Core courses in all options
Mathematics, Analysis and Data-processing
BIR1304 |
Probability and statistics (II)[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Patrick Bogaert
BIR1305 |
Introduction to systems analysis[10h+20h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret (coord.), Pierre Defourny, Marnik Vanclooster
Sciences and Matter and Processes Engineering
BIR1310 |
Transfer phenomena[45h+15h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Michel Giot
Life Sciences
BIR1321 |
Biochemistry II : metabolic pathways and their regulation[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Françoise Foury, Michel Ghislain (coord.), Yvan Larondelle
BIR1323 |
Microbiology[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jacques Mahillon
BIR1322 |
General genetics[45h+15h] (5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Pierre Bertin
course will be partly followed by the students who have chosen the Chemistry option :
BIR1322A |
Génétique générale[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Pierre Bertin
Human Sciences
BIR1344 |
Operation and management of enterprises[30h+7.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
André Nsabimana
ANGL2480 |
English Communication skills for engineers[30h] (2 credits)
Ahmed Adrioueche, Isabelle Druant, Annick Sonck
BIR1345 |
Report on the work experience training[60h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Joseph Dufey (coord.), Eric Gaigneaux
60 hours or 5 credits for the students enrolled on the Agronomy and Environment options
30 hours or 2 credits for the students enrolled on the Chemistry option
Specific courses for the different options
BIR21A : "Agronomy" Option
Sciences and Matter and Processes Engineering
BIR1312 |
Introduction to analytical chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Yves Dufrêne, Yves Dufrêne
BIR1313 |
Integrated exercises in soil and water chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey, Yves Dufrêne
Life Sciences
BIR1324 |
Animal physiology[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Cathy Debier, Isabelle Donnay
BIR1325 |
Physiologie du développement et systématique des plantes d'intérêt agronomique[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Jean-Marie Kinet, Jean-François Ledent
Globe and Ecosystems Sciences
BIR1331 |
Applied ecology[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BIR1332 |
Soil sciences[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey
BIR1333 |
Bioclimatology[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Thierry Fichefet, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou
BIR1335 |
Field excursions in pedology, agricultural ecology and forestry[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Freddy Devillez, Joseph Dufey, Alain Peeters
Human Sciences
BIR1342 |
Rural economy[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Henry de Frahan
BIR21C : "Chemistry" Option
Sciences and Matter and Processes Engineering
BIR1311 |
Thermodynamics[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Yann Bartosiewicz
BIR1314 |
Physical chemistry I[30h+30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaigneaux, Daniel Peeters
CHIM2151 |
Analytical chemistry I[30h] (7.5 credits) (in French)
Yann Garcia (coord.), Paul Rouxhet
BIR1315 |
Practical exercises and seminars in analytical chemistry I[30h+30h] (4 credits) (in French)
Yann Garcia, Paul Rouxhet (coord.)
BIR1316 |
Integrated exercices in chemical analysis[45h] (3 credits) (in French)
Yann Garcia, Paul Rouxhet (coord.)
BIR1317 |
Organic chemistry (part II)[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Jacqueline Marchand
BIR1318 |
Organic analysis I : separation techniques[30h+60h] (5.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin, Jacqueline Marchand
BIR1319 |
Colloïdal and surface chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Paul Rouxhet
BIR21E : "Environment" option
Sciences and Matter and Processes Engineering
BIR1312 |
Introduction to analytical chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Yves Dufrêne, Yves Dufrêne
BIR1313 |
Integrated exercises in soil and water chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey, Yves Dufrêne
Life Sciences
BIR1325 |
Physiologie du développement et systématique des plantes d'intérêt agronomique[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Jean-Marie Kinet, Jean-François Ledent
Globe and Ecosystems Sciences
BIR1331 |
Applied ecology[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BIR1332 |
Soil sciences[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey
BIR1333 |
Bioclimatology[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Thierry Fichefet, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou
BIR1334 |
Introduction to forestry sciences[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Quentin Ponette
BIR1335 |
Field excursions in pedology, agricultural ecology and forestry[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Freddy Devillez, Joseph Dufey, Alain Peeters
Human Sciences
BIR1343 |
Economy of natural resources and the environment[37.5h+7.5h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
BIR 22A: Option "Agronomic Sciences "
Core courses for all specialisations
BIRA2101 |
Biometry : analysis of the variance[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Christian Hafner, Eric Le Boulengé
BIRA2102 |
Applied biotechnology[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Claude Bragard, Isabelle Donnay
BIRA2103 |
Economy and management of agricultural production[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Bouquiaux
BIRC2109A |
Génie des procédés : Opérations unitaires[22.5h+7.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens
BIRA2104 |
Agricultural mechanisation[30h+0h] (~) (in French)
Charles Bielders
BIRA2105 |
Agricultural and rural policies[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Henry de Frahan
BIRA2106 |
Principles of phytiatry[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite
BIRA2107A |
Productions animales : Principes[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Michel Focant
BIRA2107B |
Productions animales : Alimentation[7.5h+7.5h] (1 credits) (in French)
Yvan Larondelle
BIRA2108A |
