Friday 16 October 2020
What a nice day with so many excellent talks by promising young scholars!
Linguistic Society of Belgium. Best Presentation Award 2020
1st prize.
Giulia Mazzola (KU Leuven). “Asyndetic complementation and referential integration in Spanish: a probabilistic diachronic grammar account”
2nd prize.
Linde Roels (UGent). “A case-study of recent language change: the intensifier ‘mazo (de)’ in 21st century Spanish teenage talk”
Joint 3rd prize.
Federica D’Antoni (KU Leuven). “Engaging in conversation with strangers in waiting rooms: resources and practices”
Thomas Debois (KU Leuven). “Begroetingen in mogelijk meertalige omgevingen tussen onbekende personen: Welke talen kiezen sprekers en op welke basis?”
Thanks to the many reviewers and to the deliberation committee: Alysson Lepeut – Dana Louagie – Tanja Mortelmans – María Sol Sansiñena – Johan van der Auwera – Marie Steffens (president BKL-CBL)
The spread of the virus is accelerating. The number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants has doubled in the last week. Therefore, we have decided to organise the Linguists’ Day via Zoom. We would sincerely have preferred it to be otherwise, but health security is now a priority.
This edition of the Linguists’ Day has reached a record in terms of the number of presentations and participants. Taking advantage of the constraints we have, we will try to reach virtually even more linguists. Colleagues who could not or did not wish to travel will be able to join us and are welcome to do so.
The registration is free, but we invite everyone who wants to join us to become a BKL member. For only 20 EUR you support an association that brings together linguists. Anyone who wishes to attend the conference should register to the event via the registration form.
We will send the links of the four Zoom sessions on Thursday evening. These sessions will be accessible half an hour in advance. Each session will have a chair, which will make the present speakers co-host.
The conference will run with parallel sessions where more than 30 presentations accepted by the reviewing committee will be given. Three sessions (containing 3 slots of 20 min. for presentations and 10 min. for questions) will take place in each room (apart from room 5). The exact place of the rooms will be communicated later, since they depend on the number of registrations.
Attendance is free of charge. If you want to present, you must be a member of the CBL-KBL. This means that you have to be registered on the website and have paid your contribution as soon as possible.
Anyone who wishes to attend the conference should register to the event via the registration form and indicate the session-room combination(s) which they will attend on Eventbrite. Please make sure to register to one room only for each session so as to give everyone the best chances of attending their preferred session despite space limitations. The deadline for registration is Wednesday 14 October.
Important dates
– 8 September 2020: abstract submission deadline
– 30 September 2020: notification of acceptance
– 16 October 2020: Linguists’ Day
Contact :
Organizing committee
Laurence Meurant – Laurence Mettewie – Sébastien Vandenitte – Alysson Lepeut – Alice Heylens – Sybille Fonzé – Bruno Sonnemans
Scientific committee
Jóhanna Barðdal (UGent) – Anne Breitbarth (UGent) – Claudia Crocco (UGent) – Timothy Colleman (UGent) – Sophie Collonval (UNamur) – Bert Cornillie (KU Leuven) – Walter Daelemans (UAntwerpen) Jeroen Darquennes (UNamur) – Kristin Davidse (KU Leuven) – Philippe De Brabanter (ULBruxelles), Gert De Sutter (UGent) – Patrick Dendale (UAntwerpen) – Thomas François (UCLouvain) – Alex Housen (VUBrussel) – Marie-Aude Lefer (UCLouvain) – Alysson Lepeut (UNamur) – Nicolas Mazziotta (ULiège) – Fanny Meunier (UCLouvain) – Laurence Meurant (UNamur) – Tanja Mortelmans (UAntwerpen) – Magali Paquot (UCLouvain) – Julien Perrez (ULiège) – Marie Steffens (ULiège /UUtrecht) – Benedikt Szmrecsanyi (KU Leuven) – Martina Temmerman (VUBrussel ) – Johan van der Auwera (UAntwerpen) – Sébastien Vandenitte (UNamur) – Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (KU Leuven) – Freek Van de Velde (KU Leuven) – Gudrun Vanderbauwhede (UMons) – An Van linden (ULiège) – Marleen Van Peteghem (UGent)