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The specific aim of this orientation is to provide the students with high level studies with a view to training managers in the subject of human nutrition in the agro-nutrition sector and in the domain of public health. The programme focuses on diseases arising from mal-nutrition, enteral and parenteral nutrition, physiopathology nutrition in children and the physiological and pharmacological control of food supplies. |
For all complementary information concerning these studies, please address the vice-president of the programme management committee or the school secretary's office. |
These second cycle university studies are accessibles to students who : |
The conditions and regular admission procedures are detailed on the web page "Access to Studies": |
This programme, which covers two and a half years of full-time studies, includes compulsory courses and options, participation in seminars and the writing of a thesis. |
General important remarks : |
Molecular approach |
BCHM1121 |
Biochimie humaine normale et pathologique[60h+16h] (8 credits) (in French) | ||||
INTR2440 |
Exercices in Nutrition[30h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Véronique BEAULOYE, Jean-Paul Buts (coord.), Nathalie Delzenne, Pierre Deprez, Etienne Sokal, Jean-Paul Thissen |
INTR2400 |
Physiopathology of Nutrition in Infants[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
FARM2182 |
Molecular genetics of the procaryotes and concepts of genetic engineering[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French) |
Etienne De Plaen, Jean-Noël Octave (coord.) |
Functional approach |
DENT1260 |
Physiologie humaine[45h+15h] (6 credits) (in French) | ||||
FARM2290 |
General pathophysiology[30h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Olivier Feron, Michel Lambert (coord.) |
INTR2212 |
Endocrine and nutrition-related diseases[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
INTR2220 |
Medical Nutrition Therapy[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
INTR2390 |
Artificial nutrition[15h] (2 credits) (in French) |
DOMINIQUE HERMANS, Didier Moulin, Marc Reynaert, Jean-Paul Thissen (coord.) |
INTR2430 |
Human nutrition[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESP3540 |
Nutrition[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
Morphological approach |
ISTO1301 |
Normal histology of systems (part 2)[15h+25h] (4 credits) (in French) |
Idesbald Colin (supplée Jean-François Denef), Jean-François Denef, Marie-Christine Many (coord.), Jean-Marie Scheiff |
(partim) |
Xenobiotic approach |
INTR2450 |
Experimental toxicology related to food and nutrition[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
INTR2410 |
Physiological and pharmacological control of energy homeostasis[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
Quantitative approach |
ESP3142 |
Epidemiology[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Fabienne Nackers, Annie Robert (coord.) |
"Public health or Human Sciences " approach |
ESP3550 |
Hygiène alimentaire[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESP3630 |
Santé et environnement: risques biologiques[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
INTR2380 |
Législation en matière de denrées alimentaires[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
one of the 3 following courses subjects to enrolment at the Biomedical Sciences secretary's office |
MD2201 |
Christian ethics[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
MD2202 |
Faith and reason[15h] (2 credits) (in French) |
N. |
MD2203 |
Questions of Religious Sciences : The Bible and his Message[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
and the following language course |
ANGL2454 |
Interactive English[30h] (3 credits) | ||||
Options |
30 hours minimum for the year, to be chosen with the agreement of the promoter and the Programme Management Committee . |
Students with a non-university further education diploma, who pass the entrance exam, may have to add a supplement of 150 hours of lectures from the first or second cycle of studies to their programme, depending on their prior studies and in agreement with the programme manager. |
Apprenticeship |
SBIM9212 |
Stage en laboratoire[30h] (3 credits) (in French) |
N. |
Information concerning this apprenticeship is available at the secretary's office. |
This work experience forms part of the 2nd year of the first cycle of studies ("candidature") in Biomedical Sciences, but can be validated at the end of the 1st year of the "licence" at the latest. |
Thesis |
C.f. "Nut 22". |
Compulsory courses |
BCMM2130 |
Biochemistry of Metabolic Diseases[30h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
NUT2020 |
Experimental Basis of Nutrition[30h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Véronique BEAULOYE, Jean-Paul Buts (coord.), Nathalie Delzenne, Pierre Deprez, Etienne Sokal |
Options |
60 hours minimum for the year, to be chosen in agreement with the promoter and the Programme Management Committee. |
Thesis |