Productions végétales : Principes[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Xavier Draye, Jean-François Ledent
BIRA2108B |
Productions végétales : Prairies et fourrages(1 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BIRA2109A |
Systèmes agraires et conduite de l'exploitation agricole : Systèmes agraires[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BIRA2109B |
Systèmes agraires et conduite de l'exploitation agricole : Conduite de l'exploitation[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent, Alain Peeters
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S1A: Sciences, Technology and Food Quality
BIR1318A |
Analyse organique I : techniques de séparation[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin, Jacqueline Marchand
BRAL2101A |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :Fermentations levuriennes[15h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2101B |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :Fermentations bactériennes[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2102 |
Nutritional biochemistry and human food needs[45h+0h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Yvan Larondelle
BRAL2103A |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : Constituants alimentaires majeurs(1.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103B |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : TP de chimie des constituants alimentaires majeurs(1 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103C |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : Constituants alimentaires mineurs(1.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103D |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires :TP de chimie des constituants alimentaires mineurs(1 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
STAT2510 |
Statistical quality control.[15h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts
BRAL2104 |
Food microbiology[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Jacques Mahillon, Philippe Perpete
Free choice courses for 7 credits
S7A: Water and Soil Resources
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
BRES2102 |
Soil hydrodynamics : modelling[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BRES2103 |
Soil physics[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
One course according to choice, from the two following :
BIRE2103 |
General hydrology[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BIRE2104 |
Applied soil sciences[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Hugues Titeux (supplée Bruno Delvaux)
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 6 credits
Optional courses are offered on the programme of the 4th
and 5th year for a total minimum volume of 12 credits; students
will be mindful to balance the dividision of these courses.
Depending on his
project, the student will either prioritise studies in a specific branch of studies or a combination of the 2 domains.
BRES2106 |
Integrated management of the soil-plant system[52.5h+22.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Claude Chiang Naikan (supplée N.), Stephan Declerck, Bruno Delvaux, Xavier Draye, Jean-François Ledent, Bernard Toussaint
BRES2104 |
Hydraulics on open channels[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Marnik Vanclooster, Marnik Vanclooster
BRTE2101 |
Biological physico-chemistry of water and soil[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Patrick Gerin
BRES2105 |
Industrial physics[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Eddy Jacques, Hervé Jeanmart
BRES2107 |
Material resistance[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
David Johnson, Benoît Raucent, Jean-François Thimus
Free choice options for 3.5 credits
S8A : Integrated Agronomy - Animal, Vegetal and Economic Production
Core courses:
BIRA2107C |
Productions animales : Améliorations(1 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret
BIRA2107D |
Productions animales : Principes d'hygiène(1 credits) (in French)
Jean-Paul Dehoux
BIRA2108C |
Productions végétales : Phytotechnie intégrée en régions tempérées(2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent
Options from the five following lists for 18.5 credits :
Depending on his project, the student will prioritise
studies in a specific subject area (vegetal, animal or economic) or a
combination of all of the domains.
List 1: Vegetal Production
BRAI2101 |
Population and quantitative genetics[52.5h+0h] (4 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Xavier Draye
BRES2106C |
Gestion intégrée du système sol-plante : Fertilisation(2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent, Bernard Toussaint
BRPP2103A |
Phytopathologie(3 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite
BIRA2109D |
Systèmes agraires et conduite de l'exploitation agricole : Domaine végétal(1 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent
List 2: Animal Production
BRAI2102 |
Advanced animal physiology and biochemistry[22.5h+0h] (2 credits) (in French)
Cathy Debier, Isabelle Donnay, Yvan Larondelle
BRAI2101 |
Population and quantitative genetics[52.5h+0h] (4 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Xavier Draye
BIRA2107E |
Productions animales : Pathologie appliquée(1 credits) (in French)
Jean-Paul Dehoux
BIRA2109C |
Système agraire et conduite de l'exploitation agricole : Domaine animal(1 credits) (in French)
Michel Focant
BRAI2207 |
Agricultural market analysis[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Georges Honhon, Philippe Polomé
BRAI2209 |
Company strategy in agro-industrial sector[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Loic Sauvée
ECON2135A |
Econométrie : méthodes et applications - 1ère partie[22.5h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
BIR1343 |
Economy of natural resources and the environment[37.5h+7.5h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
BRAI2207 |
Agricultural market analysis[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Georges Honhon, Philippe Polomé
BRAI2209 |
Company strategy in agro-industrial sector[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Loic Sauvée
List 4 : Pluridisciplinary courses
Courses taught in the 5th year.
