. Presentation :
The student must acquire the following skills :
- give a scientific presentation on his/her field of study
. In groups :
- participate in a meeting linked to his/her field of study
. Level to be reached for the "Common European Framework of Reference for languages" :
. The level to be reached in those skills by the end of the course is level B2 of the 'Council of Europe'.

Main themes
Course specifications
- Course aimed at teaching the students the techniques of presentation on a scientific subject linked to their field of
- Video input (on presentation techniques) is analysed extensively and intensively.
- Major lexical and grammatical mistakes are corrected during the classes.
- Oral production is stimulated during the classes.
- Students are encouraged to use any visual means they think fit to illustrate their presentation in a useful and
original way. (video, power point, transparencies etc ¿)
- Detailed feedback report is given to the student after his/her oral presentation on his/her main lexical, grammatical
and pronunciation mistakes.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
ANGL 1850 in BAC 2 or equivalent. Students must have reached level B1 (upper) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe)
Volume of work :
- Attendance : 15 hours
- Self-study : 45 hours
- Maximum 20 students per group.
- Each teacher is available during his/her office hours and may be contacted by email.
Pedagogical support:
Course notes ANGL 2454.
1) Continuous assessment : class participation and oral presentation in class
2) Interactive oral exam with a role-play on a subject linked to the field of study
Other information
This course is followed by a scientific presentation in English for a course entitled 'Chimie pharmaceutique et organique' in Master 2. Students must be able to put the techniques of presentation that they acquired the year before into practice, this time for a specifically scientific presentation.

Other credits in programs
Première année du grade de pharmacien
Deuxième année du grade de pharmacien
