Core courses [75.0]
Dissertation and dissertation seminar (30 credits)
q1+q2 5 credits
q1+q2 25 credits
General training (45 credits)
Students must choose two languages : Students are required to take, for both languages selected, 10 credits in interactive skills, 15 to 20 credits in linguistics and 15 to 20 credits in literature.German
From 20 to 25credit(s)English
From 20 to 25credit(s)EN
q2 15h+22.5h 5 credits
> Amélie Bulon (compensates Fanny Meunier)
Amélie Bulon (compensates Fanny Meunier)
From 20 to 25credit(s)NL
q1 22.5h 5 credits
Carl De Strycker (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
Carl De Strycker (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Elies Smeyers
> Stéphanie Vanasten
Elies Smeyers
List of focuses
The student chooses one of the following focuses:
Research Focus [30.0]
This focus involves advanced study of the literature and/or the linguistics of the two languages studied. The classes and seminars are on special issues in linguistics or literature and offer training in research. Your focus programme should be linked to your dissertation.
30 credits chosen according to the student's individual project :Content:
Comparative language and literature module (10 credits)
Students choose 2 courses from amongst the following areas of linguistic and/or literary specialisation, making sure that they have the requirements/prerequisites for each course, including those relating to their language level. If students register for a course for which they do not meet the requirements/do not have the prerequisites, no special arrangements will be made in relation to the level required in assessments.
Linguistics course
Literature course
q1 30h 5 credits
> Paul Deproost
> Charles Doyen
> Brigitte Van Wymeersch
Paul Deproost
Interdisciplinary thematic seminar (10 credits)
The student will choose an interdisciplinary thematic seminar in linguistics or literature from amongst:
q1 30h 10 credits
> Sylvie De Cock
> Barbara De Cock
> Marie-Aude Lefer
> Costantino Maeder
> Ferran Suner Munoz
> Kristel Van Goethem (coord.)
Sylvie De Cock
q1 30h 10 credits
> Véronique Bragard
> Geneviève Fabry
> Michel Lisse
> Hubert Roland (coord.)
> Marta Sábado Novau
> Stéphanie Vanasten
Véronique Bragard
Research seminar in linguistics / literature particular to the languages studied
The student will choose 10 research seminar credits (according to the languages studied):
Teaching Focus [30.0]
IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with article 138 para. 4 of the decree of 7 November 2013 concerning higher education and the academic organisation of studies, teaching practice placements will not be assessed in the September session. Students are required to make every effort to successfully complete the teaching practice in the June session, subject to having to retake the year.
The teaching focus is centred on preparation for teaching the upper years in secondary education.
The programme is designed to develop the following skills:
- design, planning and assessment of practices;
- examination of practices and their context;
- understanding the institution of school, its framework and the major players.
There are three main types of activity:
- periods of teaching practice in upper secondary education (60 hours);
- seminars;
- formal lectures.
They are divided into two main categories:
- teaching practice, classes and multidisciplinary seminars, common to all disciplines. They have the LAGRE course code (13 credits);
- teaching practice, classes and multidisciplinary seminars, relating to the relevant discipline(s) (17 credits).
The teaching focus of the 120 Masters’ degrees includes training for the teacher training certificate in upper secondary education (Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur – AESS), (300 hours – 30 credits), with reference to the Decrees of 8 February 2001 and 17 December 2003 (concerning the foundations of neutrality) relating to the initial training of teachers in secondary education in the French-speaking Community of Belgium.
The 30 credits also form the AESS programme in Germanic languages and letters which can be taken after a 60 or a 120 Master’s degree.
In practical terms, satisfactory completion of the Master’s degree with a teaching focus leads to the award of professional status as a qualified teacher in addition to the Master’s degree with a teaching focus. Assessment of the AESS programme is spread over the 2 blocks of the Master’s course.
Students are tecoefore strongly recommended to do their utmost to pass in the June period as they will otherwise have to retake their year of study.
A) Placements in an educational environment (7 credits)
3 credits in the first year and 4 credits in the second. Theoretical component: 15 hrs of formal lectures. Practical component: teacher training comprising 10 hours' observation in language classes and 40 hours' teaching practice (20 hours per chosen language):
B) Disciplinary courses and seminars (10 credits)
Two courses chosen according to the two languages chosen :
C) Cross-disciplinary courses and seminars (13 credits)
To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group
L'étudiant choisit une des deux activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis durant le même quadrimestre.
q1 22.5h+22.5h 4 credits
> Baptiste Barbot
> Véronique Leroy
> Nathalie Roland
Baptiste Barbot
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 credits
> Baptiste Barbot
> Véronique Leroy
> Nathalie Roland
Baptiste Barbot
The school institution and its context
L'étudiant choisit une des deux activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis durant le même quadrimestre.