List 5: Complementary courses
BRES2106A |
Gestion intégrée du système sol-plante : Interaction sol-plantes(2 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Xavier Draye
BRES2106B |
Gestion intégrée du système sol-plante : Processus et cycles biopédologiques(2 credits) (in French)
Stephan Declerck
BRAI2103 |
Tropical phytotechnology[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin
BREF2101 |
Fish farming[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Xavier Rollin
BRAI2104 |
Tropical zootechnology[22.5h+0h] (2 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Jean-Paul Dehoux
STAT2520 |
Design of experiment.[22.5h+7.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts, Eric Le Boulengé
Free choice courses for 5 credits
S9A : Integrated Protection of Plants
BRPP2101 |
Plant pathological agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes)[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite, Didier Mugniery
BRPP2102 |
Entomology applied to agriculture[45h+15h] (5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Thierry Hance, Henri Maraite, Hans Van Dyck
BRES2106B |
Gestion intégrée du système sol-plante : Processus et cycles biopédologiques(2 credits) (in French)
Stephan Declerck
BRPP2103 |
Phytopathology[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite
BRPP2104 |
Malherbology[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent, Alain Peeters
BIRA2108C |
Productions végétales : Phytotechnie intégrée en régions tempérées(2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent
Free choice courses for 6.5 credits
S10A : Technologies and Information Management
BRTI2101 |
Decision aids and operational research[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Michel Herman
STAT2411A |
Data Analysis[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Léopold Simar
BIRE2101 |
Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal data[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Patrick Bogaert
INGI2271 |
Database management systems[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Alain Pirotte (coord.), Marco Saerens
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
One course according to choice, from the following list :
COMU2107 |
Communications law (in French)
DESO2336 |
Intellectual Property Rights[30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
COMU2138 |
Scientific popularisation: theory and case study[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Verhaegen
STAT2520 |
Design of experiment.[22.5h+7.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts, Eric Le Boulengé
Free choice courses for 6.5 credits
BIR 22C: Option "Chemistry and Bio-industries"
Core courses for all specialisations
BIRC2101 |
Analyse biochimique[15h+22.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
François Chaumont, Pierre Morsomme
BIRC2102 |
Analyse organique II[52.5h+30h] (6.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin, Joëlle Leclercq
BIRC2103 |
Molecular biology and concepts of genetic engineering[22.5h+22.5h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Marc Boutry, François Chaumont
BIRC2104 |
Chimie analytique II[22.5h+30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Yann Garcia, Paul Rouxhet
BIRC2105 |
Chimie physique II[52.5h+22.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Patricio Ruiz Barrientos
BIRC2106 |
Chemometrics[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts
BIRC2107 |
Exercices intégrés en chimie appliquée et bioindustries[45h+0h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaigneaux, Patrick Gerin, Michel Ghislain, Michèle Mestdagh, Philippe Perpete
BIRC2108 |
Biochemical and Microbial Engineering[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Spyridon Agathos
BIRC2109 |
Process engineering : unit operations[52.5h+22.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens, Patricio Ruiz Barrientos
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S1C : Sciences, Technology and Food Quality
BRAL2102A |
Biochimie nutritionnelle et besoins alimentaires de l'homme : Nutrition et métabolisme(1.5 credits) (in French)
Yvan Larondelle
BRAL2102B |
Biochimie nutritionnelle et besoins alimentaires de l'homme :Besoins alimentaires(1 credits) (in French)
Yvan Larondelle
BRAL2104 |
Food microbiology[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Jacques Mahillon, Philippe Perpete
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 5 credits:
BRAL2103A |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : Constituants alimentaires majeurs(1.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103B |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : TP de chimie des constituants alimentaires majeurs(1 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103C |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires : Constituants alimentaires mineurs(1.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103D |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires :TP de chimie des constituants alimentaires mineurs(1 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
BRAL2103E |
Chimie des denrées alimentaires :Constituants spécifiques de la bière et TP(2.5 credits) (in French)
Sonia Collin
Courses according to choice from the following list for 2.5 credits:
BRAL2101A |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :Fermentations levuriennes[15h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2101B |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :Fermentations bactériennes[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2101C |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :Biochimie du maltage et du brassage[15h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2101D |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :TP de biochimie des céréales[0h+15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
BRAL2101E |
Biochimie des industries alimentaires :TP de biochimie de la levure[0h+15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Philippe Perpete
Free choice courses for 4 credits
S2C : Biomolecular and Cellular Biology
BRNA2101B |
Biophysique :Protéines et acides nucléiques : structure et stabilité(2 credits) (in French)
Jacques Fastrez, Michèle Mestdagh
BRMC2101 |
Genetic engineering[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Marc Boutry
BRMC2102 |
Molecular physiology[22.5h+0h] (2 credits) (in French)
Marc Boutry, Michel Ghislain, Pierre Morsomme
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 4 or 5 credits:
MAPR2300 |
Process Control[30h+37.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Georges Bastin, Denis Dochain
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
MAPR2145 |
Process Simulation[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Denis Dochain, Fernand Thyrion
Free choice courses for 8 credits
Modulable volume (7 or 8 credits) depending on the volume of hours of studies for the given choice.
