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Master in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics [120.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

At the end of the second level, the student will have undertaken training in the two classical languages (core courses: 60 credits), whilst benefiting from a more thorough specialisation in Greek or Latin (option A: 15 credits) or in a connected field to 'science of antiquity' (option B: 15 credits).

Linguistically, the course focuses on the scientific study of the history of classical languages and how they work, without forgetting the assiduous practice of translation work, thematic work and cursive reading. The authors' commentary includes all of the tools used in philological analysis (grammar, textual criticism and the study of sources, survival ), but also modern literary analysis methods (intertextuality, narratology).

The programme provides a choice between several types of focus (30 credits): research focus ; teaching focus (with extra training : option B); professional focus in library studies (with extra training : option B) and in natural language processing(with extra training : option B); professional focuses in Greek culture / Latin culture help the student acquire expertise in the changes in classical languages and civilisations, from the late antiquity to modern times.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of :
 ♦ core courses (60 credits), made up of :
- 30 course credits in Greek and Latin language and literature;
- 28 dissertation credits and 2 credits for the accompanying seminar;
 ♦ one focus (30 credits);
 ♦ two options of 15 credits, at least one from list A.

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Core courses

One focus from the following :

Options or optional courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Further Studies
at the end of the master 120, each focus in the Master in Ancient Languages and Literature: Classics, can be obtained in a new year of 30 credits only.

Accessible doctoral training :
'Ecole Doctorale en Langues et Lettres'

Student must hold a first level university degree.

Student must prove skills in the following subjects :
⇒ Introduction aux études classiques;
⇒ Civilisations de l’antiquité (philosophie, histoire et archéologie);
⇒ Langue et littérature grecques;
⇒ Langue et littérature latines;
⇒ Philosophie;
⇒ Histoire et critique historique;
⇒ Théorie linguistique et littéraire;
⇒ Langues et littératures modernes.

If the student does not have enough training in one or several of these subjects, prerequisites will be added to the masters programme (maximum 15 credits).

If the total number of prerequisites exceeds 15 credits, access to the master is subject to the student passing an additional year, the programme of which is established based on the student's file.

Course equivalences are submitted for approval to the chairman of the jury, the secretary of the jury and the academic faculty secretary.

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics [180.0]   Direct access  
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: Oriental Languages [180.0] If student has taken the Minor in Latin Studies [30.0] and has chosen courses of greek language and literature   Direct access With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures [180.0] If student has taken the Minor in Greek Studies [30.0]   Direct access With 15 credits prerequisites integrated into the masters programme  
Other Bachelor If student has taken one of the following minors :
Minor in Latin Studies [30.0]
Minor in Greek Studies [30.0]  
Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bachelor in Ancient languages and Literatures : Classics   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (grec/latin)   Direct access  
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (latin/…)   Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Academische Bachelor in Taal- en letterkunde (grec/…)   Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Foreign Bachelors
Foreign Bachelor   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Not relevant for this Master.

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Holder of a "Licence" in Ancient Languages and Literatures   Direct access An exemption of a maximum volume of 60 credits can be granted  
Master in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Classics [60.0]   Direct access An exemption of a maximum volume of 60 credits can be granted  
Master in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Languages [120.0]   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme  
Master in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures [60.0]   Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  
Other Master in Arts and Letters   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
Not relevant for this Master.

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Department for Greek, Latin and Oriental studies

Department's secretariat for Greek, Latin and Oriental studies

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Exam jury president

Exam jury secretary

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The different pathways offered in the programme (focuses and many options) give the student the chance to gear his training towards his skills and interests and thus acquire relative autonomy in his training. The different modules on the programme offer a coherent set of courses.

Most courses on the programme implement interactive pedagogy, inspired by the project 'gérer sa formation' or 'manage your training' (student autonomy guaranteed thanks to new ICT resources , e-learning, teaching teams, practice of oral and written communication, etc). The programme familiarises the student will new resources and methods.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Written and oral exams measure knowledge acquired as well as the student's know-how and communication skills. Some subjects, geared towards the development of research skills and personal criticism, are the subject of presentations and discussions spread across the year (permanent evaluation).

