THEO 11BA First year of studies |
Theology and Religious Sciences
THEO1000 |
Methodology of Theology[30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Benoît Bourgine (coord.), Jean-Pierre Delville, Arnaud Join-Lambert
THEO1110 |
Introduction to the Bible[105h] (9 credits) (in French)
Elena Di Pede (supplée André Wénin), Camille Focant, André Wénin, André Wénin (supplée Camille Focant)
THEO1120 |
Introduction to the History of Religions[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Scheuer
THEO1130 |
Introduction to History[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers, Luc Courtois, Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1140 |
Fundamental Dogmatic Theology[60h] (4 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1160 |
Christian rites and symbols : Liturgy[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
André Haquin
THEO1170 |
Theological ethics[60h] (4 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaziaux
THEO1190 |
Theology and Spirituality[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Benoît Lobet
Philosophy and Human Sciences
Compulsory courses
FILO11131 |
A préciser (in French)
PSP1123 |
Sociology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Georges Liénard
ESPO1120 |
Psychology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
René Zayan
FILO1260 |
Metaphysics[45h+30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Gilbert Gérard
(Those students enrolled on this
programme are exempt from doing the practical exercises corresponding
to the + 30h of the FILO 1260 course).
THEO1150 |
Initiation to biblical Greek[30h+15h] (6 credits) (in French)
Didier Luciani
One compulsory course (30h, 2 credits) to be chosen at the"Institut des langues vivantes"from among five languages (*):
ANGL1816A |
Anglais. Compréhension de textes à orientation philosophique[30h] (2 credits)
ESPA1800 |
Espagnol - compréhension de textes[60h] (6 credits)
Paula Lorente
NEER1810 |
Intermediate level[60h] (2 credits)
Hilde Bufkens
ITAL1800 |
Italian - Reading Comprehension[60h] (2 credits)
Laura Scarpa
ALLE1800 |
German - Elementary level[60h] (2 credits)
Caroline Klein
(*) Subject to the approval of the
programme manager, the non-francophone students may be authorised to
follow a French course in the form of a modern language course.
THEO 12BA Second year of studies |
(Odd years, from 2005-2006).
For the 2nd and 3rd years of his bachelor programme,
the student will attain a total of at least 90 credits from the courses listed below.
Besides that, if the student chooses to follow a minor, he
will obtain 30 credits from the Faculty organising that
minor. If he prefers to complete his programme in Theology, he will
choose a complement of 30 credits. Each year of study corresponds to 60
Major in Theology
Compulsory courses
The course activities of 4 credits
include active participation on the part of the students in the form of a
THEO1211 |
Old Testament: Pentateuch and Historical Books[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1200 |
History of Dogma[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée
THEO1281 |
History of Christianity: the Contemporary Period[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1261 |
Christology and Salvation[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Benoît Bourgine
THEO1250 |
Ethique théologique II[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaziaux
THEO1351 |
Sexual and Family Ethics[45h] (3 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
FILO1270 |
Philosophical anthropology[45h+15h] (5 credits) (in French)
Michel Dupuis, Nathalie Frogneux
FLTR1630 |
Logic and Argumentation in Human Sciences[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean Leclercq
Those students enrolled on this programme are exempt from doing the
practical exercises corresponding to the + 30h of the FILO 1260 course).
Ancient language
FLTR1760 |
Begining Latin[30h+30h] (6 credits) (in French)
Alain Meurant
Modern Language
One course (30h, 2 credits) to be chosen at the "Institut des langues vivantes" from among five languages (*) :
ANGL1816A |
Anglais. Compréhension de textes à orientation philosophique[30h] (2 credits)
ESPA1800 |
Espagnol - compréhension de textes[60h] (6 credits)
Paula Lorente
NEER1810 |
Intermediate level[60h] (2 credits)
Hilde Bufkens
ITAL1800 |
Italian - Reading Comprehension[60h] (2 credits)
Laura Scarpa
ALLE1800 |
German - Elementary level[60h] (2 credits)
Caroline Klein
*) Subject to the approval of the programme manager, the
non-francophone students may be authorised to follow a French course in the form of
a modern language course.
The student will choose 12 credits from the courses listed below, taking into account the conditions mentioned in annex 1.
