This page lists MUSICS related events communicated by our scientific board.( current | all | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006)
Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks: From System-Level Modeling to System-Level Optimization
30 Jan. 2020(more information)
Speaker: Marco Di Renzo (CentraleSupelec and Paris-Saclay University, Paris, France) Abstract: During the last decade, stochastic geometry has been widely employed for system-level analysis in cellular networks. The resulting analytical frameworks are, however, not always amenable for systemlevel optimization. This is due to three main reasons: (i) the performance metric of interest m ...
Computational optimal transport for imaging and learning.
14 - 22 Jan. 2019(more information)
This graduate course on "Computational optimal transport for imaging and learning" will take place in ICTEAM institute in January 2019. The details can be found at Teacher : Gabriel Peyré Registration :
5th Reconfigurable Market 2018
2 Oct. 2018(more information)
5th Reconfigurable Market Seminar October 2nd, 2018 Salle académique, University of Mons, 31 Bld. Dolez, Mons, Belgium Reconfigurable hardware is among us and its role is gaining importance in the most evolving markets. Although relegated in the past to hardware specialists and designers, today reconfigurable devices seem to be conquering a variety of sectors for many reasons. From big data to artificial intelligence, from software developers to cloud analysts, from new IT paradigms to ASICs, the market is evolving not only because of speed, but also by the need of green IT strategies. Indeed, big players like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Intel are now merging initiatives with Altera (today Intel) and Xilinx, producing heterogeneous architectures and novel processing devices such as TPUs and VPUs.
Sustainable IoT Workshop
24 - 25 Apr. 2018(more information)
Sustainable IoT Workshop Université Catholique de Louvain, April 24-25, 2018 Workshop organized by European Nanoelectronics COnsortium for Sustainability (ENCOS). A sustainable use of rare raw materials is an economic and major geopolitical stake for the 21st century. Some key elements considered today in the emerging devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) must be substituted or saved (by orders of decades) in a drastic sustailable way in the near future. Since tens of billions electronics objects are being disseminated all over the world in homes, buildings, cars, medical devices, roads, etc., it is obviously a major concern to revisit the economic, technological, and societal models to develop a sustainable electronic industry that will care about its impact right from the design and manufacturing of these objects. The ENCOS network on sustainable nanoelectronics brings together leaders from industry and university to exchange about new paradigsms in electronic design and research toward sustainability. It develops methodologies applied to advanced research integrating the economic analysis, geopolitical issues, acceptability and the durability of new technological solutions.
Regularized Inverse Problem Solving and High-Dimensional Learning Methods
30 Aug. 2017(more information)
Workshop on "Regularized Inverse Problem Solving and High-Dimensional Learning Methods" UCLouvain, August 30th, 2017 The aim of this single-day workshop is to gather PhD students and researchers on the general topic of "Regularized Inverse Problem Solving and High-Dimensional Learning Methods". The workshop also welcomes contributed talks (see below for details) related to the following topics:
4th edition of Reconfigurable Market at Mons, 31/5/2017
31 May. 2017(more information)
Like every year, the Electronics and Microelectronics department SEMI at UMons organizes its 4th Reconfigurable Market seminar and demo day in Mons this 31st of May 2017! With speakers and demo presentations from academy and industry, this year the focus is around optimizing heterogeneous architectures for on-demand processing (CPU, FPGA and GPGPU). This year, eight speakers will present recent research in embedded system technology and their applications. Several demos will also be present during two coffee breaks, the lunch pause and the end of the day round table discussion and closing cocktail. You can see below the program scheduling with the speakers and their institutes. The event will take place at the salle academique, 31 Boulevard Dolez, 7000 Mons BE. For organization purposes and if you intend to attend this event please do register following this forum:
From EM waves to information
16 Feb. 2017(more information)
From EM waves to information The 26th URSI Benelux Forum is offering a meeting opportunity to researchers preparing a PhD in the different scientific fields covered by URSI (International Union of Radio Science - Union Radioscientifique Internationale). Researchers with a PhD are also welcome to present significant advances in their postdoctoral resea ...
23rd IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (IEEE SCVT)
22 Nov. 2016(more information)
23rd IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (IEEE SCVT). The Symposium is aimed at presenting and discussing the latest scientific and technical advances in communication systems and vehicular communication technology
Meeting FNRS Contact Group
16 Nov. 2016(more information)
Next Meeting FNRS Contact Group "Wavelets and applications" will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve, on Wednesday November 16th.
