By the end of this course, the student should be able to reflect theologically on the question of Creation, original sin and grace, death and everlasting life, taking into account the evolution of Christian theology on these themes, and the main orientation of contemporary theology.

Main themes
The course covers the following: the theological notion of Creation and the problem of the relation between body and soul, the questions of original justice and original sin, a theological reflection on grace and justification, taking into account the divergences between Augustine and Pelagianism, between the Councils of Trent and Luther, and, taking into consideration contemporary reflection on these problems, the question of everlasting life.

Content and teaching methods
These lessons stydy the theme of the Creation, the probleme of the union of body and soul, the doctrines of original sin and grace.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
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