This course aims at providing the students with a better understanding of the mechanisms of the immune system involved in physiological conditions and of the mechanisms that are responible for immune deficiencies, hypersensitivities or autoimmune reactions observed under pathological conditions.

Main themes
This basic course deals with the main mechanisms involved in an immune response. It requires a background in mendelian and molecular genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, microbiology and histology. It provides the information needed to the understanding of the organization and function of the immune system, and describes the characteristics of the physiological and pathological immune responses.

Content and teaching methods
This course consists of a series of lectures focusing on the experimental aspects of immunology, and illustrating with key experiments how the major immunological theories have been experimentaly validated.
1. History and basements of immunology
2. Antibodies and B lymphocytes
3. T lymphocytes
4. Organization and development of the immune system
5. Tolerance
6. Immunity against pathogens
7. Immunopathology

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Background required: Microbiology, Biochemistry of proteins, glucids and lipids, Mendelian and molecular Genetics, Histology of blood cells and of lymphoid organs, Cell Biology
Examination: written
Support: illustrated lecture notes

Programmes in which this activity is taught
Licence en sciences biomédicales (nutrition humaine)
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Other credits in programs
Première année du grade de pharmacien
(3 credits)