Non-uniform Grid Based Acceleration of Iterative and Direct Integral Equation Solvers
24 Oct. 2016(more information)
In this presentation we describe the Non-uniform Grid (NG) approach and demonstrate that it can be employed to accelerate both iterative and direct integral equation-based solvers. The NG approach stems from the observation that, locally, phase and amplitude compensated field radiated by a finite size source is an essentially bandlimited function of the angular and radial coordinates of the source centered spherical coordinate system. Therefore, the radiated field can be sampled on a non-uniform spatial grid (NG) and subsequently evaluated at any point by phase and amplitude compensated interpolation. Using such NG field representation and conventional hierarchical domain decomposition, the multilevel non-uniform grid (MLNG) algorithm reduces the complexity of field evaluation from O(N2) to O(NlogN) (N being the number of unknowns), thus facilitating fast iterative solution of electromagnetic and acoustic problems. Furthermore, we developed a direct solver using NG-based matrix compression for scattering from quasi-planar objects. In this context, we show that approximately O(N1.5) complexity is attained for the matrix compression, and the computational cost of the solution for each right-hand-side is approximately of O(N)
Opportunistic radar imaging using a multichannel receiver
25 May. 2016(more information)
A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a sidelooking radar system used to produce a radar image of the observed area. The transmitter and the receiver may be separated, in which case the configuration is called bistatic. In this work, the emissions of existing SAR satellites are exploited by a stationary receiver-only system deployed in the field to produce a local radar image in (near) real-time. In addition to the advantages of reduced procurement and maintenance costs, the receiving system can sense passively while remaining covert yielding increased survivability and robustness against jamming. Applications of such a system include small-scale all-weather area surveillance, change detection,... Modern SAR systems usually operate in complex scanning modes that illuminate a wide area and result in a low cross-range resolution. In this thesis, a novel SAR image synthesis method is proposed to exploit those complex radar modes in a bistatic configuration to produce radar images with a 5-fold increase in cross-range resolution. Signals from any radar satellite in the receiving band of the passive receiver can be used, thus increasing the refresh rate of high cross-range resolution images over the area of interest. The proposed method is demonstrated using real measurements from C-band satellites such as RADARSAT-2 and European Space Agency's satellites ERS-2, ENVISAT, Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B. In addition, this thesis analyses the main technological issues in bistatic SAR such as the azimuth-variant characteristic of bistatic data and the effect of imperfect synchronisation between the non-cooperative transmitter and the developed receiver. The military deployment of such a radar would offer a number of operational advantages, such as invisibility to the enemy and better timeliness than would be the case of images obtained via the spaceborne SAR system.
UCL Interplatform Workshop on Nanotechnology: From Materials to Devices
29 Jan. 2016(more information)
During this scientific event, organized by the Winfab (Micro and nano-fabrication), Welcome (electrical characterization), Mica (SEM, TEM and SPM microscopies), Such (surfaces analysis) and CTMA (applied molecular technologies) technological platforms of the Université catholique de Louvain, you will have the opportunity to attend several presentations focused on: - Technological capabilities of the five organizing platforms - Collaborative research projects associated with these platforms - Presentation of advanced scanning probe techniques (by Bruker)
Cloud Computing for Enhanced Living Environments: Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms (Cloud4ELE)
15 Nov. 2015 - 1 Apr. 2016(more information)
The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) promotes the seamless integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) within context-aware homes and residences, with the aim of constructing smart environments around assisted people (for example, the elderly and people with disabilities) to help them maintain an independent or more autonomous lifestyle, reduce the corresponding costs of health and social care, and achieve improved quality of life and advanced autonomy, mobility, social interaction, self-confidence, independence, and social inclusion. The computation power made available by highly advanced datacenters can now be brought closer to the user, thanks to mobile platforms. And the actual interconnection between mobile and cloud systems is made possible by combining the capabilities of individuals, as they interact with each other and their information, through well-design ubiquitous technology. Platforms of tomorrow will benefit from this combination, through the help of new models for understanding the environment (such as participatory and opportunistic mobile sensing), performing computation (such as mobile cloud computing), or even exchanging data (such as mobile ad hoc networks). The goal of this special issue is to bring together state-of-the-art research efforts describing original and unpublished work that addresses advanced cloud computing challenges and solutions for ELE realization.
