5.00 credits
30.0 h
Ducarroz Caroline; Sinigaglia Nadia;
Main themes
This course does focus on the concept of Price, as an integral part of the consumer decision process and of company decisions in terms of price. In a first part, the consumer’s perceptions of price, quality and value are studied, in the setting of products as well as services.
In a second part, advanced (static and dynamic) methods of setting prices are deeply presented. Special attention is provided to value-based pricing, thoroughly studied thanks to the partnership implemented with BASF company (worldwide leader in Chemistry).
In a second part, advanced (static and dynamic) methods of setting prices are deeply presented. Special attention is provided to value-based pricing, thoroughly studied thanks to the partnership implemented with BASF company (worldwide leader in Chemistry).
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Competencies Given the « competencies referential » linked to the LSM Master 120 in Sciences de Gestion et in Ingéniorat de Gestion, this course mainly develops the following competencies:
During this course:
Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions: « If effective product development, promotion, and distribution sow the seeds of business success, effective pricing is the harvest. » (T. Nagle).
This course does focus on the concept of Price, as an integral part of the consumer decision process and of company decisions in terms of price. The first part focuses on the way consumers perceive prices; the consumer’s perceptions of price, quality and value are studied, in the setting of products as well as services. The second part focuses on the way that a company inserts price in its global strategy, and on understanding and mastering advanced (aggregate and individual; static and dynamic) price setting methods.Special attention is provided to value-based pricing, thoroughly studied thanks to the partnership implemented with BASF company (worldwide leader in Chemistry).
Alternating lectures, case studies, practical exercises and scientific/managerial articles reading leads to discover the latest scientific progress in terms of Price Management and to face companies’ world (especially with our partnership with international companies).
More precisely, the main themes are:
Introduction : Price as a part of Marketing Mix
Part 1: Price and Consumer’s Choice
I.1. Price, Quality and Consumer’s information
I.2. Price and Consumer’s perceptions
I.3. Price and its Impact on Demand
Part 2: Price and Company Decisions
II.1. Company Objectives and Key Variables when Setting Prices
II.2. Pricing Methods – Static Approach
II.3. Segmentation and Pricing Strategy: Price Differenciation
II.4. Price as a Tactic and Strategic Instrument
II.5. Price and Internet: Dynamic Approach of Prices
Learning outcomes: This course does prepare students, our managers of tomorrow, to manage prices. During this course:
- Students apprehend the multiple side of price, with topics of discussion including pricing of tangible goods and services; they are equipped with the frameworks and latest thinking on assessing and formulating companies’ pricing strategies.
- Students understand the process of making pricing decisions and master advanced approaches for setting prices.
- They learn about consumers’ pricing process and perceptions and the relationship between price, quality and value.
- They master articles from the scientific and managerial literature on Price Management
This course does focus on the concept of Price, as an integral part of the consumer decision process and of company decisions in terms of price. The first part focuses on the way consumers perceive prices; the consumer’s perceptions of price, quality and value are studied, in the setting of products as well as services. The second part focuses on the way that a company inserts price in its global strategy, and on understanding and mastering advanced (aggregate and individual; static and dynamic) price setting methods.Special attention is provided to value-based pricing, thoroughly studied thanks to the partnership implemented with BASF company (worldwide leader in Chemistry).
Alternating lectures, case studies, practical exercises and scientific/managerial articles reading leads to discover the latest scientific progress in terms of Price Management and to face companies’ world (especially with our partnership with international companies).
More precisely, the main themes are:
Introduction : Price as a part of Marketing Mix
Part 1: Price and Consumer’s Choice
I.1. Price, Quality and Consumer’s information
I.2. Price and Consumer’s perceptions
I.3. Price and its Impact on Demand
Part 2: Price and Company Decisions
II.1. Company Objectives and Key Variables when Setting Prices
II.2. Pricing Methods – Static Approach
II.3. Segmentation and Pricing Strategy: Price Differenciation
II.4. Price as a Tactic and Strategic Instrument
II.5. Price and Internet: Dynamic Approach of Prices
Learning outcomes: This course does prepare students, our managers of tomorrow, to manage prices. During this course:
- Students apprehend the multiple side of price, with topics of discussion including pricing of tangible goods and services; they are equipped with the frameworks and latest thinking on assessing and formulating companies’ pricing strategies.
- Students understand the process of making pricing decisions and master advanced approaches for setting prices.
- They learn about consumers’ pricing process and perceptions and the relationship between price, quality and value.
- They master articles from the scientific and managerial literature on Price Management
Teaching methods
Sessions alternate lectures on theoretical aspects, case studies, practical exercises on computer (with appropriate software), and discussion on scientific and managerial articles. Students will thus have to do preliminary work before some sessions (preparing case studies and reading articles).
The partnership raised by the Professors with an international company (BASF) allows students to work on a specific topic linked to Price Management (for instance, value-based pricing), through a theoretical session and a case study (real data) provided by this company. These sessions will be held in English, and student's attendance is mandatory.
A team work, built upon several stages and containing field data collection, is run by students on an advanced pricing method.
This course will be mainly taught on site, with some remote teaching actitivies though. The professors reserve the right to completely switch to remote teaching, following the sanitary situation.
The partnership raised by the Professors with an international company (BASF) allows students to work on a specific topic linked to Price Management (for instance, value-based pricing), through a theoretical session and a case study (real data) provided by this company. These sessions will be held in English, and student's attendance is mandatory.
A team work, built upon several stages and containing field data collection, is run by students on an advanced pricing method.
