FARM21 First year of studies |
The students who pass their first year in the June
session may get authorisation to carry out one month of apprenticeship
with an approved training supervisor, during the holidays. Information
is available from the secretary responsible for the apprenticeships.
FARM2190 |
Immunology, immunogenetics and immunopathology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean-Christophe Renauld
FARM2110 |
Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bernard Gallez
FARM2124 |
Pharmaceutical organic chemistry[60h+30h] (7.5 credits) (in French)
Didier Lambert (coord.), Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux
FARM2143 |
CHEMISTRY ANAL & ANALYZES INSTRUM[60h+180h] (15 credits) (in French)
Bernard Tilquin
FARM2151 |
Medical Biochemie[30h+30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Teresinha Leal, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.)
FARM2183 |
Medical Microbiology[22.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Michel Delmée
FARM2144 |
General Pharmacology[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Josiane Burton, Emmanuel Hermans, Roger-K. Verbeeck
FARM2145 |
Metabolism of the xénobiotiques ones[15h+22.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pedro Buc Calderon (coord.), Yves Horsmans, Roger-K. Verbeeck
FARM2161 |
Pharmacognosy : a) phytochemistry - b) medicinal plants[52.5h+30h] (6.5 credits) (in French)
Joëlle Leclercq
FARM2290 |
General pathophysiology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Olivier Feron, Michel Lambert (coord.)
FARM2146 |
Special pharmacology (1st part)[30h+15h] (5 credits) (in French)
Chantal Dessy, Marie-Paule Mingeot, Paul Tulkens (coord.), Françoise Van Bambeke
FARM2147 |
Statistical data processing[15h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean Cumps
ANGL2452 |
Interactive communication[15h] (2 credits)
Jennifer Moreman, Sandrine Mulkers, Marc Piwnik, Françoise Stas
[partim 1st part : 15 hours]
FARM22 Second year of studies |
Core courses and practical work
FARM2226 |
Pharmaceutical chemistry[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Paul Depovere, Didier Lambert (coord.)
FARM2231 |
Analytical chemistry[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Didier Lambert, Joëlle Leclercq
FARM2201 |
Pharmaceutical approach in nutrition[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Nathalie Delzenne
FARM2212 |
Pharmaceutics[60h+28h] (8 credits) (in French)
Véronique Préat
FARM2227 |
Pharmacologie spéciale (2e partie) et éléments de pharmacothérapie[75h+22.5h] (10.5 credits) (in French)
Josiane Burton, Olivier Feron, Emmanuel Hermans, Jean-Christophe Jonas, Paul Tulkens, Françoise Van Bambeke
FARM2250 |
Pharmacotechnique[15h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Jean Gillard
FARM2272 |
Toxicology[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pedro Buc Calderon
FARM2281 |
Virology[15h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Patrick Goubau
FARM2205 |
Integrated pratical exercices and seminars in pharmaceutical sciences[15h+180h] (in French)
Jean Cumps (coord.), Nathalie Delzenne, Paul Depovere, Jean Gillard, Jacques Poupaert
ANGL2452 |
Interactive communication[15h] (2 credits)
Jennifer Moreman, Sandrine Mulkers, Marc Piwnik, Françoise Stas
[partim 2nd part : 15 hours]
one of the three 3 following courses, subject to enrolment at the FARM secretary's office.
MD2201 |
Christian ethics[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Philippe Goffinet
MD2202 |
Faith and reason[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
MD2203 |
Questions of Religious Sciences : The Bible and his Message[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Van Cangh
(with the exception of research students) is requested to choose, from
the list below, 60 hours of theoretical courses (two courses) and
15 hours of seminars relating to one of those courses. In the context
of the seminar chosen, the student will present a piece of work
relating to a course topic representing an approximate volume of 50
hours of personal studies.
FARM2220 |
Pharmacochimie et pharmacologie des nouveaux médicaments[30h+15h] (in French)
Didier Lambert, Marie-Paule Mingeot, Paul Tulkens (coord.)
FARM2230 |
Complement of instrumental analysis[30h+15h] (in French)
Bernard Tilquin
FARM2280 |
Organotoxicity and cander : molecular, cellular and functional apsects[30h+15h] (in French)
Pedro Buc Calderon, Olivier Feron, Philippe Hantson
FARM2213 |
New Directions in Drug Formulation[30h+15h] (in French)
Patrick Couvreur, Véronique Préat, Rita Vanbever
FARM2182 |
Molecular genetics of the procaryotes and concepts of genetic engineering[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Etienne De Plaen, Jean-Noël Octave (coord.)
FARM2240 |
Pharmacokinetic and clinical biology[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Roger-K. Verbeeck, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.)