S3C : Nanobiotechnologies, Materials and Catalysis
BRNA2101 |
Biophysics[52.5h+0h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Fastrez, Michèle Mestdagh
BRNA2102 |
Material surface characterisation[52.5h+0h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Yves Dufrêne, Paul Rouxhet
BRNA2103 |
Chemistry of solids[37.5h+0h] (3 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaigneaux
MAPR2381B |
Chimie macromoléculaire[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Pierre Godard
Free choice courses for 4.5 credits
S4C : Environmental Technologies : Water, Sun, Air
The students
enrolled for this specialisation have the choice between the BIRC
2107 course (core syllabus with BIR22C) and the BRTE 2102 course (BIR22
4E) specialisation
BRTE2101 |
Biological physico-chemistry of water and soil[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Patrick Gerin
BRES2103A |
Physique du sol : Théorie(2 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BIR1332 |
Soil sciences[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Joseph Dufey
Two courses according to choice, from the following list for 6 to 8 credits
AMCO2191 |
Geoenvironment[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
AMCO2191A |
Géoenvironnement (partie)[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
The AMCO2191 course, Partim A, can only be followed after the BRES 2102 course, Soil Hydrodynamics: Modelling
BRES2102 |
Soil hydrodynamics : modelling[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
MAPR2680 |
Treatments of gaseous wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Olivier Françoisse
MAPR2643 |
Treatment of liquid effluents[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Spyridon Agathos, Léon Duvivier
MAPR2690 |
Valorisation and Treatment of Solid Wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Joris Proost
Free choice courses for 3 credits
Modulable volume (1 to 3 credits), depending on the volume of study hours for the given choice.
S10C : Technologies and Information Management
The students enrolled for this
specialisation are dispensed from taking the BIRC 2106 course, - Chimiometrics.
STAT2411A |
Data Analysis[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Léopold Simar
BIRA2101 |
Biometry : analysis of the variance[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Christian Hafner, Eric Le Boulengé
INGI2271 |
Database management systems[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Alain Pirotte (coord.), Marco Saerens
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
A choice of one course from the following list
BIRE2101 |
Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal data[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Patrick Bogaert
STAT2520 |
Design of experiment.[22.5h+7.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts, Eric Le Boulengé
Free choice courses for 4 credits
BIR 22E: "Sciences and Environmental Technologies " option
Core course for all specialisations
STAT2411A |
Data Analysis[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Léopold Simar
BIRE2101 |
Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal data[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Patrick Bogaert
BIRE2102 |
Geomatic applied to the environment[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny
BIRE2103 |
General hydrology[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BIRE2104 |
Applied soil sciences[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Hugues Titeux (supplée Bruno Delvaux)
BIRE2105 |
Water and soil quality[22.5h+7.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Delvaux, Patrick Gerin, Henri Halen (supplée Bruno Delvaux), Xavier Rollin (supplée Bruno Delvaux)
Students of the S4E specialisation : Environmental Technologies : Water, Sun, Air, are dispensed from taking the Quality of
water and soils course.