A. Theology
THEO1291 |
Ancien Testament : les psaumes et la sagesse[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1221 |
New Testament: the Letters of St. Paul[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Sevrin
THEO1381 |
History of Christianity: Antiquity[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers
THEO1271 |
History of Christianity: Middle Ages[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Pijcke
THEO1251 |
Questions of Christian Anthropology[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1231 |
Christian Initiation I: Baptism and Confirmation[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
B. Introduction to Religions :
THEO1341 |
Hinduism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Scheuer
THEO1311 |
Judaism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
C. Human Sciences and Practical Theology :
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
SOC2431 |
Sociology of religion[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux
THEO1323 |
Faith Education: Youth[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Derroitte
THEO1361 |
Interdenominational Dialogue and Interreligious Dialogue[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée, Jacques Scheuer
THEO1201 |
Questions of Canon Law[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Louis-Léon Christians
D. Ancient Languages (as a complement to the programme)
GLOR1631 |
Biblical Hebrew I[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
GLOR1632 |
Biblical Hebrew I[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1230 |
Lecture de textes latins chrétiens[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Paul Deproost
THEO1240 |
Reading Greek Texts from the New Testament[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant, Jean-Marie Sevrin
Minors of other available options
1.The choice of a
is upto the student and will be taken in another faculty. For
example : minor in Philosophy, in Ancient Languages and Cultures, in
Ethics, in History, in Psychology or in Sociology, etc.
Options from the
Faculty programme
if he does not choose a minor in another faculty, the student will
complete his programme with courses from the bachelor of Theology by
means of sessions in Theology or Ancient Languages that he has not yet
followed, for a minimum of 30 credits, spread over the 2nd and 3rd year
of the bachelor programme.
THEO13BA Third year of studies |
Even years, from 2006-2007.
Compulsory courses
The course activities of 4 credits
include active participation on the part of the students in the form of a
THEO1222 |
New Testament: the Synoptic Gospels[60h] (4 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant
THEO1202 |
Patrologie[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers
THEO1262 |
God: Monotheism and Trinity[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Benoît Bourgine
THEO1292 |
Fundamental and Practical Ecclesiology[90h] (6 credits) (in French)
Louis-Léon Christians, Joseph Famerée, Arnaud Join-Lambert
This course integrates an initiation
into Canon Law and its function within the Church, questions
regarding ecumenism and reflexion on Church practices
THEO1312 |
Ethics - Society - Religion[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Walter Lesch
End of bachelor cyle piece of work
THEO1300 |
Travail de fin de baccalauréat et heuristique[20h] (10 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
(The 20 hours correspond to a basic course
in heuristics with a view to accomplishing a personal piece of
work in Theology.
Modern language
One compulsory course (30h, 2 credits) to be chosen at the "Institut des langues vivantes" from among five languages (*) :
ANGL2410 |
Interactive Communication[30h] (2 credits)
Philippe Denis
ESPA2410 |
Spanish - Interactive communication[30h] (2 credits)
Victor Manuel Mendez Villegas
NEER2410 |
Dutch communication skills for students in Classical studies, Philosophy, Oriental Studies, Biblical Studies.[30h] (2 credits)
Mariken Smit (coord.)
ITAL2412 |
Italian - Interactive Communication[30h] (2 credits)
Laura Scarpa
ALLE2410 |
German - Interactive communication[30h] (2 credits)
(*) Subject to the approval of the
programme manager, the non-francophone students may be authorised to
follow a French course in the form of a modern language course.
The student will choose 12 credits from the courses listed below, taking into account the conditions mentioned in annex 1.
A. Theology
THEO1212 |
Old Testament: The Prophets[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1332 |
Nouveau Testament : l'évangile de Jean[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Sevrin
THEO1382 |
History of Christianity: Modern Times[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1252 |
God and atheism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1232 |
Christian Initiation II: Eucharist[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Vermeersch
B. Introduction to Religions
THEO1342 |
Buddhism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Scheuer
GLOR1531 |
History and Society of Islam and the Arab World I[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Godefroid De Callatay
C. Human Sciences and Practical Theology
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
SOC2431 |
Sociology of religion[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux
THEO1322 |
Faith Education: Adults[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
THEO1242 |
Religions and Media[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Walter Lesch
THEO1362 |
Art and Religion[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Ralph Dekoninck
Minors or other available options
1.The choice of a
is upto the student and will be taken in another faculty. For
example : minor in Philosophy, in Ancient Languages and Cultures, in
Ethics, in History, in Psychology, in Sociology, etc.
Options from the
Faculty programme
: if he does not choose a minor in another faculty, the student will
complete his programme with courses from the bachelor of Theology, by
means of sessions that he has not yet
followed, for a minimum of 30 credits spread over the 2nd and 3rd years
of the bachelor programme.