FARM2232 |
Insulation of natural products and analyzes structural[30h+15h] (in French)
Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan, Joëlle Leclercq (coord.), Etienne Sonveaux
FARM23 Third year of studies |
A. Theoretical and practical courses
1. Core courses
During the first 10 weeks of the 1st quadrimester.
FARM2170 |
Bioéthique and Christian morals[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Michel Dupuis, Eric Gaziaux, Luc Roegiers
FARM2214 |
Pharmaceutical law and deontology[30h] (in French)
Catherine Druez, Alain Lejeune (coord.), Thierry Roisin
FARM2302 |
Concepts of semiology[30h+15h] (in French)
Stéphan Clément de Cléty, Chantal Lefebvre
2. Practical work and seminars
During the first 10 weeks, the students are divided into two groups : A and B, which invert their
activities at the end of the 5th week.
FARM2265 |
Practical training in pharmaceutical technology[150h] (6.5 credits) (in French)
Jean Gillard, Véronique Préat
FARM2300 |
Professional practice of pharmacy[15h] (in French)
Benoît Mousset
during the period of work experience.
FARM2301 |
Integrated seminar of pharmaceutical sciences[40h] (7.5 credits) (in French)
Josiane Burton (coord.), Paul Depovere, Jean Gillard, Marie-Paule Mingeot, Jacques Poupaert, Véronique Préat
B. Legal apprenticeship in a dispensary
For a period of six months, full time, carried out in a
dispensary which is open to the public, or shared between a hospital
dispensary and a dispensary open to the public (in the case of the
latter, the apprenticeship project must be accepted by the work
experience manager). During this period, the secretarial staff
responsible for the apprenticeships will organise activities dedicated
to problems relating to professional practice.
The authorisation granted by the jury should be signed
by the work training supervisor and handed in to the secretary's office
before the beginning of each work placement period.
C. Optional apprenticeship, twice a month, to be undertaken
between the end of the 1st and 3rd year of studies.
Possibilities :
hospital dispensary ;
dispensary open to the public
clinical biology laboratory
approved laboratory for
medication analyses ;
pharmaceutical firms
research laboratory (Belgian and abroad).
The jury for the 2nd year of the programme
may authorise certain students who did not succeed in June to do one month between the 2 sessions of the 2nd year.
The authorisation granted by the jury must be signed by
the training supervisor and handed in to the secretary's office in
charge of the apprenticeships, before the beginning of each period of
work experience.
D. Evaluation
The exam at the end of the 3rd year of the programme includes :
a) The three subjects covered by the theoretical courses
b) The evaluation of the
seminars and practical work of the 3rd year of studies
c) An exam on general knowledge covering all of the pharmaceutical subjects.
Status of research student
Created in an effort to initiate scientific research,
this status is granted to students who have stood out in previous years
and who apply via the relevant committee. This application must be
introduced at the end of the first quadrimester of the first year of
studies of the pharnacist exam (FARM 21) or, at the end of the second
quadrimester of the same year, at the latest. Students who benefit from
this status are placed under the responsibility of a member of the
academic or scientific personnel, appointed with a definitive title who
will will supervise his research work and provide the exam jurys with
an appraisal of his activities.
Research students who obtained this status at the
beginning of the second quadrimester of the first year of studies (FARM
21) will be required to consacrate 150 hours to research activities.
In addition, research students will be dispensed from the following
partim (
15 hours) of the inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry course (FARM 2110),
(105 hours) of the practical work of
analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis applied to
pharmaceutical sciences (FARM 2141),
pratical work in
pharmacognosis (FARM 2161).
Each research student will also have to complete a
research apprenticeship of six weeks in the laboratory of his promoter
during the holidays between the first and second years of
The research student will confirm his status during the first week of the beginning of the
second year
of the degree in Pharmacy
(FARM 22). During this year, he will dedicate 300 hours to research
activities. At the end of the first year he will give a seminar during
which he will present the subject of his thesis, the methodologies
applied and the first results.
This presentation will be given a mark.
In addition, the research student will be dispensed from
partim (60 hours) of practical work and integrated
seminars (FARM 2205),
hours of practical work on the pharmaceutical approach to nutrition (FARM 2201),
15 hours of seminars on pharmaceutical chemistry (FARM
the cours on pharmacotechniques (FARM
optional courses.
In the
third year
of studies
(FARM 23), the research student will dedicate his time principally to
his thesis during the period from 1st August to 30th November.
This thesis will be presented and defended in public during the third
year of the studies.
Furthermore, research students will be dispensed from :
partim (95 hours) of practical work and
seminars on Gelanic Pharmacy (FARM 2265),
the integrated seminar on Pharmaceutical Sciences (FARM
seminars on professional practice
(FARM 2300).