Advanced training for students who specialized in National Archaeology.
Main themes
Teaching approaches general questions connected with the concept of Romanization and replace archaeological sources in their political, administrative, military, cultural, economic and social context.
Content and teaching methods
Theoretical teaching approaches the Romanization concept. Mains themes will be studied: geopolitical framework, Augustean Period, road network, urbanism, agglomerations, land use, rural settlements, funerary practices, crafts and economy.
The main part of the teaching concerns sessions with basis information and papers presented by professor and researchers invited. Exhibition, visits and active participation on archaeological surveys are important part of the course.
Compulsory readings: Five main titles must be read and will be presented and commented during sessions.
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation : oral exam.
Support : printed summary, summary of the PPT presentation available on intranet ARKE.