Vision on Medicine in 2015 and the Role of Electronic Sensors as Enabler
26 Oct. 2015(more information)
Today’s medical practice lacks prevention, is slow and expensive, and often treats symptoms instead of root causes. In this visionary presentation, I will predict how medicine could look like in 2050, enabled by modern electronics. Based on advanced prototypes of today, I will motivate why these visionary scenarios might become a reality. And I will leave the audience behind with a massive amount of ethical questions.
28 - 29 Aug. 2015(more information)
CUTE | 2015 2015 MASTERCLASS SERIES ON CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, AUGUST 28-29, 2015 CUTE is a yearly masterclass series on culture and technology, organized by the Numediart Institute for Creative Technology at UMONS, Belgium. We bring together a panel of world-renowned experts in various high-tech fields and get them to meet all kinds of audiences (research, arts, industry) in a series of “hands on » workshops.
Nanomaterials and Energy
8 May. 2015(more information)
Nanomaterials and Energy The 12th NanoWal scientific meeting will be jointly organised with the 2015 MAIN Ph.D. Student Day on Friday May 8, 2015 at the University of Mons (Salle Marie Curie, Les Grands Amphithéâtres, Campus de la Plaine de Nimy). The theme of the meeting will be "Nanomaterials and Energy" Program : 9h15-10h50 : Welcome a ...
Conversion Matrix Analysis for High RF Selectivity CMOS Mixer Circuits
22 Apr. 2015(more information)
The capacitor-terminated quadrature passive mixer recently proposed for blocker-tolerant band-select SAW-less RF receiver front-ends emulates a high Q parallel RLC impedance around the LO frequency. However, critical second order effects such as side-band asymmetry must be addressed to maximize utility. The conversion matrix method is developed and applied to this system, extending insight and generality, complementing recently published analytic work.
Polarization Shift Keying over Satellite
20 Apr. 2015(more information)
Polarization Shift Keying is a modulation technique that, instead of phase or amplitude, uses an electromagnetic wave’s state of polarization to convey information. It was initially developed for optical fibre communications to allow multilevel signalling in an incoherent channel. Due to similar propagation conditions, the technology should be realizable in a free-space radio-frequency channel as well. Therefore its applicability to satellite communication systems was investigated in a research project, partnered by the University of Luxembourg and the satellite operator SES. The seminar will providesa short introduction into Polarization Shift Keying and show the implementation of a special demonstrator modem. Measurement results from experiments with the demonstrator on a transponder simulator and in a real satellite transmission will be presented and compared to the polarization diversity multiplex currently used in satellite communications.
Second Edition of the Winfab Scientific Day
17 Oct. 2014(more information)
During this scientific event, organized by the Micro- and Nano-Fabrication Platform of the Université catholique de Louvain (Winfab), you will have the opportunity to attend several presentations focused on Micro- and Nano-Technologies.
Xilinx Day in Mons
10 Jun. 2014(more information)
One day to discover Xilinx’s All programmable Technologies FPGA & SoC design with demos University of Mons Faculty of Engineering 31 Bd Dolez Mons 7000 Belgium
Une promenade informelle dans le monde de l'optimisation mathématique
5 Nov. 2013(more information)
Une promenade informelle dans le monde de l’optimisation mathématique cours-conférnce dispensé par Philippe Toint (Université de Namur) sous la responsabilité académique d’Yves Poullet (membre de l’Académie royale de Belgique). Le mardi 5 novembre, de 17 à 19 h. au Palais provincial de Namur (2 place Saint-Aubain, 5000 Namur)
Flexoelectricity : Strain vs Strain Gradients in Ferroelectrics
1 Oct. 2013(more information)
All ferroelectrics are piezoelectric and therefore display a strong intrinsic coupling between deformation (strain) and polarization. When growing ferroelectric thin films onto different substrates, the substrate-induced mismatch strain imposed modifies the ferroelectricity of the films; this is known as “strain engineering” and it is a highly effective tool to tune the ferroelectricity of thin films. However, although homogeneous strain can change the magnitude of polarization, it cannot change its sign. Control over polarity can instead be achieved through the linear coupling between polarization and strain gradients, a phenomenon known as “flexoelectricity”.