Courses are evaluated according to current university regulations (see General Examination Regulations). Students may find further information on specific evaluation methods in the course descriptions.

Mobility and/or international links
If the Erasmus exchanges normally take part in the 3rd year of the bachelor, students on the master 120 can take 30 credits in other university institutions in Belgium (courses in Greek or Latin langauge and literature can be borrowed from the KULeuven programme, in line with the UCL-KULeuven agreement) or abroad and/or undertake internships in Belgium or abroad (as part of their end of study dissertation and/or focus).

For example :

For more information :

Information on Erasmus exchange : http://www.uclouvain.be/17371.html

Core courses
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryDissertation and dissertation seminar (30credits)
Mandatory CLAS2891

Dissertation (Part 1)  (in French) N. 3credits  x 
Mandatory CLAS2892

Dissertation (Part 2)  (in French) N. 25credits   x
Mandatory CLAS2890

Dissertation seminar  (in French) N.15h 2credits  x 

MandatoryGreek and Latin languages and literatures (20credits)
Mandatory GLOR2441

Thorough Study of Greek Authors  (in French) Anne-Marie Doyen45h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Mandatory GLOR2432

Thorough Study of Latin authors  (in French) Paul Deproost45h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Mandatory GLOR2270

Greek Language III  (in French) Herman Seldeslachts30h 5credits 1+2q x 
Mandatory GLOR2240

Latin Language III  (in French) Lambert Isebaert30h 5credits 1+2q x 

MandatoryLinguistic and cultural comparison (10credits)
Mandatory GLOR2802

Comparative Indo-European linguistics  (in French) Lambert Isebaert30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Mandatory GLOR2390

Typology and permanence of mythical imagineries  (in French) Myriam Delmotte, Paul Deproost (coord.), Alain Meurant, Brigitte Van Wymeersch30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx

One focus from the following :

Research Focus [30.0]
This focus provides an opportunity for advanced study of two classical languages. Individual assignments, seminars and courses, closely related to your research project, will provide you with an introduction to the work of a researcher.

MandatoryTraining for research and scientific communication (20credits)
Mandatory CLAS2983

Participation in a Conference or Training Course in a Research Laborarory I  (in French) N.120h 5credits  x 
Mandatory CLAS2984

Participation in a Conference or Training Course in a Research Laboratory II  (in French) N.120h 5credits   x
Mandatory CLAS2981

Writing Academic Texts I  (in French) N. 5credits  x 
Mandatory CLAS2982

Writing Academic Texts II  (in French) N. 5credits   x

MandatoryAdvanced seminars and courses (10credits)
Chosen from the following courses and seminars :
Optional GLOR2272

Special Issues in Greek Linguistics  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2242

Special Issues in Latin Linguistics  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2504

Methods of text editing  (in French) N.30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional HIST2210

Codicology  (in French) Jacques Pijcke15h 5credits 2q xx

Teaching Focus [30.0]

MandatoryPlacements in an educational environment
Mandatory GLOR9001

Observation and teaching practice : ancient languages and literatures
(The 50 hours of placement are evenly spread over the two years of the Master programme but will only be validated in the second year.)  (in French)
N.50h 6credits  xx

MandatoryDisciplinary courses and seminars

MandatoryTeacher training in the discipline
Mandatory GLOR2540

Didactics of Ancient Languages, Reflections on School Programs and Scientific Communication  (in French) Alain Meurant75h 7credits 1+2q xx

MandatoryAnalysing teaching practices and their context
Mandatory GLOR2550

Theory and Analysis of Teaching Procedures in Ancient Languages and Literatures
(The practice analysis exercises which are based on the supervision and review of the placement, are spread over the two years of the Master but re validated during the second year.)  (in French)
Alain Meurant30h 4credits 2q xx

