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This programme is accessible to students coming in from the following categories : |
In the context of the special exams ("passerelles") organised within the French Community of Belgium between non-university further educational and university educational institutes, this programme in Management Sciences is accessible to : |
Non-university further education Diploma holders from a non-Economics category may have access to the "licence" in Management Sciences on the basis of a "candidat" diploma in Management Sciences or Economic and Management Sciences which may be obtained in certain cases on the basis of a single year of "candidature". |
All admission applications and requests for complementary information should be addressed to the Department of Administration and Management. |
Admission applications and requests for information linked to the single candidature (" candidature unique "), should be adressed to the secretary's office for the "Candidature" in Economic, Social and Political Sciences. |
The conditions and regular admission procedures are detailed on the web page "Access to Studies" :
The "licence" programme in Management Sciences includes a collection of compulsory courses, options, a seminar and a thesis, spread over two years. |
Compulsory courses |
One or two compulsory courses may be given in English each year. |
CMPT2110 |
Cost accounting[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ECAP2100 |
Managerial Economics[30h+15h] (4.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
FIN2100 |
Financial management[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
GETI2100 |
Information systems[30h+30h] (5.5 credits) (in French) |
Stéphane Faulkner (supplée Jean Vanderdonckt), Jean Vanderdonckt |
MARK2100 |
Marketing management[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
PERS2100 |
Management des ressources humaines[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
PROD2100 |
Production and Operations Management[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in English) | ||||
QANT2100 |
Elements of operational research[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
SCOM2110 |
Theory of organisations[30h+15h] (4.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
SEAG2120 |
Statistics applied to enterprises[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ANGL1532 |
Advanced Business English[60h] (5 credits) |
Dominique François, Philippe Neyt, Henri November, Colleen Starrs, Françoise Stas, Albert Verhaegen |
NEER1532 |
Advanced Dutch for Business Studies[60h] (4 credits) |
Christel Vandegoor (coord.) |
or |
ALLE1532 |
German business language[60h] (3 credits) |
N. |
N.B. : The programme includes a one-week apprenticeship period which must be carried out before the registration for a complete examination session. |
Compulsory courses |
One or two compulsory courses can be given in English each year. |
FIN2210 |
Investment analysis[45h+15h] (6.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2200 |
Corporate Strategy and Business Policy[30h+15h] (5 credits) (in English) | ||||
POGE2240 |
Business ethics and the aim of the enterprise[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
REIN2200 |
International Business Management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in English) | ||||
SCOM2200 |
Psycho-sociology of organisations[30h+15h] (5 credits) (in French) | ||||
SCOM2211 |
Industrial relations[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
One course to be chosen from among : |
ECAP2222 |
Business cycles and conjonctural analysis[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2101 |
Taxation and Corporate Management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
One course to be chosen from among : |
ECAP2210 |
Politiques économiques européennes[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ECAP2221 |
Economic and monetary policy[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ECAP2222 |
Business cycles and conjonctural analysis[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ECAP2223 |
Organisation des économies industrielles[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) |
Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz (supplée Jacques-François Thisse), Jacques-François Thisse |
POGE2101 |
Taxation and Corporate Management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2212 |
Problèmes spécifiques aux petites et moyennes entreprises[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2220 |
Business Law[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2230 |
Corporate strategy in the European context[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
POGE2212 |
Problèmes spécifiques aux petites et moyennes entreprises[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESPO2220 |
Globalisation of the economy and of society[30h] (4 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESPO2221 |
