supply Chain Procurement
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Per Joakim Agrell
> Constantin Blome
Per Joakim Agrell
LLSMS2037 Sourcing StrategyLLSMS2038 Procurement Organisation and Scope -
Option International Finance (LLN) [15.0]
This option is not available to students who have followed the Major in International Finance
Content:LLSMS2027 Capital markets and innovationsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
> Leonardo Iania (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
LLSMS2128 Central Banking and Financial Stability -
Option Tax Systems (ICHEC) [15.0]
For more information, please visit https://www.ichec.be/fr/master-en-gestion-de-lentreprise
Courses are organised during the whole term in the evening.
q1 60h 3 credits
q1 60h 8 credits
q1 60h 4 credits
Option Risk Management (Mons) - uniquement accessible aux étudiants ICHEC [15.0]Content:MLSMM2124 Behavioural FinanceMLSMM2125 Portfolio ManagementMLSMM2126 Risk Management & Financial Institutions
Master [120] in Management [CEMS Programme]Tronc communCEMS Annual Block 1All four courses have to be taken. Please do not pay attention to the alphabetical order of some mandatory courses (it does not apply to CEMS students).
LLSMS2102 Advanced Strategic MarketingEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nicolas Lambert (compensates Isabelle Schuiling)
Nicolas Lambert (compensates Isabelle Schuiling)
LLSMS2100 Corporate FinanceLLSMS2220 Seminar on Current Managerial IssuesCorporate Social Responsibility (4 credits)1 course between :
LLSMS2398 Corporate Social ResponsibilityEN
q1 30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Carlos Desmet
> Valérie Swaen (compensates Ina Aust-Gronarz)
Carlos Desmet
CEMS Option (15 credits)All three courses have to be taken.
LLSMS2111 International Business (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Sunita Malhotra
> Frédéric Pouchain
Sunita Malhotra
Seminar (3 credits)EN
q1+q2 45h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Patrice Gobert
> Pierre Meurens
Patrice Gobert
Cems Activities (25 credits)All 4 courses/activities have to be taken. 1 course to choose between LLSMS2101 and LLSMF2016.
LCEMS2114 Business AnalyticsLLSMS2101 Management AccountingEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Charlotte Antoons
Charlotte Antoons
LLSMF2016 Performance ManagementEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Raphaël Betti
> Vincent Vanderborght
Raphaël Betti
LCEMS2915 Internship for CEMSCEMS Annual Block 2LLSMD2901 Master's thesisFR
q1+q2 18 credits
LLSMD2094 Master's Thesis SeminarCEMS LSM Q3 Courses (18 credits)Cems Students who will be at LSM during Q3 need to take 1 full option (15 ECTS credits) among those here below as well as the CEMS LSM Q3 courses (18 ECTS credits).
LLSMS2116 Global StrategyLLSMX2001 Regenerative EconomyLLSMS2112 Supply Chain and sourcingEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Per Joakim Agrell
> Constantin Blome
Per Joakim Agrell
Q3 LSM Option (15 credits)1 option among :
Option Corporate Finance (LLN) (15 credits)LLSMS2014 Entrepreneurial Finance (in English)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
> James Thewissen
Yue Zhang
Quentin Colmant (compensates Philippe Grégoire)
LLSMS2017 IAS/IFRSLLSMS2108 Current Issues in Finance (in English)Option Corporate sustainable Management (LLN) (15 credits)LLSMS2281 Sustainable Management and Value ChainsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Carsten Reuter
Carsten Reuter
Option Marketing strategy for connected brands (LLN) (15 credits)LLSMS2000 Marketing ResearchLLSMS2007 New Business Models and E-commerceOption International Finance (LLN) (15 credits)LLSMS2054 International Finance and crises managementTo be replaced by a course from anoteco option
LLSMS2027 Capital markets and innovationsEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
> Leonardo Iania (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
Jean-Baptiste Hasse (compensates Bertrand Candelon)
LLSMS2128 Central Banking and Financial StabilityOption Sourcing and Procurement (15 credits)LLSMS2036 Supply Chain ProcurementEN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Per Joakim Agrell
> Constantin Blome
Per Joakim Agrell
LLSMS2037 Sourcing StrategyLLSMS2038 Procurement Organisation and ScopeCEMS LSM Q4 Courses (27 credits)CEMS Students who will be at LSM during Q4 need to take CEMS LSM Q4 compulsory courses (22 ECTS credits) + one course from the list of elective courses CEMS LSM Q4
LCEMS2343 Global CitizenshipLLSMS2117 Business Project (CEMS)LLSMS2066 Global LeadershipList of elective courses CEMS LSM Q4 (5 credits)One course to select among the list of elective courses CEMS LSM Q4 (5 ECTS credits)
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marie Antoine
> Gaëtan Bonny
> Philippe Depaepe
Marie Antoine
LLSMS2073 Strategic Human Resource ManagementLLSMS2071 Diversity ManagementLLSMS2061 Corporate Strategy in EuropeLLSMS2110 Empirics in Corporate FinanceLLSMS2118 Project EvaluationLLSMS2140 Financial RiskLLSMS2003 Brand Management (in English)LCPME2005 Social and Sustainable EntrepreneurshipLLSMS2114 EntrepreneurshipLLSMS2299 New Economic ModelsEN
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Bertrand Candelon (compensates Leonardo Iania)
Tom Dechaene
Bertrand Candelon (compensates Leonardo Iania)
CEMS SeminarsCems Students need to attend Soft Skills Seminars during both annual blocks.