MandatoryCross-disciplinary courses and seminars

MandatoryUnderstanding adolescents and managing a class group
Mandatory AGRE2020

To understand the adolescent in school situation, to manage the interpersonal relationship and to animate the class group  (in French) Bernard Demuysere, Christian Lannoye, Marie-Christine Liesse, Pierre Meurens, Pascale Steyns, Marie-Cécile Wagner (coord.), Anne d'Alcantara, Philippe van Meerbeeck22.5h + 22.5h 4credits  xx

MandatoryUnderstanding and analysing educational institutions and their context
Mandatory AGRE2120

The school institution and its context  (in French) Etienne Bocquet (coord.), Dominique Grootaers, Christian Lannoye, Jacquy Masset22.5h + 25h 4credits  xx

MandatoryGeneral teacher training
Mandatory AGRE2220

General didactics and education to interdisciplinarity  (in French) Ghislain Carlier, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Parmentier, Marc Romainville, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)22.5h + 15h 3credits  xx

MandatoryFoundations of neutrality
Mandatory AGRE2400

See specifications in french  (in French) Michel Dupuis, Bernadette Wiame (coord.)20h 2credits  xx

Professional Focus in Greek cultural Studies [30.0]

30 credits chosen from the following courses :
Optional GLOR2781

Biblical Greek  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers30h + 15h 6credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2782

Biblical Greek  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers30h + 15h 6credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2791

Byzantine Greek  (in French) Bernard Coulie, Véronique Somers (supplée Bernard Coulie)30h + 15h 6credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2792

Byzantine Greek  (in French) N.30h + 15h 6credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2523

Questions of Byzantine History  (in French) N.30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2522

History and Society of Byzantium and the Christian East II  (in French) N.30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2521

Culture and Civilisation of Byzantium and the Christian East II  (in French) Bernard Coulie, Andrea Barbara Schmidt, Véronique Somers (supplée Bernard Coulie)30h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKM2710

Byzantine and Islamic Art : A) Eastern Christian Art; B) Countries of Islam   (in French) Pauline Voute30h 6credits 1+2q xx
Optional GREC1300

Greek - Intermediate level  (in Greek) N.90h 9credits 1+2q xx

Professional Focus in Latin cultural Studies [30.0]

30 credits chosen from the following courses :
Optional GLOR2503

Vulgar and Medieval Latin Linguistics  (in French) Lambert Isebaert30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2502

History of Medieval Latin literature  (in French) Paul Deproost30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2501

Latin Authors : Middle Age and Renaissance  (in French) Paul Deproost30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional THEO2342

Questions of history of christianity: Middel Ages  (in French) Jacques Pijcke30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2551

History of sciences in the Middle Ages  (in French) Godefroid De Callatay (coord.), Baudouin Van den Abeele22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2150

History of Humanism   (in French) Agnes Guiderdoni (coord.), Aline Smeesters22.5h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKM2730

History of sculpture from the Middle Ages to the Neoclassicism  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional ARKM2740

History of Painting: from Renaissance to Neo-Classicism  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional GLOR2507

Neolatijn : taal en literatuur (KULeuven)  (in Dutch) N.39h 5credits  xx

Professional Focus in Library studies and [30.0]
Mandatory CLIB2001

Publishing : publishing techniques and software  (in French) Olivier Comanne15h 5credits 1q xx
Mandatory CLIB2002

Techniques of bookshop management  (in French) Philippe Goffe15h 5credits 1q xx
Mandatory CLIB2121

Issues in the sociology of books, including children's books   (in French) Jacques Carion, Jean-Louis Tilleuil22.5h 5credits 1q xx
Mandatory CLIB2140

Books and graphic design  (in French) Jacques Carion15h 5credits 2q xx
Mandatory FLTR2280

History of book and reading  (in French) Ralph Dekoninck, Michel Lisse22.5h 5credits 2q xx
Mandatory FLTR9011

Professional Training in Library Science and Trade (library or edition)   (in French) N.120h 5credits  xx
Other Masters offering this finalité

Options or optional courses
Students choose two option of 15 credits each, at least one must be selected from List A.
While a number of courses are suggested based on the student’s focus, students are completely free in their choice.