BIRA2109B |
Systèmes agraires et conduite de l'exploitation agricole : Conduite de l'exploitation[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Ledent, Alain Peeters
BIRE2106 |
Topometry and photogrammetry[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Olivier Cogels, Pierre Defourny
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S4E : Environmental Technologies : Water, Sun, Air
BIR1319 |
Colloïdal and surface chemistry[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Paul Rouxhet
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
BRTE2102 |
Integrated exercises in environmental science and technology[45h+0h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Patrick Gerin, Patricio Ruiz Barrientos, Marnik Vanclooster
BIRC2109 |
Process engineering : unit operations[52.5h+22.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens, Patricio Ruiz Barrientos
BRTE2101 |
Biological physico-chemistry of water and soil[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Patrick Gerin
BRES2103 |
Soil physics[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BIR1311 |
Thermodynamics[30h+15h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Yann Bartosiewicz
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 3 to 4 credits :
These courses according to choice are offered on the
programme of the 4th and 5th year for a total volume of 6 to 8 credits;
the student will be attentive to balancing the division of these
AMCO2191 |
Geoenvironment[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
AMCO2191A |
Géoenvironnement (partie)[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
The AMCO 2191course, Partim A, can only be followed after the BRES 2102 course, Soil Hydrodynamics : Modelling
BRES2102 |
Soil hydrodynamics : modelling[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
MAPR2643 |
Treatment of liquid effluents[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Spyridon Agathos, Léon Duvivier
MAPR2680 |
Treatments of gaseous wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Olivier Françoisse
MAPR2690 |
Valorisation and Treatment of Solid Wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Joris Proost
Free choice courses for 4 credits
Modulable volume (4 or 4 credits), depending on the volume of hours of studies for the given choice.
S5E : Territory Reorganisation
BRTI2101 |
Decision aids and operational research[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Michel Herman
BRAT2101 |
Suburban and rural space development[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny, Freddy Devillez
AMCO2955 |
Aspects juridiques de l'urbanisme et de l'aménagement du territoire[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Francis Haumont
BRAT2102 |
Spatial modelling of territorial dynamics[15h+15h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny
BREF2105 |
Phytosociology[15h+30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Freddy Devillez, Freddy Devillez (supplée Anne-Laure Jacquemart), Anne-Laure Jacquemart
BIRA2105 |
Agricultural and rural policies[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Bruno Henry de Frahan
BRAT2103 |
Rural sociology and land development[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Daniel Bodson
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 4 credits
BIRA2107A |
Productions animales : Principes[22.5h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Michel Focant
BIRA2107B |
Productions animales : Alimentation[7.5h+7.5h] (1 credits) (in French)
Yvan Larondelle
BIRA2108A |
Productions végétales : Principes[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Xavier Draye, Jean-François Ledent
BREF2107B |
Sylviculture : Sylviculture appliquée(4 credits) (in French)
Quentin Ponette
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 2.5 credits
ENVI3006 |
Droit de l'environnement[30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Francis Haumont
ENVI3011 |
Méthodes d'évaluation et de gestion environnementale[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean-Pierre Tack
Free choice courses for 5 credits
S6E : Nature, Water and Forests
BRTI2101A |
Aide à la décision et recherche opérationnelle: Aide à la décision(2 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
BREF2102 |
Wood anatomy and properties[30h+30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Tomas Avella y Shaw
BREF2103 |
Dendrometry and inventory of forest resources[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Quentin Ponette
BREF2104 |
Forestry engineering[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Daniel Bemelmans
BREF2105 |
Phytosociology[15h+30h] (3.5 credits) (in French)
Freddy Devillez, Freddy Devillez (supplée Anne-Laure Jacquemart), Anne-Laure Jacquemart
BREF2106 |
Forest health and protection[22.5h+7.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Thierry Hance, Henri Maraite
BREF2107A |
Sylviculture : Ecologie forestière(2 credits) (in French)
Quentin Ponette
BREF2107B |
Sylviculture : Sylviculture appliquée(4 credits) (in French)
Quentin Ponette
A choice of one course from the following list for 2 credits :
BIOL2191A |
Ecologie (partim)[45h] (in French)
Anne-Laure Jacquemart
BREF2101 |
Fish farming[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Xavier Rollin
Free choice courses for 6 credits
Modulable volume, depending on the volume of hours of studies for the given choice.
S7E : Water and Soil Resources
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
BRES2102 |
Soil hydrodynamics : modelling[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
BRES2103 |
Soil physics[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
Courses according to choice, from the following list for 14 credits :
Depending on his project, the students will prioritise
either studies in a specific subject (water or soil), or a combination
of the two domains.
BRES2106 |
Integrated management of the soil-plant system[52.5h+22.5h] (6 credits) (in French)
Claude Chiang Naikan (supplée N.), Stephan Declerck, Bruno Delvaux, Xavier Draye, Jean-François Ledent, Bernard Toussaint
BRES2104 |
Hydraulics on open channels[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Marnik Vanclooster, Marnik Vanclooster
BRTE2101 |
Biological physico-chemistry of water and soil[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Joseph Dufey, Patrick Gerin
BRES2105 |
Industrial physics[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Eddy Jacques, Hervé Jeanmart
BRES2107 |
Material resistance[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
David Johnson, Benoît Raucent, Jean-François Thimus
Free choice courses for 5.5 credits
Modulable volume, depending on the volume of hours of studies for the given choice.
