Clinical Sociology of work (in French)

llsms2072  2021-2022  Louvain-la-Neuve

Clinical Sociology of work (in French)
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Cultiaux John (compensates Périlleux Thomas); Périlleux Thomas;
Main themes
  • Clinical posture in the social sciences and humanities and its contribution to the management sciences.
  • Organization as a space for testing and control.
  • The determinants of the subjective relationship to work and organization.
  • Prevention of psychosocial risks.
  • New forms of work organization.
  • Intervention in organization.
The course focuses on the work experience from the perspective of those who experience it. It offers tools for analysis and intervention in problematic work situations. With a particular focus on the issue of psychosocial risks (occupational pathologies), it will make you aware of the practice of clinical listening. It will also invite you to go back over your family and professional trajectory by reflecting on your own relationship to the work activity.
Teaching methods
  • Lectures preceded by preparatory readings
  • Use of experience stories: video films, testimonials from practitioners
  • Use of artistic supports and awareness activities proposed during the sessions
  • Notes of readings to be realized during the quadrimester
  • Group work on concrete cases.
Evaluation methods
The final evaluation is :
  •     For 50% of the grade on a group work that is subject to continuous evaluation throughout the quadrimester. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the concepts and their ability to apply them rigorously to the analysis of a real work situation.
  •     For 50% of the mark on a written exam covering the entire course material, case studies and the reading portfolio.
Online resources
See on Moodle
Le portefeuille de cours et les supports de présentation sont disponibles sur Moodle.
The course portfolio and presentation supports are available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Human Resources Management

Master [60] in Management

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] in Management