Option in Greek Language and Literature [15.0]
Mandatory GLOR2541

Questions of Greek Literature  (in French) Charles Doyen30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx

Mandatory10 credits chosen from :
Optional GLOR2202

Foundations of European Identity: Greek and Roman Antiquity  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2442

Greek Authors : Hellenistic and Roman Periods  (in French) Anne-Marie Doyen45h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2272

Special Issues in Greek Linguistics  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2180

Greek epigraphy   (in French) Patrick Marchetti22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2172

Greek Palaeography  (in French) N.15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2504

Methods of text editing  (in French) N.30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx

Option in Latin Language and Literature [15.0]
Mandatory GLOR2531

Questions of Latine Literature  (in French) Alain Meurant30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx

Mandatory10 credits chosen from :
Optional GLOR2202

Foundations of European Identity: Greek and Roman Antiquity  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2431

Latin Authors : Late Antiquity  (in French) Paul Deproost45h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2242

Special Issues in Latin Linguistics  (in French) N.30h 5credits 1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2181

Latin epigraphy   (in French) Marco Cavalieri22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2171

Latin Palaeography  (in French) Baudouin Van den Abeele15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GLOR2504

Methods of text editing  (in French) N.30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx

Option linked to the Teaching focus [15.0]

Option course recommended for students taking the teaching focus. Students who elect to take one or more teaching courses in another discipline (other than Latin or Greek) for the option course linked to the teaching focus will not be awarded a full qualification but may nevertheless teach these other subjects. However, as far as Latin and Greek are concerned, the full qualification will be awarded.

MandatoryPreparation and assessment of placements
This work is evenly spread over the two years of the Master programme but will be validated in the second year.
Mandatory GLOR9002

Observation and teaching practice in ancient languages and literatures: analysis and preparation  (in French) N.40h 5credits  xx

Mandatory10 credits chosen from :

OptionalDesign, planning and assessment of teaching and learning practices
Optional ROM2317

Seminar : reseach methodology for French as a foreign language.  (in French) Luc Collès15h 5credits 1q x 
Optional FLTR2640

Multimedia and teaching of languages  (in French) Alain Meurant15h + 15h 5credits 2q x 

OptionalTeaching course for a 2nd discipline
If students choose to study teaching a 3rd language or another discipline, they are required to undertake 10 hours of placement in this language or discipline.
Optional ROM2950

Didactics and practice of spoken French as the mother tongue
(Prerequisite : minor in French studies)  (in French)
Jean-Louis Dufays45h + 30h 7credits 1q xx
Optional ROM2940

Didactics of French as a foreign language and intercultural studies
(Prerequisite : minor in French studies)  (in French)
Luc Collès22.5h + 15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional GERM2523

Dutch as a foreign language methodology
(Prerequisite : minor in Dutch studies)  (in Dutch)
Pierre Godin (coord.)15h + 35h 5credits 1+2q x 
Optional GERM2521

German as a foreign language methodology
(Prerequisite : minor in German studies)  (in German)
Henri Bouillon (coord.), Caroline Klein15h + 35h 5credits 1+2q x 
Optional ROM2945

Didactics of Spanish
(Prerequisite : minor in Hispanic studies)  (in French)
Geneviève Fabry7.5h + 15h 5credits  xx
Optional ROM2946

Didactics of Italian
(Prerequisite : minor in Italian studies)  (in French)
Silvia Lucchini7.5h + 15h 5credits  xx
Optional ARKE2910

Didactics of Art History and Aesthetics, Reflection on the Contents of the Programmes and Practice in the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge
(Prerequisite : minor in History of art and archaeology)  (in French)
Marie-Emilie Ricker45h + 30h 5credits 1+2q x 
Optional FILO2311

Didactics of philosophy
(Prerequisite : minor in philosophy)  (in French)
Heinz Leonardy30h + 15h 5credits  x 

OptionalOther optional courses
Optional AGRE2310

Micro-teaching exercises  (in French) Marie-Cécile Wagner15h 2credits  xx
Optional AGRE2221