S10E : Technologies and Information Management
BRTI2101 |
Decision aids and operational research[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Michel Herman
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
INGI2271 |
Database management systems[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Alain Pirotte (coord.), Marco Saerens
BIRA2101 |
Biometry : analysis of the variance[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Christian Hafner, Eric Le Boulengé
A choice of one course from the following list for 3 credits :
COMU2138 |
Scientific popularisation: theory and case study[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Verhaegen
DESO2336 |
Intellectual Property Rights[30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
COMU2107 |
Communications law (in French)
STAT2520 |
Design of experiment.[22.5h+7.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Bernadette Govaerts, Eric Le Boulengé
Free choice of courses for 9.5 credits
BIR 23A : "Agronomic Sciences Option"
Core courses for all specialisations
BIRA2201 |
Projet interdisciplinaire d'agronomie[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Yvan Larondelle, Henri Maraite
AGRO2300 |
Questions in religious sciences[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
BIRA2200 |
Mémoire de fin d'études(35 credits) (in French)
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S1A : Sciences, Technologies and Food Quality
BRAL2201 |
Food technology[105h+7.5h] (8.5 credits) (in French)
Stéphane Dupire, Marc Meurens
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alfred Bernard
BRTI2101A |
Aide à la décision et recherche opérationnelle: Aide à la décision(2 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
Free choice of courses for 8 credits
S7A : Water and Soil Resources
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
course is followed exceptionally during the academic year 2005-06 for the students of the BIR23/7A course
BRES2201 |
Irrigation, drainage and soil preservation[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Guido Wyseure
BRES2202 |
Seminars on water and soil resources[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Bruno Delvaux, Marnik Vanclooster
Free choice courses from the following list for 6 credits :
Depending on his project, the student
will pioritise either studies in a particular subject (water or soil),
or a combination of the 2 domains.
BRES2203 |
Soil management and planning in warm regions[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Bruno Delvaux
BRES2204 |
Integrated management of water resources[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Amaury Tilmant
BRES2205 |
Clay and solid constructions[22.5h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Sébastien Lambot
Courses according to choice, for a volume of 7 credits
Modulable volume, depending on the volume of the given course choice.
S8A : Integrated Agronomy - Animal, Vegetal and Economic Productions
BRAI2201 |
Integrated exercises in agronomy[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Bernard Toussaint
BRES2201A |
Irrigation, drainage et conservation des sols: Irrigation et drainage[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders
BRTI2101A |
Aide à la décision et recherche opérationnelle: Aide à la décision(2 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
Courses according to choice, from the five following list of course headings, for a volume of 9 credits :
List 1 : Vegetal productions :
BRAI2202 |
Management of covered off-field cultures[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Claude Bragard
BRAI2203 |
Genetic diversity and plant amelioration[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin, Jean-Marie Kinet
BRAI2204 |
Management of temperate and tropical pastoral systems[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
List 2 : Animal productions :
BRAI2204 |
Management of temperate and tropical pastoral systems[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BRAI2205 |
Genetic diversity and animal amelioration[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret
BRAI2206 |
Technology and processing of animal products[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret
BRTI2101B |
Aide a la décision et recherche opérationnelle:Recherche opérationnelle(2 credits) (in French)
Michel Herman
BRAI2207 |
Agricultural market analysis[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Georges Honhon, Philippe Polomé
BRAI2208 |
Seminar on rural economy[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Bruno Henry de Frahan
BRAI2209 |
Company strategy in agro-industrial sector[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Loic Sauvée
List 4 : Pluridisciplinary courses :
BIRE2201 |
Design and evaluation of projects[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
André Nsabimana
BIRE2202 |
Territorial and environmental diagnosis[7.5h+22.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny, Freddy Devillez, Frédéric Gaspart
BRAI2210 |
Integrated development[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Jean-François Sneessens
BRAT2103 |
Rural sociology and land development[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Daniel Bodson
List 5 : Complementary courses
BRPP2102A |
Entomologie appliquée à l'agriculture[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Thierry Hance, Hans Van Dyck
BRAI2211 |
Agrostology[22.5h+7.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BRAI2212 |
Rural development economy[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Bruno Henry de Frahan
BRAI2213 |
Evaluation des politiques agricoles[30h] (2 credits) (in French)
Bruno Henry de Frahan
BRAI2215 |
Phytotechnology of horticultural crops[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Pierre Bertin
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alfred Bernard
ENVI3006 |
Droit de l'environnement[30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
Francis Haumont
Free choice courses for a volume of 5 credits
S9A : Integrated Protection of Plants
BRTI2101A |
Aide à la décision et recherche opérationnelle: Aide à la décision(2 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart
BRPP2201 |
Biological control and integrated protection[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Thierry Hance, Henri Maraite
BRPP2202 |
Phytoclinic (diagnosis, identification, causative agents and advises)[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite
BRPP2203 |
Phytopharmacy[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Maraite
BRPP2204 |
Special questions in plant protection[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Claude Bragard, Henri Maraite
Free choice of courses for a volume of 6.5 credits
S10A : Technologies and Information Management
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
This course is followed exceptionally durant the academic year 2005-06 by the students of BIR23/10A
BRTI2102 |
Process modelling and forescasting systems[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Patrick Bogaert, Xavier Draye (coord.)