RADAR Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR)
27 - 28 May. 2013(more information)
With the rapidly increasing availability of radar sensors to support NATOmilitary and peace-keeping activities, there is a crucial requirement for automated systems to address both the ‘data deluge’ problem in surveillance applications and to facilitate time critical targeting in tactical applications. This has led to the development of automated techniques for use against ground targets, typically referred to as Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) systems, and against air targets, typically referred to as Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) systems.
Radar Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR)
27 May. 2013 - 28 May. 2012(more information)
The objective of this lecture series is to provide an overview of the state-of the-art and continuing challenges of automated radar target recognition. It will cover both the fundamentals of classification techniques applied to data from a variety of radar modes and selected advanced techniques that capture themes currently at the forefront of active research.
Symposium on Future Generations of Processors and Systems FGPS?175
9 Nov. 2012(more information)
In the framework of the 175th anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, we are proud to organize a one-day symposium gathering together academic and industrial experts, researchers and Ph.D. students, around the future of processors and computer systems. This event will mix talks and demos, about electronic and computer science, both at the environment and application levels, with a prospective point of view.
Subthreshold Source-Coupled Circuit Design for Ultra-Low-Power Applications
7 Dec. 2011(more information)
In this talk, a novel approach is presented for implementing ultra-low-power digital and mixed-signal components and systems using source-coupled logic (SCL) circuit topology, operating in weak inversion (subthreshold) regime.
Recent packaging technologies for semiconductors and MEMS
24 Nov. 2011(more information)
Semiconductor assembly and test, often known as "packaging" is an integral part of the overall manufacturing process for semiconductor components. In this talk, a short history of semiconductor packaging will be presented along with a description of common package types and associated manufacturing processes. Over the past 20 years, the number of available package types has increased dramatically - with the availability both simple and complex new package concepts. The talk will conclude with a discussion of packaging technologies used in micromechanical (MEMS) and sensor devices which are relavant to the MEMS design.
The Asymmetric Self-Cascode Structure for Improving the Analog Performance of SOI MOSFETs
8 Sep. 2011(more information)
In this lecture the Asymmetric Self-Cascode (ASC) Structure will be introduced and compared with the standard Self-Cascode (SC) Structure as well as with Standard SOI MOSFETs. It will be shown that the ASC structure presents improved drain output conductance and transconductance with respect to SC structure. The influence of channel length, temperature and technological node on the performance of ASC structure will be investigated.
Design for Manufacturing flow - The essential primer for 65nm and 45nm design
27 - 30 Jun. 2011(more information)
Design for Manufacturing flow - The essential primer for 65nm and 45nm design When? Where? 23-26 November 2010, Erlangen, Germany 1-4 February 2011, Lodz, Poland 15-18 March 2011, Montpellier, France 27-30 June 2011, Mons, Belgium For more information please see : Main IDESA Web site: Course Booking website:
Feasibility study of full-duplex relays for outdoor-to-indoor radio links
26 Jan. 2010(more information)
The ever-challenging research topic in wireless communication field is full-duplex transmission which utilizes the same time and frequency resources for the transmission and reception of signals. This talk discusses the feasibility of full-duplex multi-hop transmission in cellular systems under realistic antennas and propagation conditions in outdoor-to-indoor radio links. Practical implementation issues of antennas in full-duplex relay terminals and a channel model development for the design of such terminals are presented.
Advanced Digital Physical Implementation flow
14 - 18 Dec. 2009(more information)
Power Aware physical design techniques, timing and power closure. The 5-day Advanced Digital Physical Implementation flow will start by introducing the challenges for 90 nm SoC design and the design environment and tool chain. The course will proceed with digital synthesis, leakage-aware design, design planning and floorplanning, library analysis and management. The course will focus upon low power design flow covering techniques to minimise dynamic and static power consumption, multiple clock tree synthesis, test and multimode and multicorner optimisation. IR-drop analysis, dynamic power analysis sign-off and design finishing and layout verification will be covered. Extensive hands-on labs are part of the course.
Math, Engineering and Music: An Introduction To Tuning Systems, Automatic Tuning Analysis and Music Information Retrieval with Applications in Turkish Music
21 Nov. 2009(more information)
Math, Engineering and Music: An Introduction To Tuning Systems, Automatic Tuning Analysis and Music Information Retrieval with Applications in Turkish Music Prof. B. Bozkurt, University of IZMIR In this afternoon talk, two research domains will shortly be reviewed in a tutorial way: tuning analysis and music information retrieval. Starting from basics of pitch perception, we will first discuss the theory of musical scales. Then automatic tuning analysis for ethnic music will be introduced as a signal processing application in musicology. Here, Turkish music will be used as a case study. In the second part, the music information retrieval (MIR) domain will be introduced. Again a signal processing application for music/audio processing will be presented: automatic makam recognition for Turkish music.
