Bandeau smcs
UCLouvain > SMCS Platform

Panel data analysis using Stata (advanced part)

[2 half days] - [English]

Are you conducting a longitudinal survey? Do you want to learn how to analyse panel data in the specific case of dynamic and binary outcome models?

Regression is a group of statistical methods used to model the relation between the response variable (dependent, endogenous, etc.) and one or more explanatory variables (independent, exogenous, etc.).

Training aims
This course provides tools for the analysis of panel-data in the case of dynamic and binary outcome models.

By registering for this training, you commit to a level of knowledge equivalent to the following training(s):

Panel data analysis using Stata


• Dynamic panel-data: model structure and assumptions, traditional estimators, IV estimation, difference GMM and system GMM estimations.
• Binary outcome panel-data: probit and tobit estimations.
• Post-estimation: tests for valid inference and comparison of estimators.
We will apply the theoretical content with exercises in Stata.

This training course is recognized by the IABE, enabling participants to earn CPD points.
(Note that this is true for all SMCS courses.)
IABE logo

Tools used during training

Methods and method families discussed
Regression model
   Logistic regression
   Nonlinear regression

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