Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform


Having any questions or needing methodological or technical support in the field of data analysis? You are definitely at the right place!

Ask your question

Submitting your question here does not commit you in any way. From there, we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss how we can best meet your needs. We strongly encourage you to contact us in advance of any research project in order to optimize both the collection and the quality of your data and be able to best answer your research question.

The achievement of any research project involving data collection goes through many stages, each of which might raise questions and eventually require the use of our expertise:

Our standard consultancy service is funded by the university: UCLouvain members may access it without paying. Click here to learn more about how the SMCS works.

If you are external to UCLouvain and you would like to use our services or learn more about them, please contact us directly by e-mail:

If your question is related to bioinformatics, please contact our colleagues of the BIOINFO platform, specialized in that field.

The results of our satisfaction survey are quite clear: in 2020, 97% of respondents said they were satisfied with our consulting service!