The information society[30h] (3 credits) (in French) | ||||
DPRI3104A |
Problèmes économiques et financiers de l'assurance (première partie)[30h] (in French) |
N. |
One course and one seminar |
to be chosen from among the five following orientations : |
Company Finances |
FIN2200 |
Methodology and cases in business finance[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
FIN2251 |
Semina in Financial management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
FIN2252 |
Financial management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
Marketing |
MARK2200 |
Market research[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) |
Ruben Alberto Chumpitaz Caceres (supplée Marie-Paule Kestemont), Marie-Paule Kestemont, Claudine Laperche |
MARK2251 |
Strategic and operational marketing seminar[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) |
Marie-Paule Kestemont, Valérie Swaen, Valérie Swaen (supplée Marie-Paule Kestemont) |
MARK2252 |
Conumer behavior seminar[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
Personnel Management |
PERS2200 |
Human resource planning and forecasting[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
PERS2251 |
Seminar of Human Rsource Management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
Production Management |
PROD2200 |
Quality control and simulation[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
PROD2251 |
Logistics and supply chain management[30h] (3.5 credits) (in French) | ||||
One course on Religious Sciences |
to be chosen from among : |
ESPO2201 |
Issues of religious sciences: Christian faith[15h] (2 credits) (in French) |
Jean-François Grégoire (supplée Gabriel Ringlet), Gabriel Ringlet |
ESPO2202 |
Issues of religious sciences: the Bible and its message[15h] (2 credits) (in French) | ||||
ESPO2203 |
Special issues of religious sciences: the Christian ethic[15h] (2 credits) (in French) |
Walter Lesch, Henri Wattiaux (supplée Walter Lesch) |
End of course thesis |
Exchange programmes |
The students have the possibility to complete a quadrimester of their second year of studies (ECAP 22) in a foreign university in Europe, in the context of the Socrates programme, namely : Universität Innsbrück (A), UFSIA (Anvers) (B), KuLeuven (B), Whu Koblenz (D), Copenhagen Business School (DK), Aarhus Business School (DK), ICADE (Madrid) (E), Universidad de Deusto (E), Universidad de Cantabria (Santander) (E), Universidad de Barcelona (E), University of Zaragoza (E)Université R. Schuman (Strasbourg) (F), University of Plymouth (GB), Athens School of Economic and Business Sciences (GR), Luiss Roma (I), Università degli Studi di Siena (I), Dublin City University (IRL), University of Limerick (IRL), University of Ulster (Coleraine) (IRL du No), Norwegian School of Economic and Business Administration (Bergen) (N), Universiteit Maastricht (NL), Universita Catolica Portuguesa (Lisbonne) (P), Universidade de Beira Interior (Covilha) (P), Lund University (S), University of Göteborg (S), Abo Akademi University (SF), ou en Amérique du Nord, aux USA : Tawson University, Duquesne University (Pittsburgh), University of South Carolina (Columbia) (payant), Loyola University (New-Orleans), Catholic University of America (Washington), au Canada : HEC-Montréal, McGill University (Montréal), Université Laval (Quebec), University of British Columbia (Vancouver), ou en Amérique Centrale : ITAM (Mexico),Universidad del Pacifico (Lima, Pérou), Universidad Champagnat (Mexique), Universidad Diego Portales (Chili), ou en Asie : Yonsei University (Séoul-Corée du Sud), University of Macau (Macao), National University of Singapore, Nanyang University (Singapour), IIM, Calcutta (Inde); Mahidol University (Bangkok). |
The students who participate in this scheme will be selected by a " jury" in March of the first year of the programme. |
The thesis is presented before a jury composed of the thesis director and an academic reporter, and counts for a quarter of the total marks during the deliberation. The course work accounts for the remaining three quarters. In the case of exchanges, the marks obtained abroad represent half of the ponderation consacrated to the "course work" part of the final evaluation. |
The university degree with distinction in Management Sciences entitles access to all the master programmes in specialisation in Management - a dispensation for the distinction may be requested for analysis on a case by case basis. These specialisations (DES) are as follows : DES in Economics and Management (ECGE 3 DS), Management, Computer Studies or Financial Economics orientations : master's programmes in Management to prepare for doctoral research : the DEA in Economics and Management (ECGE 3DA). Furthermore, this diploma also entitles access to all the complementary second cycle studies of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences or of certain other Faculties. |