16th Annual Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux
19 Nov. 2009(more information)
Established in 1993, the Symposium is an annual event organized by the IEEE chapter on Communications and Vehicular Technology. The Symposium is aimed at presenting and discussing the latest scientific and technical advances in communication systems and vehicular communication technology. The symposium is organized by the Digital communication group of the Université catholique de Louvain.
Testing 802.11p WAVE on the Road: An Error-Prone Traffic Telematics Standard
30 Oct. 2009(more information)
Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) systems can make the road safer and its use more efficient, given that the data transmission from and to the road users over the wireless link is timely, accurate, and well presented. Under these conditions, a reduction in the number and severity of accidents can be expected. Furthermore, traffic can be more efficiently managed and congestions can be avoided. The IEEE 802.11p standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) was derived from the 802.11a WiFi standard to support high-speed communications on the road for both road-to-car and car-to-car environments. Already in simulation tests, the standard turned out to fail in common scenarios like driving with high speeds, shadowing by other cars, or simply access by too many vehicles in dense traffic situations. Using the proprietary CVIS testbed, developed in a European research project, we tested the performance limits of 802.11p. This presentation will show that the WAVE standard (in its current version) fails to ensure reliable data transmission in almost all environments. The results also provide some guidance for installing WAVE equipment and suggest countermeasures to increase the reliability of the WAVE standard.
IDESA - Implementation of widespread IC DEsign Skills in advanced deep submicron technologies at European Academia
29 Jun. - 3 Jul. 2009(more information)
The 5-day Advanced Analog Implementation Flow course will start with a short overview of the 90nm IC process flow, it will cover modelling issues, hand calculation versus simulation accuracy, transistor level and behavioral level design, analog cell trimming using digital functions, mixed mode simulation, mismatch and yield modelling and analysis, and analog modelling and circuit optimisation.
Prometheus (un)chained ? Micro Energy Technologies for Energy-Autonomous Micro-Embedded Systems
26 Mar. 2009(more information)
The Microsystems Chair of the Louvain School of Engineering invites you cordially to the following seminar: “Prometheus (un)chained – Micro Energy Technologies for Energy-Autonomous Micro-Embedded Systems” By Prof. Peter Woias From Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg, Depf. of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), Laboratory for Design of Microsystems, Freiburg, Germany Where and when Thursday March the 26th at 9.00 AM, Auditorium SUD 13, Place Croix du Sud, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Double-seminar about block ciphers
5 Feb. 2009(more information)
The Crypto Group and the Information Security Group of the UCL are pleased to announce a double-seminar about block ciphers. First Part :Quantitative security of block ciphers : designs and cryptanalysis tools. Speaker : Thomas Baignères, EPFL, Switzerland. Abstract: Block ciphers probably figure in the list of the most important cryptographic primitives. Although they are used for many different purposes, their essential goal is to ensure confidentiality. In this talk, we are concerned by their quantitative security, that is, by measurable attributes that reflect their ability to guarantee this confidentiality. Second part : A Statistical Saturation Attack against the Block Cipher PRESENT. Speaker: Baudoin Collard, UCL, Belgium. Abstract: In this talk, we present a statistical saturation attack that combines previously introduced cryptanalysis techniques against block ciphers. As the name suggests, the attack is statistical and can be seen as a particular example of partitioning cryptanalysis. It can also be seen as a dual to saturation attacks in the sense that it exploits the diffusion properties in block ciphers and a combination of active and passive multisets of bits in the plaintexts.
FETCH 2009 Ecole d'hiver Francophone sur les Technologies de Conception des Systèmes embarqués Hétérogènes
12 - 14 Jan. 2009(more information)
La maitrise de l'hétérogénéité des systèmes embarqués par des technologies de conception efficaces est un défi incontournable pour les années à venir. Pour suivre et anticiper l'émergence de nouvelles techniques de modélisation, de validation et de synthèse de ces systèmes, FETCH'09 vise à réunir et à croiser les expertises portant sur ces diverses facettes. C'est un évènement annuel unique en son genre pour scientifiques et professionnels souhaitant partager et échanger les connaissances les plus récentes dans ces domaines.