This course will be mainly taught on site, with some remote teaching actitivies though. The professors reserve the right to completely switch to remote teaching, following the sanitary situation.
Evaluation methods
Student evaluation will be determined by:
More information on team work and individual report instructions will be provided during the first class session.
In case the student fails the course, only the "written exam" part can be improved (the grades linked to the group project and the individual report remain unchanged for all exam sessions of the current academic year). The professors may transform the written exam in an oral exam if less than 4 students are registered to the exam.
- A written exam (65% of the final grade – within session – open questions): students will face questions on the content of the course, including (1) scientific and managerial articles discussed in class; (2) case studies and exercises (with use of a statistical software); (3) the content linked to BASF talks.
- Team work (25% of the final grade - to be handed in before session): students will have to run a team work on a given advanced method on setting prices.
- Individual report (10% of the final grade - to be handed in before session) - linked to the work on advanced methods on setting prices.
More information on team work and individual report instructions will be provided during the first class session.
In case the student fails the course, only the "written exam" part can be improved (the grades linked to the group project and the individual report remain unchanged for all exam sessions of the current academic year). The professors may transform the written exam in an oral exam if less than 4 students are registered to the exam.
Online resources
Moodle (Student Corner)
Support de cours
Le matériel pédagogique, à disposition des étudiants sur Moodle (Student Corner), est composé de :
Cette liste est loin d'être exhaustive. Les sources citées peuvent s'avérer intéressantes pour tout étudiant désireux d'en savoir davantage sur les sujets abordés.
[1] P. DESMET, M. ZOLLINGER (1997), Le Prix : de l'Analyse Conceptuelle aux Méthodes de Fixation, Editions Economica (Gestion), Paris.
[2] R. J. DOLAN, H. SIMON (1997), Power Pricing : How Managing Price Transforms the Bottom Line, The Free Press, New York.
[3] B.L. ALFORD, B.T. ENGELLAND (2000), « Advertising Reference Price Effects on Consumer Price Estimates, Value Perception, and Search Intention », Journal of Business Research, Vol. 48, 93-100.
[4] C. DUCARROZ, A. JOLIBERT (2021). Chapitre 10 – L'analyse des mesures conjointes. In Delacroix, E., Jolibert, A., Monnot, E., & Jourdan, P. (Eds.), Marketing Research (2nd Ed., pp 235-251), Dunod.
[5] A. KRISHNA, R. BRIESCH, D. R. LEHMANN, H. YUAN (2002), « A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Price Presentation on Perceived Savings », Journal of Retailing, Vol. 78, 101-118.
[6] A. PALMER (2014), Principles of Services Marketing, McGraw-Hill Education, 7th Edition, Europe.
[7] H. SIMON, F. JACQUET, F. BRAULT (2011), La Stratégie Prix : Le Pricing, Levier Indispensable Pour Augmenter Votre Rentabilité, 3ème édition, Editions Dunod, Paris.
[8] H. SIMON, F. BILSTEIN, F.LUBY (2009), La Rentabilité Avant la Part de Marché, Economica, Paris.
[9] T.J. SMITH (2011), Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts, & Establishing Price Structures, South-Western, Cengage Learning.
[10] V. A. ZEITHAML (1988), « Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value : A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence », Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52, July, 2-22
Le matériel pédagogique, à disposition des étudiants sur Moodle (Student Corner), est composé de :
- Slides (écrans Power Point)
- Etudes de cas
- Articles scientifiques et managériaux à lire et à préparer.
Cette liste est loin d'être exhaustive. Les sources citées peuvent s'avérer intéressantes pour tout étudiant désireux d'en savoir davantage sur les sujets abordés.
[1] P. DESMET, M. ZOLLINGER (1997), Le Prix : de l'Analyse Conceptuelle aux Méthodes de Fixation, Editions Economica (Gestion), Paris.
[2] R. J. DOLAN, H. SIMON (1997), Power Pricing : How Managing Price Transforms the Bottom Line, The Free Press, New York.
[3] B.L. ALFORD, B.T. ENGELLAND (2000), « Advertising Reference Price Effects on Consumer Price Estimates, Value Perception, and Search Intention », Journal of Business Research, Vol. 48, 93-100.
[4] C. DUCARROZ, A. JOLIBERT (2021). Chapitre 10 – L'analyse des mesures conjointes. In Delacroix, E., Jolibert, A., Monnot, E., & Jourdan, P. (Eds.), Marketing Research (2nd Ed., pp 235-251), Dunod.
[5] A. KRISHNA, R. BRIESCH, D. R. LEHMANN, H. YUAN (2002), « A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Price Presentation on Perceived Savings », Journal of Retailing, Vol. 78, 101-118.
[6] A. PALMER (2014), Principles of Services Marketing, McGraw-Hill Education, 7th Edition, Europe.
[7] H. SIMON, F. JACQUET, F. BRAULT (2011), La Stratégie Prix : Le Pricing, Levier Indispensable Pour Augmenter Votre Rentabilité, 3ème édition, Editions Dunod, Paris.
[8] H. SIMON, F. BILSTEIN, F.LUBY (2009), La Rentabilité Avant la Part de Marché, Economica, Paris.
[9] T.J. SMITH (2011), Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts, & Establishing Price Structures, South-Western, Cengage Learning.
[10] V. A. ZEITHAML (1988), « Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value : A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence », Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52, July, 2-22
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] : Business Engineering
Master [60] in Management
Master [120] in Management
Master [120] in Business Management
Master [120] in Management
Master [120] : Business Engineering