BRTI2201 |
Complement to the interdisciplinary agronomy project[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Cathy Debier, Frédéric Gaspart (coord.)
BRTI2202 |
Special questions in information management[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Pierre Defourny
Choice of given courses for a volume of 9 credits
students are invited to
choose, for this volume of 9 credits of thematic modules to be
specified from among "Biology and Gennetics", "Information and
agriculture", "Environmental Evaluation and Follow-up". The content of
these modules will be defined with the Study Advisor.
BIR 23C : "Chemistry and Bio-industries" Option
Core courses for all specialisations
MAPR2330 |
Reactor Design[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Denis Dochain
The S10 students are dispensed from taking this course
BIRC2201 |
Project in industrial chemistry[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Patrick Gerin
AGRO2300 |
Questions in religious sciences[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
BIRC2200 |
Mémoire de fin d'études(35 credits) (in French)
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S1C : Sciences, Technology and Food Quality
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alfred Bernard
Choice of courses from the following list for 5 credits :
partim BRAL2201F "Integrated Project" is obligatory.
BRAL2201A |
Technologie alimentaire:Opérations unitaires de séparation[22.5h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Stéphane Dupire
BRAL2201B |
Technologie alimentaire:Opérations unitaires de conservation[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens
BRAL2201C |
Technologie alimentaire:Procédés biotechnologiques[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Stéphane Dupire
BRAL2201D |
Technologie alimentaire:Transformations des produits végétaux et animaux[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens
BRAL2201E |
Technologie alimentaire : Contrôle de qualité[15h] (1 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens
BRAL2201F |
Technologie alimentaire : Projet intégré[7.5h+7.5h] (1.5 credits) (in French)
Marc Meurens
Free choice of courses for 6 credits
S2C : Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering
BRMC2201 |
Bioinformatics : DNA and protein sequences[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Michel Ghislain
BRMC2202 |
Cell culture technology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Marc Boutry (coord.), Claude Remacle, Yves-Jacques Schneider
Free choice of courses for 8 credits
Modulable volume, depending on the volume of the given options
S3C : Nanobiotechnologies, Materials and Catalysis
Choice of courses from the following list for 5 or 6 credits :
BRNA2201 |
Catalysis[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Eric Gaigneaux
BRNA2202 |
Nano-biotechnologies[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Yves Dufrêne
MAPR2392A |
Physique des matériaux polymères[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Alain Jonas, Roger Legras
Free choice of courses for a volume of 8 credits
Modulable volume, depending on the volume of the given options
S4C : Environmental Technologies : Water, Soil, Air
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alfred Bernard
Free choice of courses for 11 credits
S10C : Technologies and Information Management
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
course is followed exceptionally during the academic year 2005-06 by the BIR23/10C students
BRTI2101 |
Decision aids and operational research[37.5h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Michel Herman
BRTI2102 |
Process modelling and forescasting systems[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Patrick Bogaert, Xavier Draye (coord.)
