MUSICS: Graduate School on MUltimedia, SIlicon, Communications, Security : Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Graduate School on MUltimedia, SIlicon, Communications, Security: Electrical and Electronics Engineering


This page lists MUSICS related events communicated by our scientific board.

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Une promenade informelle dans le monde de l'optimisation mathématique

5 Nov. 2013
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Une promenade informelle dans le monde de l’optimisation mathématique cours-conférnce dispensé par Philippe Toint (Université de Namur) sous la responsabilité académique d’Yves Poullet (membre de l’Académie royale de Belgique).   Le mardi 5 novembre, de 17 à 19 h. au Palais provincial de Namur (2 place Saint-Aubain, 5000 Namur)

Flexoelectricity : Strain vs Strain Gradients in Ferroelectrics

1 Oct. 2013
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All ferroelectrics are piezoelectric and therefore display a strong intrinsic coupling between deformation (strain) and polarization. When growing ferroelectric thin films onto different substrates, the substrate-induced mismatch strain imposed modifies the ferroelectricity of the films; this is known as “strain engineering” and it is a highly effective tool to tune the ferroelectricity of thin films. However, although homogeneous strain can change the magnitude of polarization, it cannot change its sign. Control over polarity can instead be achieved through the linear coupling between polarization and strain gradients, a phenomenon known as “flexoelectricity”.

RADAR Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) and Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR)

27 - 28 May. 2013
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With the rapidly increasing availability of radar sensors to support NATOmilitary and peace-keeping activities, there is a crucial requirement for automated systems to address both the ‘data deluge’ problem in surveillance applications and to facilitate time critical targeting in tactical applications. This has led to the development of automated techniques for use against ground targets, typically referred to as Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) systems, and against air targets, typically referred to as Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) systems.


8 Mar. 2013
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Page last modified on May 29, 2015, at 04:54 PM