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Programme by subject

Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
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MandatoryMajor (150credits)

MandatoryGeneral training (36credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1140

Arts and Civilisations   Marco Cavalieri, Alexander Streitberger (coord.), Brigitte Van Wymeersch 37.5h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LFLTR1410

Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation   Paul Servais, Françoise Van Haeperen, Laurence Van Ypersele, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h + 10h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LFLTR1510

Introduction to the Principal Works of European Literature I  Paul Deproost, Erica Durante (coord.), Guido Latre, Jean-Claude Polet (supplée Paul Deproost), Hubert Roland 30h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LFLTR1610

Introduction to Philosophy  Jean-Michel Counet, Michel Lisse 45h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LFLTR1530

Introduction to Language Science  Philippe Hambye, Philippe Hiligsmann, Julien Perrez (supplée Anne-Catherine Simon), Anne-Catherine Simon (coord.) 30h  5credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LFLTR1550

Theory of Literature  (in French) Jean-Louis Dufays (coord.), Michel Lisse 30h + 7.5h  3credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LFLTR1430

Historical Criticism   Laurence Van Ypersele 30h + 10h  4credits  2q    x  

MandatoryOne course from :
Optional LTECO1210

Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings  Joseph Famerée 15h  2credits  1q      x
Optional LTECO1220

Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith  Jean Leclercq 15h  2credits  1q      x
Optional LTECO1230

Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics  Emil Piront 15h  2credits  2q      x

MandatoryOne course from :
Optional LFLTR1520

Introduction to the Principal Works in European Literature II  Erica Durante 30h  3credits  2q      x
Optional LFLTR1560

General linguistics  (in French) Philippe Hiligsmann 30h  3credits  2q      x

MandatorySpecific training (114credits)
Students must study a Germanic language (English, Dutch or German) and a Romance language (French, Spanish or Italian).

OptionalGerman (58credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1710

German language  (in French) Henri Bouillon 30h + 30h  4credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1111

German language : listening and speaking skills  (in French) Henri Bouillon 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1112

German language : reading and writing  (in French) Dany Etienne 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1113

German Literature : Introduction to a Critical Approach of Literary Texts  (in French) Joachim Sabel 30h + 15h  3credits  1+2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1114

German Literature : Introduction to a Critical Approach of Literary Texts  (in French) Antje Büssgen 30h  3credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1312

German: advanced receptive skills I  (in French) Philippe Beck 15h + 15h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1313

Introduction to German linguistics : phonology and morphology  (in French) Joachim Sabel 22.5h + 5h  4credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1314

The History of German Literature I  (in French) Antje Büssgen (coord.), Hubert Roland 30h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1315

Civilisation of the German-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in French) Hubert Roland 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LGERM1501

German: advanced productive skills II (contrastive analysis and translation)  (in French) Henri Bouillon 30h + 30h  6credits  1+2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1513

Introduction to German linguistics: syntax and pragmatics  (in French) Joachim Sabel 22.5h + 5h  4credits  1q      x
Mandatory LGERM1514

The History of German Literature II  (in French) Antje Büssgen 30h  4credits  2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1515

Civilisation of the German-speaking countries : The present  (in French) Antje Büssgen 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LALLE1211

German - Advanced productive skills I  (in French) Caroline Klein (coord.) 60h  3credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LROGE1599

Bachelor research paper  (in French) N.   3credits        x

OptionalEnglish (58credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1720

English language  Sylvie De Cock 30h + 30h  4credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1121

English language : listening and speaking skills  Sylviane Granger 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1122

English language : reading and writing  Fanny Meunier 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1123

English Grammar  Fanny Meunier 30h + 15h  3credits  1+2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1124

English Literature : Introduction to a Critical Approach of Literary Texts  Véronique Bragard 30h  3credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1322

English advanced receptive skills I  Fanny Meunier 15h + 15h  4credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1323

Introduction to English linguistics : phonology and morphology  Sylviane Granger 22.5h + 5h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1324

