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1. Introduction
2. Technical details
3. Volumes (.pdf)
1. Introduction
The Revue Juridique du Congo belge, published by the Société d’Études Juridiques du Katanga, pursues a dual purpose : 1) give as much fixity and clarity as possible to the legal principles and customs in use within the jurisdiction of the newly created Court of Appeal in Elisabethville. 2) popularize the rules thus established in order to interest not only the judicial world in general but also the administrative, industrial and commercial centers of the Colony.
There are different types of items : doctrinal studies, jurisprudence, chronicles. The frequency of publication varied between monthly, fortnightly, quarterly and four-monthly. Its name has changed frequently (see. below), through the country's turbulent history.
A table of contents, published annually, is present in the last issue of the year. It lists alphabetically the subjects and themes dealt with in jurisprudence, quotes all the chronicles produced during the year. The table of contents also includes a table listing chronologically the rulings and judgments.
2. Technical details
- Couverture : 27.5 cm x 21 cm
- Page : 26.8 cm x 21 cm
- Articles : Chronicles : 1 column : 21 cm x 16.8 cm – Jurisprudence : 2 columns : 21 cm x 16.8 cm divided into 2 columns of 7.5 cm
Successive denominations :
- Revue de droit et de la jurisprudence du Katanga (15/11/1924-15/01/1927)
- Revue juridique du Congo belge (15/02/1927-06/1960)
- Revue juridique de l’Afrique centrale (07/1961-1964)
- Revue juridique du Congo : droit écrit et droit coutumier (1964-1971)
- Revue juridique du Zaïre (1972-1995)
- Revue analytique de jurisprudence zaïroise (1996)
- Revue analytique de jurisprudence du Congo (1997-2004)
3. Volumes (.pdf)
During the first years, annual volumes range from 15 november to 15 october. It's only from the fourth year (1928) that the annual volume begins on January 1. Strictly speaking, there was no interruption of publication in November-December 1927, issues appearing for some time with several weeks late.
1924-1925 | 1935 | 1945 | 1955 |
1925-1926 | 1936 | 1946 | 1956 |
1926-1927 | 1937 | 1947 | 1957 |
1928 | 1938 | 1948 | 1958 |
1929 | 1939 | 1949 | 1959 |
1930 | 1940 | 1950 | 1960 |
1931 | 1941 | 1951 | 1961 |
1932 | 1942 | 1952 | 1962 |
1933 | 1943 | 1953 | 1963 |
1934 | 1944 | 1954 |