To carry out the transition enters the course of general pharmacology and the beginning of the systematic study of the great classes of drugs of clinical use in order to provide to the future pharmacist the elements necessary for: - to know the chemical entities causes some and their mode of action; - to include/understand the therapeutic choices and the founded good of the posological diagrams adopted by the prescribers; - to ensure correct use of these drugs by the patient; - to avoid the risks of side effects, medicamentous interactions and abuse; - to optimize the use of the drugs within a framework of good clinical practice

Main themes
To integrate the concepts of biochemistry, physiology and general pharmacology which make it possible to in general include/understand the (i) molecular bases of the action of the drugs; (ii) physiopathological and pharmacological bases of the action of the drugs of the nervous systems exchange and peripheral (including the autonomous nervous system). This first part of teaching insists on the conceptual aspects and basic pharmacology, the systematic aspects and the pharmacothérapie of the drugs considered being examined in second test of rank [ FARM22; thoroughly run FARM2227 ]) Aborder one to two great classes of drugs delivered by the pharmacist of dispensary and the pharmacist of hospital (for the next years, these classes approached are those of antiinfectieux [ except for antiviral ] and of the anti-cancer one; this choice can be re-examined). The general objective in order to include/understand of them and know of them the chemical structure (pharmacophore), the mode of action, the indications, the adverse effects and counter-indications and posologies (the study of the other classes of drugs is done in second test of rank [ FARM22; run FARM2227 ]). This second part of teaching must also make it possible to include/understand the concepts of pharmacothérapie corresponding to pathologies approached, and this in order to be able to establish a constructive dialogue with the originators of drugs and the prescribers on the one hand and to be able to give to the patients the enlightened councils which it has the right to wait of the pharmacist on the other hand. 1 the antiviral ones are approached in FARM 22 taking into account the fact that the course of virology (FARM2281) itself is not given that in FARM 22.

Content and teaching methods
1.transduction of the signal 2.ligands of the receivers and drugs of the central and peripheral nervous system (general aspects in relation to pharmacology) anti-infectious 3.médicaments and anti-cancer drugs (for the antiinfectieux ones, the course will approach their systematic study (properties chemical, pharmacological, indications, adverse effects, counter-indications, posologies...), the elements of pharmacothérapie of large the patholigies correspondent to their use, their use in the populations (child, old man, subject immunodéprimé and/or with multiple pathologies...) and the indications special. Note: the other classes of drugs are studied in FARM 22 (FARM 2227) Methods: - course magistrale(30h) - seminars (15h) - team of teachers

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Biochemistry, physiology, general pharmacology (including the pharmacokinetic one), Examen microbiology writes Syllabus and transparencies prepared by the teachers and whose copy is given to the students Equipe with teachers the interactive aspect of the seminars (with exercises of practical installation of medicamentous treatments) is an essential element of the training of the student.

Other credits in programs
Première année du grade de pharmacien
(5 credits)
Deuxième année du diplôme d'études spécialisées en sciences biomédicales (toxicologie expérimentale)
(5 credits)
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