Arash Masrouri
Arash was born in Iran in 1990. He received his B.S. from University of Zanjan and M.S from Azad
University (South Tehran Branch) in Telecommunications Engineering, in Iran. Currently, he is pursuing
his Ph.D. at the institute for Information and Communications Technologies, Electronics and applied
Mathematics (ICTEAM), RF-SOI group.
His research areas mainly cover Millimeter-wave/THz communications. His focus is on On-wafer characterization of THz silicon-based devices. He is also involved in 60GHz On-chip antennas, chip antenna packaging, and millimeter-wave antenna design.
Research Projects
- On-Wafer Measurement
- RF Probes
- Efficiency enhancement of On-chip antennas
- Antenna-in-Package
- Millimeter-wave planar antennas
Conference Proceedings
Masrouri, Arash, and Nasrin Amiri. “Circularly Polarized On-Chip Antenna for 60GHz Indoor Wireless Communications.” 2018 18th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS). IEEE, 2018. doi.
Masrouri, Arash, and Nasrin Amiri. “Compact 60GHz on-chip antenna in 65nm CMOS technology with circular and linear polarization for millimeter-wave application.” 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. IEEE, 2018. doi.
- Masrouri, Arash, and Nasrin Amiri. “SIW-fed Multilayer High-gain Antenna for Q-band
Applications.” 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Spring (PIERSSpring). IEEE, 2019. doi