The History of English Literature I  Guido Latre 30h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1325

Civilisation of the English-speaking countries : cultural aspects  Guido Latre 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LGERM1502

English advanced productive skills II (contrastive analysis and translation)  Sylviane Granger 30h + 30h  6credits  1+2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1523

Introduction to English linguistics : syntax and stylistics  Sylviane Granger 22.5h + 5h  4credits  2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1524

The History of English Literature II  Guido Latre 30h  4credits  1q      x
Mandatory LGERM1525

Civilisation of the English-speaking countries : The present  Guido Latre 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LANGL1211

English - Advanced Productive Skills  Philippe Denis (coord.), Brigitte Loosen (coord.) 30h + 30h  3credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LROGE1599

Bachelor research paper  (in French) N.   3credits        x

OptionalDutch (58credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1730

Dutch language  (in French) Philippe Hiligsmann 30h + 30h  4credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1131

Dutch language : listening and speaking skills  (in French) Pierre Godin 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1132

Dutch language : reading and writing  (in French) Jean-Pierre Colson 15h + 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1133

Dutch grammar  (in French) Pierre Godin 30h + 15h  3credits  1+2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1134

Dutch Literature : Introduction to a Critical Approach of Literary Texts  (in French) Sonja Vanderlinden 30h  3credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LGERM1503

Dutch: advanced productive skills II (contrastive analysis and translation)  (in French) Ludovic Beheydt 30h + 30h  6credits  1+2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1332

Dutch: advanced receptive skills I  (in French) Pierre Godin 15h + 15h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1333

Introduction to Dutch linguistics : phonology and morphology  (in French) Philippe Hiligsmann 22.5h + 5h  4credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1334

The History of Dutch Literature I  (in French) Sonja Vanderlinden 30h  4credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LGERM1335

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in French) Ludovic Beheydt 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LGERM1533

Introduction to Dutch linguistics: syntax and contrastive linguistics  (in French) Philippe Hiligsmann 22.5h + 5h  4credits  1q      x
Mandatory LGERM1534

The History of Dutch Literature II  (in French) Sonja Vanderlinden 30h  4credits  2q      x
Mandatory LGERM1535

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : The present  (in French) Ludovic Beheydt 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year    x x
Mandatory LNEER1211

Dutch - Advanced productive skills I  (in French) Hilde Bosmans 30h + 30h  3credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LROGE1599

Bachelor research paper  (in French) N.   3credits        x

OptionalFrench (56credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1540

Analysis and Practice of Academic Discourse   Marielle Crahay, Sébastien Marlair (coord.) 15h + 15h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LROM1100

History of French Literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century   Agnès Guiderdoni, Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.) 45h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LROM1111

French Grammar Analysis and Practice   N. 7.5h + 22.5h  4credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LROM1112

Introduction to the Study of French and Romance Languages and Literature : Trends, Concepts, Methods   Mattia Cavagna, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Hambye (coord.) 30h + 7.5h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LROM1160

Critical analysis of Modern and Contemporary Texts : French Language Poetry   Damien Zanone 30h + 22.5h  5credits  1+2q  x    
Mandatory LROM1200

History of French Literature from 1700 to 1850   Damien Zanone 45h  5credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LROM1221

French Linguistics I : Analysis of Contemporary French   Stéphanie Audrit (supplée null), Anne-Catherine Simon 30h + 15h  5credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LROM1222

French Linguistics II : Historical Approach   Michel Francard 30h + 15h  5credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LROM1321

Analysis and Practice of Argumentative Writing   Marie-Christine Blomart 15h + 15h  5credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROM1331

French Linguistics III : from words to discourse   Anne Dister (supplée null), Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon 45h  5credits  1+2q      x
Mandatory LROM1523

Belgian Francophone Literature   Pierre Piret 30h  4credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROGE1350

Final assignment  N.   5credits        x

OptionalSpanish (56credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1520

Introduction to the Principal Works in European Literature II  Erica Durante 30h  3credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LFLTR1740

