UCL - Studies

Version française

Study programmes
First cycle
Second cycle
Third cycle
Faculties and entities
Access to studies
Academic calendar
Per course

Second cycle

" Licences " /masters

In Belgium, with the start of the bachelor programmes, the Bologne reform has been in operation since September, 2004. This was set up in a progressive way and for a period of several years the two systems for organising the study programmes will operate along parallel lines (" candidatures "/ " licences " and bachelors/masters). The integration of students within one or another system will depend on whether they passed or failed a study cycle year leading to the " candidat " diploma by September, 2004, at the latest.

Students holding

  • a " candidat " diploma will enrol on a " licence " course
  • a bachelor diploma will enrol on a master's course

Transition situation for complementary study diploma holders

The legislation in application since September 2004, no longer permits enrolment for a study programme leading to the awarding of a complementary studies diploma (DEC). However, students who already hold a 2nd cycle diploma or who were already registered for their final year of a second cycle in September 2004, may enrol, as from September 2004 on some masters programmes and university certificate studies, directly based on the former DEC programmes. (consult these for more information).

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : marchand@adef.ucl.ac.be
Last update :04/05/2006