Ancient Languages (optional)
GLOR1631 |
Biblical Hebrew I[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
GLOR1632 |
Biblical Hebrew I[45h] (6 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1230 |
Lecture de textes latins chrétiens[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Paul Deproost
THEO1240 |
Reading Greek Texts from the New Testament[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant, Jean-Marie Sevrin
Annexe 1 : Options
24 credits to be spread over the 2nd and 3rd years of study. These
courses are
biannual for the most part and will be taken as follows :
A. Theology : at least one course from each of the following blocks :
THEO1212 |
Old Testament: The Prophets[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1291 |
Ancien Testament : les psaumes et la sagesse[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1332 |
Nouveau Testament : l'évangile de Jean[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Sevrin
THEO1221 |
New Testament: the Letters of St. Paul[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Sevrin
THEO1381 |
History of Christianity: Antiquity[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers
THEO1271 |
History of Christianity: Middle Ages[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Pijcke
THEO1382 |
History of Christianity: Modern Times[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1251 |
Questions of Christian Anthropology[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1252 |
God and atheism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1231 |
Christian Initiation I: Baptism and Confirmation[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
THEO1232 |
Christian Initiation II: Eucharist[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Vermeersch
THEO1351 |
Sexual and Family Ethics[45h] (3 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
THEO1352 |
A préciser (in French)
B. Introduction to Religions : two courses to be chosen from among :
THEO1342 |
Buddhism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Scheuer
THEO1341 |
Hinduism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Scheuer
GLOR1531 |
History and Society of Islam and the Arab World I[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Godefroid De Callatay
THEO1311 |
Judaism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
C. Human Sciences and Practical Theology : three courses to be chosen from among :
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
SOC2431 |
Sociology of religion[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux
THEO1322 |
Faith Education: Adults[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
THEO1323 |
Faith Education: Youth[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Derroitte
THEO1242 |
Religions and Media[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Walter Lesch
THEO1361 |
Interdenominational Dialogue and Interreligious Dialogue[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée, Jacques Scheuer
THEO1362 |
Art and Religion[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Ralph Dekoninck
THEO1201 |
Questions of Canon Law[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Louis-Léon Christians
THEO13PS Third year of studies - special programme |
This programme is destined for those students who have
done a minor in Theolology
(30 credits) in the context of another bachelor programme and
who wish to follow it up with a masters in Theology.
It differs depending on whether it is an even year
(57 credits) or an odd year (56 credits). On the basis of the
standard programme for the minor in Theology, the programme is as
described below. Nevertheless, certain adaptations will be
envisaged in accordance with the actual programme followed by the
student in the context of the minor, and also, to a certain extent, of
the bachelor programme that he has followed previously. It is upto the
programme manager to work that out with the student.
Odd year
THEO1110B |
Introduction à la Bible : Ancien Testament[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1110C |
Introduction à la Bible : Ecriture Sainte[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant
THEO1211 |
Old Testament: Pentateuch and Historical Books[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1291 |
Ancien Testament : les psaumes et la sagesse[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1221 |
New Testament: the Letters of St. Paul[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Sevrin
THEO1130B |
Introduction à l'histoire (critique historique)[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Luc Courtois
THEO1200 |
History of Dogma[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée
THEO1281 |
History of Christianity: the Contemporary Period[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1381 |
History of Christianity: Antiquity[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers
THEO1261 |
Christology and Salvation[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Benoît Bourgine
THEO1251 |
Questions of Christian Anthropology[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1231 |
Christian Initiation I: Baptism and Confirmation[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
THEO1250 |
Ethique théologique II[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaziaux
THEO1351 |
Sexual and Family Ethics[45h] (3 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
THEO1190 |
Theology and Spirituality[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Benoît Lobet
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
SOC2431 |
Sociology of religion[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux
THEO1150 |
Initiation to biblical Greek[30h+15h] (6 credits) (in French)
Didier Luciani
THEO1300 |
Travail de fin de baccalauréat et heuristique[20h] (10 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
(In the context of this year of studies, only the heuristics module [20h] 1.5 credit, is to be followed).
Even year
THEO1110B |
Introduction à la Bible : Ancien Testament[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
THEO1110C |
Introduction à la Bible : Ecriture Sainte[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant
THEO1212 |
Old Testament: The Prophets[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
THEO1222 |
New Testament: the Synoptic Gospels[60h] (4 credits) (in French)
Camille Focant
THEO1130B |
Introduction à l'histoire (critique historique)[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Luc Courtois
THEO1382 |
History of Christianity: Modern Times[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville
THEO1200 |
History of Dogma[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Joseph Famerée
THEO1202 |
Patrologie[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Auwers
THEO1252 |
God and atheism[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Emilio Brito Y Lanzada
THEO1292 |
Fundamental and Practical Ecclesiology[90h] (6 credits) (in French)
Louis-Léon Christians, Joseph Famerée, Arnaud Join-Lambert
THEO1232 |
Christian Initiation II: Eucharist[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Vermeersch
THEO1250 |
Ethique théologique II[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaziaux
THEO1312 |
Ethics - Society - Religion[45h] (4 credits) (in French)
Walter Lesch
THEO1190 |
Theology and Spirituality[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Benoît Lobet
PSY1402 |
Psychologie de la religion[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Vassilis Saroglou
SOC2431 |
Sociology of religion[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Hiernaux
THEO1150 |
Initiation to biblical Greek[30h+15h] (6 credits) (in French)
Didier Luciani
THEO1300 |
Travail de fin de baccalauréat et heuristique[20h] (10 credits) (in French)
André Wénin
(In the context of this year of studies, only the heuristics module [20h] 1.5 credit, is to be followed).