Graduate networking course : Large-scale Networking Experiment Platform and evolution of the Internet architecture
4 - 16 Sep. 2008(more information)
The course is composed of two parts : 1. Design of a Large-scale Networking Experimental Platform (LEP) : presented by Maoke Chen,Tsinghua University 2. Evolution of the Internet architecture, presented by Olivier Bonaventure, Université catholique de Louvain
MEMS and Nanotechnology through Science and Applications
18 Mar. 2008(more information)
MEMS and Nanotechnology through Science and ApplicationsMore information about the joint event of NanoWal and the Microsystems Chair on
17 Mar. 2008(more information)
BUILDING A TESTBED EMULATING CELLULAR NETWORKS Design, Implementation, Cross-Validation and Exploitation of a Real-Time Framework to Evaluate QoS and QoE in the UTRAN Ph.D. public defense by Hugues Van Peteghem, M.Sc.C.S. Monday, March 17th, 14.30 - 17.00 The University of Namur, Belgium, Auditorium I2, 21 rue Grandgagnage
?MEMS Micromachining Opportunities with the Focussed Ion Beam machine (FIB)?
6 Feb. 2008(more information)
The Microsystems Chair of the Louvain School of Engineering invites you cordially to the following seminar: The direct-write technology is exploited for two main applications, which are inherently available in a FIB system : deposition and etching. As an introduction, the construction of the FIB systems will be shortly discussed, and its most popular application as a chip repair tool will be highlighted. Then, the deposition of materials by FIB is illustrated for the realisation of novel three dimensional structures. This technique is successfully applied to the fabrication of custom vacuum encapsulations. An application demonstrator is the conversion of a trapped-gas pressure sensor into an absolute pressure sensor. The deposition technique is also applied for the rapid prototyping of surface micromachined structures. As a good example, a complete sensor is fabricated using FIB deposition and milling: the NanoPirani is the smallest pressure sensor known to man; moreover, it is fabricated in just a few hours time. Finally, the potential of the FIB is maximally exploited in the fabrication of a new and innovative self-testing accelerometer. The key to the self-test is a built-in shaker, i.e. the sensor exhibits an integrated microactuator that mimics and externally applied vibration and/or shock. The device is realized by a combination of silicon bulk-micromachining techniques and FIB technology. The fabrication of the device is described, and a comprehensive series of functionality tests is presented.
Sécurité de la RFID... Er... What's that ?
17 - 18 Jan. 2008(more information)
Le but de ce cours est multiple. Tout d'abord, il a pour objectif de fournir aux étudiants des connaissances de base sur la RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification). Ensuite, il cherche à étudier de manière étendue les problèmes de sécurité liés à cette technologie. Enfin, il vise à profiter de la thématique pour introduire des outils qui sont utiles en sécurité informatique, bien au delà de la RFID. Le méta-but qui couronne les trois objectifs mentionnés ci-dessus est bien évidemment de découvrir un nouveau domaine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, sans les contraintes et obligations d'un cours undergrade... Le cours s'adresse à tout doctorant que l'informatique ne rebute pas. Les experts en crypto/sécurité sont tout à fait les les bienvenus, mais les novices le sont également : les notions de base de cryptographie seront introduites lors du premier cours. L'enseignement se fera en français cette année. Les supports fournis seront toutefois en anglais.
Short course by Prof. P. Viswanath, at ETH Zurich
21 - 22 Jun. 2007(more information)
Short course on Fundamentals of Wireless Communications, 21-22 June 2007, at ETH Zurich.
Course on Constraint-Based Local Search
20 - 22 Jun. 2007(more information)
Course on Constraint-Based Local Search by Prof. Pascal Van Hentenryck, 20-22 June 2007 at UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Multiuser MIMO Tutorial, Vienna
28 Feb. - 2 Mar. 2007(more information)
The wireless industry has started to integrate single-user MIMO techniques into existing multi-user cellular standards and to define new cellular standards based on MIMO. The goal of this tutorial is to highlight, exemplify, and discuss concepts and techniques for multi-user MIMO communications both in cellular networks and in ad-hoc mode. This tutorial will cover recent advances in multi-user MIMO techniques on the physical-, medium access-, and radio link control layers.