A la une,  Agriculture,  Call for papers

Call for papers: « Agriculture (re-)territorialisation: Balancing the promotion of local products and international trade in Europe »

Call for papers :  « Agriculture (re-)territorialisation: Balancing the promotion of local products and international trade in Europe » – Special feature for « Sustainability Science »

The question that we wish to address in this special feature is central:  How to (re)-build European food policy to encourage local practices of production and consumption and structure these practices with European and international trade? How can citizen and professional initiatives overthrow the dominant regime and change public policies? In order to ensure a better ecological performance of our food systems as well as to ensure the food sovereignty of the EU states, it is essential to reflect on the re-territorialisation of production and consumption systems. There is a tension between the search for autonomy and the maintenance of trade systems, which are a pillar of the European Union. 

The full text is available here https://rdcu.be/cSQDo

Important dates and deadlines

September 30, 2022: submission of extended abstracts (maximum 300 words) to editorial team: nicolas.loodts@ uclouvain.be.

October 15, 2022: Acceptance of the abstract.

December 1, 2023: submission of full papers to the edi- torial team: nicolas.loodts@uclouvain.be.

February 1, 2023: Comments on the full papers by the editorial team.

April 1, 2023: submission of revised papers

January 1, 2024: Expected publication.