The thesis consists of a personal scientific work, in the domain of nutrition or dietetics, carried out - at least in part - in a laboratory of the Faculty of Medecine under the scientific responsibility of a permanent member of the scientific or academic staff of UCL. The completion of a thesis involves at least 90 hours of seminars or work meetings and supervised practical tasks under the responsibility of the promoter. In the case where, with the agreement of the management committee, the thesis is to be carried out in another faculty, in a non-university research centre, or in a firm or factory, a member of the Faculty of Medecine will participate in the supervision of the thesis in the capacity of co-promoter. |
The thesis work must begin right from the first year of the "licence" (NUT21). The domain in which it is to be written will be communicated to the Commitee, with the written agreement of the promoter by the 30 November, at the latest, in the first year of "licence". |
Options recommended for the NUT orientation |
Molecular approach |
BRAL2102 |
Nutritional biochemistry and human food needs[45h+0h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
BCHM1210 |
Biochimie générale[67.5h+30h] (8 credits) (in French) | ||||
BCHM2120 |
Supplementary Biochemistry[30h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
BCMM2140 |
Molecular cell biology of hormonal regulation[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
BRAL2103 |
Food chemistry[52.5h+37.5h] (7.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
DENT1280 |
Biochimie spéciale[25h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Françoise Bontemps, Gaëtane Leloup (coord.) |
DENT2450 |
General pathophysiology of diseases[45h] (4 credits) (in French) | ||||
FARM2190 |
Immunology, immunogenetics and immunopathology[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
GEMO2110 |
Molecular and medical genetics[30h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
MEDI2200 |
Gynecology-Obstetrics (including anatomopathology, neonatology and medical genetics)[124.5h] (10 credits) (in French) |
Pierre Bernard, Jacques Donnez (coord.), Christine Dumoulin, Corinne Hubinont, Etienne Marbaix, Mireille SMETS, Jean-Luc SQUIFFLET, Gaston Verellen |
(partim medical genetics, 10 hours) |
SBIM2520 |
Workshop of molecular genetics[40h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
Functional approach |
DENT2440 |
ELEMENTS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE[45h] (4 credits) (in French) |
Benoît Boland (coord.), Patrick Chenu, Dominique Vanpee |
MEDI2205 |
Secteur endocrinologie (y compris la radiologie, l'anatomie pathologique et la pharmacologie)[76h] (6 credits) (in French) |
Martin Buysschaert (coord.), Chantal Daumerie, Etienne DELGRANGE, Julian Donckier, Michel Hermans, Yves Horsmans, Marc Maes, Dominique Maiter, Jacques Rahier, Jean-Paul Thissen, Bernard Van Beers |
[partim 25 hours, endocrinology and nutrition] |
INTR2440 |
Exercices in Nutrition[30h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Véronique BEAULOYE, Jean-Paul Buts (coord.), Nathalie Delzenne, Pierre Deprez, Etienne Sokal, Jean-Paul Thissen |
Xenobiotic approach |
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
FARM2230 |
Complement of instrumental analysis[30h+15h] (in French) | ||||
FARM2145 |
Metabolism of the xénobiotiques ones[15h+22.5h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Pedro Buc Calderon (coord.), Yves Horsmans, Roger-K. Verbeeck |
FARM2272 |
Toxicology[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
FARM2280 |
Organotoxicity and cander : molecular, cellular and functional apsects[30h+15h] (in French) | ||||
FARM2201 |
Pharmaceutical approach in nutrition[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
PHAR2130 |
Medical Toxicology[22.5h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
Quantitative approach |
INFM2112 |
Medical Informatics[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
SBIM2243 |
Digital processing of medical images[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French) | ||||
Public Health and Human Sciences approach |
FILO1220 |
Epistemology 2: Introduction to philosophy of science[45h] (5 credits) (in French) |
Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Tom Dedeurwaerdere (supplée N.), Bernard Feltz |
ESP3210 |
Introduction à l'organisation hospitalière[22.5h] |
N. |
RPR2001 |
Notions de base de radioprotection[10h+5h] (in French) |
Vincent Grégoire (coord.), Patrick Smeesters |
ESP3620 |
Santé et environnement: risques chimiques[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
MDTR3211 |
Toxicologie industrielle[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
MED2180 |
Hygiene in tropical countries[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESP3060 |
Nutrition et hygiène alimentaire des pays en voie de développement[30h] (in French) | ||||
SEHY3102 |
Contrôle de l'ambiance chimique de travail[15h] (in French) |
Vincent Haufroid, Dominique Lison (coord.), Christian Lucion |
Methodology courses |
SBIM3100 |
Elementary quantitative analysis[22.5h] (in French) | ||||
SBIM2111 |
Methodolgy of cell and molecular biology[22.5h] (3 credits) (in French) |
Pierre Courtoy (coord.), Emile Van Schaftingen |
BCMM3320 |
Pathological Histo- and Cytochemistry[30h] (in French) |
Jean-François Denef, Yves Guiot (coord.), Jacques Rahier |
[partim 22,5h] |
In addition to the programmes of the 3rd cycle (masters), and the PhD, organised by the School of Biomedical Sciences, the graduate students in Biomedical Sciences also have access to programmes organised in other schools or institutes including the following : |
- specialised study diploma in Environmental Sciences and Management (ENVI3DS). |