cover Words of Justice

Cet work, bilingual, invites you to discover the mysteries of the world of justice through a selection of words. Words that tell the foundations and principles that underlie this institution, its actors, the pathways and procedures that constitute it, the acts – crimes and misdemeanors – that it sanctions – and how –, its highlights and reforms as well as its multiple representations.

By favoring a language and structure accessible to all, this book adopts a citizen approach which offers elements of response to the numerous questions arising from the daily confrontation of citizens with justice.

Particular care was given to the choice of illustrations intended to enter into dialogue with the texts. Objects, testimonials, photos, drawings, plans illustrate the links between justice and society.

Two projects complete the book. The first is a exposition bilingual. Nine panels highlight the main themes of the book. Its “physical” version accompanied the launch of the book in January 2017. She is expected to travel to different justice locations next year.

The second project carried out alongside the book is the filming of two video capsules who give voice to two little-known actors of justice : the clerks and volunteers of the Itinérances association who transport children to the prison where their parent is detained.