By the end of this course the student should have demonstrated his/her capacity to undertake initial research in theology, under the supervision of an instructor. This notably includes the ability to:
- deal with a topic in any one theological field, in a well informed and coherent way;
- make proper use of the basic tools of the theologian (library, computer), respecting the criteria of scientific research;
- write a short essay in a clear and well-structured manner.

Main themes
To meet these objectives, the course is twofold:
Module A - Heuristics (1.5 ECTS - 20 h common activities)
- initiation to bibliographical research in theology, to the optimal use of UCL libraries (especially BGSH and TECO), to Internet and e-mail.
Module B - Written work (8.5 ECTS)
- preparation of a written paper (20 - 30 pages) on a topic in the fields of theology or religious sciences.

Content and teaching methods
Module A includes:
- a general introduction to the library (UCL, its libraries, BGSH, practical information, tools, documents);
- a visit to the BGSH library and especially TECO;
- a practical initiation to computer work (if necessary) with exercises;
- a practical initiation to the use of the library (catalogues, databases, bibliographical tools) with exercises;
- a practical initiation (if necessary) to Internet, with exercises.
Method: Demonstration by the instructor and practical exercises by the students.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Modulate A
Prerequisite: The first initiation with the use of a computer.
Evaluation: Examination written on computer
Support: Each student receives a bale including/understanding various useful documents (plan of libraries, etc) and a synthetic syllabus.
Framing: The academic person in charge will coordinate a team responsible, made up of the librarian of the section theology of the BGSH.
Modulate B
Evaluation: for the work of end of baccalaureat: - 2 correctors - formative evaluation Weighting of the dimension: modulate a: 1/8ème; modulate b: 7/8ème

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en théologie
(10 credits)
