Ath the end of this cursus, student must be able to use the multidisciplinary knowledge acquired during their studies and the scientific bibliography to resolve concerte problems occurring in a pharmacy.

Main themes
Study of clinical cases or potential problems occuring in a pharmacy (interactions, polymedication, side effects, in physical, chemical or pharmacological incompatibilities) and find a process to resolve them with knowledge acquired during their studies.

Content and teaching methods
Three hours a preliminary talk clarifies the role of the pharmacist. Some two hours seminars are organized by small groups (maxiumum 10 students), in the areas where the training courses are prested; the Masters of training course are invited to take part in it
The students report the problems encountered during their training course since the last meeting and these cases are discussed.
Each students receives two real clinical cases encountered recently in dispensary open to the public and it prepares its answers during 10 to 15 minutes by having a many documentation at its disposal.
One of the meetings is devoted to the study of texts with problems in which the trainees must seek skews of publication.
Organization for the voluntary ones of meetings between trainees doctors and pharmacists

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisite :
For teacher : working in a pharmacy.
For student : to have made successfully FARM22 and working in a pharamcy (stage)
Evaluation : personal and continual. Written and oral exams.
Support : recent scientific books
It's recommanded to participate to professionals activities (visits and conferences organized by regional responsibles, continued formation,