Basic Modern Spanish I   (in French) N. 22.5h + 22.5h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LROM1531

The Great Spanish Literary Myths from the Middle Ages to the Spanish Golden Age   (in French) Geneviève Fabry 30h + 15h  4credits  1q      x
Mandatory LROM1533

Synchronic approaches to Spanish.   (in French) Almudena Basanta Romero Valdespino (supplée null) 15h  3credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROM1534

Hispanic World Civilization : from the Middle Ages to the Spanish Golden Age   (in French) Geneviève Fabry 15h  3credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LROM1535

Hispanic World Civilization : from the 19th century to the Present   (in French) Geneviève Fabry 15h  3credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROM1537

Twentieth Century Latin-American short story : a historical and thematic survey   (in French) Geneviève Fabry 30h + 15h  4credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LROM1741

Basic Modern Spanish II   (in French) Almudena Basanta Romero Valdespino (supplée Geneviève Fabry), Geneviève Fabry 30h + 15h  5credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LROM1743

Introduction to Linguistic and Literary Analysis of Spanish Texts   (in French) N. 30h + 15h  5credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LESPA1600

Espagnol élémentaire avancé  (in French) Paula Lorente Fernandez 45h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LESPA1803

Espagnol compréhension de textes  (in French) Paula Lorente Fernandez 60h  4credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LESPA2412

Espagnol communication interactive  (in French) Paula Lorente Fernandez 30h  3credits  1q      x
Mandatory LHISP1000

Cultural Aspects of Contemporay Spain   (in French) N. 15h  4credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LROGE1351

Individual final project  N.   6credits        x

OptionalItalian (56credits)
Mandatory LITA1000

Aspects and Languages of Italian society   (in French) N. 30h + 30h  8credits    x    
Mandatory LITAL1800

ITALIAN - Reading Comprehension   (in French) Laura Scarpa 60h  4credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LFLTR1520

Introduction to the Principal Works in European Literature II  Erica Durante 30h  3credits  2q    x  
Mandatory LFLTR1750

Basic Modern Italian I   (in French) Costantino Maeder 15h + 30h  5credits  1q  x    
Mandatory LROM1541

The Golden Age of Italian Literature : from Dante to Tasso and Metastasio   (in French) Costantino Maeder 30h + 15h  4credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LROM1542

Thematic Surveys of Italian Literature : from the 19th century to the Present   (in French) Costantino Maeder 15h + 15h  4credits  1+2q      x
Mandatory LROM1543

Pluridisciplinary Workshop   (in French) Costantino Maeder 15h  3credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROM1544

Civilizations of Italy in the Golden Age : from the Middle Ages to the Baroque   (in French) Mattia Cavagna 15h  3credits  1q    x  
Mandatory LROM1545

History of Ideas, of Culture and of Italian Literature: from the 19th century to the Present   (in French) Gian paolo Giudicetti 15h  3credits  2q      x
Mandatory LROM1751

Basic Modern Italian II   (in French) Gian paolo Giudicetti 15h + 30h  5credits  2q  x    
Mandatory LROM1753

Linguistic and Literary Analysis of Italian Modern Texts   (in French) Gian paolo Giudicetti, Costantino Maeder 30h + 15h  5credits  1+2q    x  
Mandatory LITAL2412

ITALIAN - Interactive Communication  (in French) Laura Scarpa 30h  3credits  1q      x
Mandatory LROGE1351

Individual final project  N.   6credits        x

MandatoryMinor (30credits)
Students must choose a minor from the University Faculty programmes, subject to possible prerequisites required by the programme managers. Students spread these courses over the second and third years of the Bachelor programme so that each academic year comes to a total of 60 credits.

Minor in the second year of the Bachelor programme  (in French) N.   15credits      x  

Minor in the third year of the Bachelor programme  (in French) N.   15credits        x
| 23/10/2008 |