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Self-learning training - Introduction to GraphPad


Do you want to discover GraphPad software and brush up your biostatistics skills?

GraphPad is a complete and user-friendly statistical software suitable for biostatistics in biomedical research. It is widely used, thanks to a user friendly visual environment, extensive built-in statistical guidance and recognizable ready-to-use graphs.

Training aims
At the end of the training the participant will be familiar with the GraphPad environment for basic manipulations, such as entering and importing data, statistical analyses and visualisation. Particular attention will be given to the different types of tables. Basic principles of descriptive and inferential statistics will also be reviewed through hands-on examples with the software.

This training requires a basic knowledge of statistics.


This training course is open to anyone, at any time (for a renewable period of 30 days). Registration is made on another platform. To consult prices and access course content, you will need to go to this platform and create an account. NB: Many of the training courses offered by the SMCS are accessible free of charge to UCLouvain researchers who have created an account with their address - to find out the prices applicable to your profile, log in with your professional e-mail address.

For more information (open)

100 available listings.

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