BRTI2202 |
Special questions in information management[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Pierre Defourny
Choice of one course from the following list :
COMU2107 |
Communications law (in French)
DESO2336 |
Intellectual Property Rights[30h] (4.5 credits) (in French)
COMU2138 |
Scientific popularisation: theory and case study[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Verhaegen
Free choice of courses for a volume of 6 credits
BIR23E : "Environmental Sciences and Technologies" Option
Core courses for all specialisations
BIRE2201 |
Design and evaluation of projects[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
André Nsabimana
BIRE2202 |
Territorial and environmental diagnosis[7.5h+22.5h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny, Freddy Devillez, Frédéric Gaspart
BIRE2203 |
Integrated project in environmental science and technology[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Tomas Avella y Shaw, Charles Bielders, Pierre Defourny, Bruno Delvaux, Freddy Devillez, Joseph Dufey, Quentin Ponette, Philippe Sonnet (coord.), Marnik Vanclooster
AGRO2300 |
Questions in religious sciences[15h] (2 credits) (in French)
Henri Wattiaux
BIRE2200 |
Mémoire de fin d'études(35 credits) (in French)
Courses specific to the different specialisations
S4E : Environmental Technologies : Water, Soil, Air
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
course is followed exceptionally during the academic year 2005-06 by the BIR23/4E students
BRTE2201 |
Human and animal toxicology[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Alfred Bernard
Choice of two courses from the following list for 4 credits :
AMCO2191 |
Geoenvironment[30h+15h] (4 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
AMCO2191B |
Géoenvironnement(1.5 credits) (in French)
Alain Holeyman
AMCO 2191 course, Partim B, can only be followed after the BRES2102 course :Soil Hydrodynamics : Modelling
BRES2102 |
Soil hydrodynamics : modelling[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Marnik Vanclooster
MAPR2643 |
Treatment of liquid effluents[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Spyridon Agathos, Léon Duvivier
MAPR2680 |
Treatments of gaseous wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Olivier Françoisse
MAPR2690 |
Valorisation and Treatment of Solid Wastes[30h+7.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Jacques Devaux, Joris Proost
Free choice of courses for a volume of 8 credits
volume is modulable, depending on the choice of the given options.
S5E : Territory Reorganisation
AMCO3011A |
Acteurs, territoires et contextes de développement A[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Bernard Declève
BRES2201B |
Irrigation, drainage et conservation des sols:Conservation des sols[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders
BRAT2201 |
Seminars and exercises in land development[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny, Freddy Devillez
Choice of courses from the following list for 2.5 credits :
BRAT2102 |
Spatial modelling of territorial dynamics[15h+15h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Pierre Defourny
course will be followed exceptionally in 2005-06
BRAI2212 |
Rural development economy[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Frédéric Gaspart, Bruno Henry de Frahan
This course choice is not offered in 2005-06. The students will exceptionally follow the BRAT 2102 course.
BIRA2103 |
Economy and management of agricultural production[30h+7.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Jean-Marie Bouquiaux
AMCO2991 |
Faisabilité et incidence des projets de développement territorial[30h] (3 credits) (in French)
Dominique Peeters
Free choice of courses for a volume of 5 credits
volume is modulable, depending on the choice of the given options.
S6E : Nature, Water and Forests
BREF2202 |
Forest management and economy[60h] (5 credits) (in French)
Daniel Bemelmans, Jean-Louis Blanchez, Quentin Ponette
BREF2107C |
Sylviculture : Séminaires et tournée forestière(3 credits) (in French)
Tomas Avella y Shaw, Jean-Louis Blanchez, Freddy Devillez, Quentin Ponette
BREF2203 |
Wood transformation and valorisation[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Tomas Avella y Shaw
Choice of one course from the following list :
BRAI2204 |
Management of temperate and tropical pastoral systems[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Alain Peeters
BREF2201 |
Management principles of animal species in natural environment[15h+15h] (2.5 credits) (in French)
Michel Baguette, Eric Le Boulengé
Free choice of courses for a volume of 4 credits
volume is modulable, depending on the choice of the given options.
S7E : Water and Soil Resources
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
course is followed exceptionally during the academic year 2005-06 by the
BIR23/7E students
BRES2201 |
Irrigation, drainage and soil preservation[37.5h+22.5h] (5 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Guido Wyseure
BRES2202 |
Seminars on water and soil resources[22.5h] (2 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Bruno Delvaux, Marnik Vanclooster
Choice of courses from the following list for 3 credits :
BRES2203 |
Soil management and planning in warm regions[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Charles Bielders, Bruno Delvaux
BRES2204 |
Integrated management of water resources[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Amaury Tilmant
BRES2205 |
Clay and solid constructions[22.5h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Sébastien Lambot
Free choice of courses for a volume of 4.5 credits
volume is modulable, depending on the choice of the given options.
S10E : Technologies and Information Management
BRES2101 |
Electronics and measurement[30h+22.5h] (4 credits) (in French)
Francis Labrique
course is followed exceptionally during the academic year 2005-06 by the BIR23/10E students
BRTI2102 |
Process modelling and forescasting systems[22.5h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Patrick Bogaert, Xavier Draye (coord.)
BRTI2202 |
Special questions in information management[37.5h] (3 credits) (in French)
Philippe Baret, Pierre Defourny
Choice of given courses for a volume of 9 credits
students are invited to choose specific
thematic modules from among : "Biology and Genetics", "Information
and Agriculture", "Environmental Evaluation and Follow-up", for this
volume of 9 credits. The content of these modules will be defined
together with the study advisor.
Free choice of courses for a volume of 2.5 credits