Exchange (30 credits)Cems Students who will be on exchange need to register for courses on Mob-i. More information on the CEMS LSM guide.
CEMS Language CoursesCems students can take 1 CEMS language course at UCL (ILV) to fulfill the CEMS language requirements. List available on uclouvain.be/en/faculties/lsm/cems-curriculum.html
Liste au choix de finalités GESM2MProfessional Focus (30 credits)Content: -
Master [120] in ManagementTronc communCFA - Bloc annuel 1 (60 credits)LLSMS2220 Seminar on Current Managerial IssuesMSHUM2201 Compétences relationnellesMLSMM2112 Corporate FinanceMLSMM2114 People & Organization Management
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Gaëtan Bonny
> Gaëtan Bonny (compensates Laurent Taskin)
Gaëtan Bonny
MLSMM2113 Strategic MarketingMLSMM2111 Corporate Social ResponsibilityFR
q2 30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Laurent Lievens
> Vincent Truyens
Laurent Lievens
Langues étrangères - niveau avancé 1 (5 credits)L'anglais est obligatoire. L'étudiant choisit ensuite le néerlandais ou l'espagnol (dans la continuité du choix qu'il a effectué en bachelier / en module complémentaire) et ce, jusqu'à la fin de son cycle de Master.
ContentMANGL2163 Advanced English 1EN
q1+q2 0h+30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jessica Degroote
> Céline Gouverneur (coord.)
> Guy Monfort
Jessica Degroote
MNEER2164 Advanced Dutch 1NL
q1+q2 0h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Erika Copriau (coord.)
> Bruno Michiels
Erika Copriau (coord.)
MESPA2165 Advanced Spanish 1ES
q1+q2 0h+30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Major Financial Management (Mons) (30 credits)Term 1MLSMM2121 Derivative SecuritiesFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Mathilde Fox (compensates Isabelle Platten)
MLSMM2122 Equity ValuationMLSMM2123 Fixed Income AnalysisFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anh Nguyen
> Anh Nguyen (compensates Isabelle Platten)
Anh Nguyen
Term 2MLSMM2124 Behavioural FinanceMLSMM2125 Portfolio ManagementMLSMM2126 Risk Management & Financial InstitutionsCFA - Bloc annuel 2 (60 credits)MLSMM2200 Final Master's ThesisFR
q1+q2 20 credits
MGEST2205 StageFR
q1+q2 10 credits
MLSMM2218 Performance ManagementMLSMM2212 TaxationLangues étrangères - niveau avancé 2 (5 credits)MANGL2236 Advanced English 2EN
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jessica Degroote
> Caroline Lambert
> Yannick Paquin (compensates Karen Ratcliffe)
Jessica Degroote
MNEER2238 Advanced Dutch 2NL
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Erika Copriau
> Bruno Michiels (coord.)
Erika Copriau
MESPA2237 Advanced Spanish 2ES
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
ICHEC - CFA : Advanced Financial Analysis (15 credits)Cette option (co-organisée par la LSM et l'ICHEC) est exclusivement réservée aux étudiants du track "financial management". Elle se donne sur le site de l'ICHEC à Bruxelles. L'inscription à ces cours se fait via l'application Mobi qui gère les étudiants UCLouvain en mobilité.
q1 30h 5 credits
q1 30h 5 credits
LICHE2240 Ethics in FinanceFR
q1 30h 5 credits
Liste au choix de finalités GESM2MProfessional Focus (30 credits)Content:
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add supplementary classes at the beginning of their Master’s programme in order to obtain the prerequisites for these studies.MECON1212 MicroéconomieMGEST1219 Finance
q2 45h+20h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Catherine D'Hondt
> Isabelle Platten
Catecoine D'Hondt
MGEST1220 MarketingLes étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en marketing ou en commerce extérieur sont dispensés de cette unité d'enseignement.
MGEST1222 ProductionLes étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en gestion des transports et logistique sont dispensés de cette unité d'enseignement.
q2 30h+10h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Daniel De wolf (compensates Nadine Meskens)
Daniel De wolf (compensates Nadine Meskens)
MGEST1322 StratégieMGEST1323 Management humainMGEST1325 Comptabilité et contrôle de gestionLes étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en comptabilité sont dispensés de cette unité d'enseignement.
MQANT1324 EconométrieMQANT1326 Méthodes quantitatives de gestionLes étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme de bachelier en informatique de gestion sont dispensés de cette unité d'enseignement.
MSHHD1329 Sociologie des organisationsEN
q1+q2 0h+60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jessica Degroote (coord.)
> Céline Gouverneur
Karen Ratcliffe
> Florence Simon (compensates Karen Ratcliffe)
> Quentin Zèques
Jessica Degroote (coord.)
Cours au choix (5 credits)Une seconde langue étrangère à choisir parmi :
q1+q2 0h+60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Erika Copriau (coord.)
> Bruno Michiels
Erika Copriau (coord.)
q1+q2 0h+60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)
Juan Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez (coord.)