Learning and teaching with new technologies  (in French) Marcel Lebrun15h + 15h 2credits  xx

Option in Greek Antiquities [15.0]

15 credits chosen from :
Optional HIST2381A

Governing and societies: In-depth questions I (A. Greek Antiquity)  (in French) Christophe Flament15h 6credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional HIST2511A

In-depth questions on economic history I (Greek antiquity)  (in French) N.15h 6credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKE2610

Numismatics : Antiquity  (in French) Patrick Marchetti30h 4credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKA2600

Archaeology of Aegean Civilisations  (in French) Jan Driessen15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ARKA2630

Greek Archaeology  (in French) Jan Driessen30h 6credits 2q xx
Optional ARKA2687

Mediterranean Seminar  (in French) Marco Cavalieri, Jan Driessen15h 5credits  xx

Option in Roman Antiquities [15.0]

15 credits chosen from :
Optional HIST2382A

Governing and societies: In-depth questions II (A. Roman Antiquity)   (in French) N.15h 6credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional HIST2512A

In-depth questions on economic history II (Roman antiquity)  (in French) N.15h 6credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKE2610

Numismatics : Antiquity  (in French) Patrick Marchetti30h 4credits 2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional ARKA2640

Etruscan and Pre-Roman civilisations of Italy  (in French) Marco Cavalieri15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ARKA2650

Archaeology of Italy and the Roman Provinces  (in French) Marco Cavalieri30h 6credits 1q xx
Optional ARKA2530

Early Roman Archaeology in Gaul  (in French) Raymond Brulet15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ARKA2540

Late Roman Archaeology in Gaul  (in French) Raymond Brulet15h 5credits 2q xx

Option in Ancient Studies [15.0]

15 credits chosen from :
Optional GLOR2911

Issues in ancient Mediterranean Religions  (in French) Alain Meurant, Claude Obsomer30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional HIST2551A

In-depth questions I on cultural and religious history (Antiquity)  (in French) N.15h 6credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional HIST2521A

Contacts and exchanges : In-depth questions I (Antiquity)  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen (coord.)15h 6credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional THEO2341

Questions of history of christianity: Antiquity  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers30h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional THEO2321

Questions of Patristics I  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional THEO2322

Questions of Patristics II  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FLTR2552

History of sciences of antiquity  (in French) N.22.5h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional FILO1315

Philosophical texts I: Ancient philosophical texts  (in French) Jean-Michel Counet, Pierre Destrée30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional FILO2140

Textual interpretation: St. Thomas   (in French) Jean-Michel Counet, Pierre Destrée, Pierre Destrée (supplée Jean-Michel Counet)30h 5credits 2q xx

Option linked to the Professional focus in Natural Language Processing [15.0]

15 credits chosen from :
Optional FLTR2620

Natural language processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 1q xx
Optional FLTR2630

Introduction to automatic text processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 2q xx
Optional CLIG2220

Overview of applications in NLP  (in French) Cédrick Fairon15h 5credits 1+2q xx
Optional CLIG2240

Statistics for Linguistics  (in French) Yves Bestgen (supplée Cédrick Fairon), Cédrick Fairon30h + 15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional CLIG2260

Introduction to speech processing  (in French) Thierry Dutoit22.5h 5credits  xx
Other Masters offering this option

Option in Oriental Studies [15.0]

This option, recommended for students who have taken the minor in Oriental studies, offers a historical and philological approach to the ancient Oriental world; it includes a consistent series of courses and seminars at the level of Master in Oriental Languages, Literatures and Civilizations. Students choosing this course must gain the approval of the lecturer in charge of the programme.

Optional courses [15.0]

To be chosen from the Faculty or University programmes, with the agreement of the secretary of the examining board and the dissertation supervisor. Students must check with the lecturer in charge that they may follow the course(s) in question. If certain courses are available in the research focus, the teaching focus, in the professional focus, in the core subjects or in another option course, the credits may not exceed 6.