q1 22.5h+25h 4 credits
> Samir Barbana (compensates Vincent Dupriez)
> Branka Cattonar
Samir Barbana (compensates Vincent Dupriez)
q2 22.5h+25h 4 credits
> Samir Barbana (compensates Vincent Dupriez)
> Branka Cattonar
Samir Barbana (compensates Vincent Dupriez)
LAGRE2220 General didactics and education to interdisciplinarity
L'étudiant choisit soit LAGRE2220A (1+2q) soit l'AGRE2220S (2q).
q1 or q2 37.5h 3 credits
> Stéphane Colognesi
> Myriam De Kesel
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Anne Ghysselinckx
> Véronique Lemaire
> Olivier Maes
> Jim Plumat
> Benoît Vercruysse
Stéphane Colognesi
q2 20h 2 credits
> Hervé Pourtois (coord.)
> Pierre-Etienne Vandamme
Hervé Pourtois (coord.)
Professional Focus : Languages for Business Communication [30.0]
This professional focus enables students to develop their business communication skills in two Germanic languages (English, Dutch or German) in addition to understanding current economic, legal, social and political issues of the relevant country.
Oral communication strategies in a company (12 credits)
Four courses chosen according to the two languages chosen :
q1 15h+15h 3 credits
Hedwig Reuter
Hedwig Reuter
q2 7.5h+15h 3 credits
Hedwig Reuter
Hedwig Reuter
Reading comprehension and lexical extension : economic and commercial texts (8 credits)
Two courses chosen according to the two languages chosen :
Economic, legal, social and political situation (10 credits)
Two courses chosen according to the two languages chosen :
q1 30h+15h 5 credits
> Matthieu Sergier (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
Matthieu Sergier (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
Optional courses [15.0]
As part of a well-argued educational plan and with the agreement of the select committee, students may choose oteco courses (max. 15 credits) from the Master's programmes run by the Faculty or the University. Students must check with the course instructor that they may take the course(s) in question. Their choice may include courses in the optional module in digital humanities and ethics (https://uclouvain.be/fr/facultes/fial/chaire-altissia-cultures-ethiques-numerique.html) and in genre studies (https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/egalite/le-genre-dans-l-enseignement.html).
Note: If certain courses in the "optional course" category are also available in the core curriculum, in a research focus or in anoteco option, no more than 6 credits may be taken from each.
Languages for Business Communication
Placement in a company for a minimum of one month, on a full-time basis. This placement should be done in one of the languages of the students programme.
Linguistic and Natural Language Processing
q2 15h 5 credits
> Maïté Dupont (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
Maïté Dupont (compensates Elisabeth Degand)
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Pauline Degrave (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
Pauline Degrave (compensates Philippe Hiligsmann)
q1 30h+10h 5 credits
Mathieu Avanzi (compensates Anne-Catecoine Simon)
Mathieu Avanzi (compensates Cédrick Fairon)
> Anne-Catherine Simon
Mathieu Avanzi (compensates Anne-Catecoine Simon)
Literature and Library studies
q1 22.5h 5 credits
> Lieselot De Taeye (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
Lieselot De Taeye (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
q2 15h 5 credits
q1 39h 5 credits
39h 5 credits
q2 39h 5 credits
Only for students focussing on teaching.
q1 15h 2 credits
> Pascalia Papadimitriou
Dominique Vandercammen
Pascalia Papadimitriou
Oteco courses
See the note at the top of the page
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, they must add supplementary classes at the beginning of their Master’s programme in order to obtain the prerequisites for these studies.What is a preparatory module?
It is a set of supplementary classes (courses, practical works, seminars, etc.) from the first cycle (see the non-exhaustive list below). The complementary module (maximum 60 credits) is tailor-made by the jury according to the student's educational background and added to the Master’s programme in order to acquire fundamental knowledge to then pursue the 120 credits of the Master’s programme.
Who is it for?
- Students from a non-university higher education institution
- Candidates admitted with additional training
- Candidates admitted on the file with additional training
All the explanations are in this document (in French).
Langues germaniques
Students must choose 2 languages from German, English and Dutch.
q1+q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> Manon Hermann (compensates Ferran Suner Munoz)
> Ferran Suner Munoz
Manon Hermann (compensates Ferran Suner Munoz)
q1+q2 30h+30h 5 credits
> Maïté Dupont (compensates Gaëtanelle Gilquin)
> Gaëtanelle Gilquin
Maïté Dupont (compensates Gaëtanelle Gilquin)
q2 22.5h+5h 5 credits
> Philippe Hiligsmann
> Kristel Van Goethem
Philippe Hiligsmann
q1 30h+7.5h 5 credits
> Guido Latre (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
> Stéphanie Vanasten
Guido Latre (compensates Stéphanie Vanasten)
General courses
q1 30h+7.5h 5 credits
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Jean-Louis Dufays (compensates Michel Lisse)
Jean-Louis Dufays