Lecture : Marian Verhelst “Analog-to-information sensing, going beyond compressive sampling”

The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch along with prof. David Bol is glad to invite you to the following seminar :

“Analog-to-information sensing, going beyond compressive sampling”


given by Marian Verhelst, SSCS Distinguished Lecturer and professor at KU Leuven (MICAS group). Continue reading “Lecture : Marian Verhelst “Analog-to-information sensing, going beyond compressive sampling””

Seminar: Alexei Orlov, “Energy Recovery and Recycling in Computation from Landauer principle to Reversible Adiabatic Logic”

The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch along with prof. Denis Flandre is glad to invite you to the following seminar :

“Energy Recovery and Recycling in Computation from Landauer principle to Reversible Adiabatic Logic”

given by Alexei Orlov, professor at University of Notre Dame, IN, USA.

The event will be held on Thursday 28th of April at 11:00 am in the Shannon Room (Maxwell A.105). Coffee and collation will be served. 

Continue reading “Seminar: Alexei Orlov, “Energy Recovery and Recycling in Computation from Landauer principle to Reversible Adiabatic Logic””

Seminar: Rudy Lauwereins “Vision on medicine in 2050 and the role of electronic sensors as enablers”


The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch along with prof. David Bol and Laurent Francis is glad to invite you to the following seminar :
Vision on medicine in 2050 and the role of electronic sensors as enabler
given by Rudy Lauwereins, Vice-president at imec and part-time Full Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Continue reading “Seminar: Rudy Lauwereins “Vision on medicine in 2050 and the role of electronic sensors as enablers””

Seminar: Mohamad Sawan “Toward Brain-Machine-Brain Interfaces for the Recovery of Vital Functions”

The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch is glad to invite you to the following seminar :
“Toward Brain-Machine-Brain Interfaces for the Recovery of Vital Functions”

given by Mohamad Sawan, Professor, and Canada Research Chair, Polystim Neurotech Lab., Polytechnique Montréal.

Continue reading “Seminar: Mohamad Sawan “Toward Brain-Machine-Brain Interfaces for the Recovery of Vital Functions””

Seminar : Benjamin Iñiguez “Compact modeling and parameter extraction techniques of Organic Thin Film Transistors”

The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch is glad to invite you to the following seminar :
“Compact modeling and parameter extraction techniques of Organic Thin Film Transistors”

given by Benjamin Iñiguez, Pr., IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer, Full Professor at the Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica, Elèctrica, i Automàtica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain.

Continue reading “Seminar : Benjamin Iñiguez “Compact modeling and parameter extraction techniques of Organic Thin Film Transistors””

Seminar: Jelle Van Rethy “Time-based sensor interface circuits: hype or promise ?”

The UCL/ICTEAM IEEE Student Branch along with prof. David Bol is glad to invite you to the following seminar :
Time-based sensor interface circuits: hype or promise?
given by Jelle Van Rethy, former Ph.D. Researcher at KU Leuven and presently Analog Design Engineer at Melexis Microelectronic Integrated Systems.
The event will be held on Monday 20th of April 2015 at 2:00 pm in Barbe 10 auditorium.

Continue reading “Seminar: Jelle Van Rethy “Time-based sensor interface circuits: hype or promise ?””

Seminar: Bart Vermang “PercIGS – Employing Si solar cell technology to increase efficiency of ultra-thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells”

The UCL/IEEE Student Branch along with Prof. Denis Flandre is glad to invite you to the following seminar:
PercIGS – Employing Si solar cell technology to increase efficiency of ultra-thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell
given by Bart Vermang, Postdoctoral Researcher at Uppsala University.

Continue reading “Seminar: Bart Vermang “PercIGS – Employing Si solar cell technology to increase efficiency of ultra-thin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells””

Lecture: Dr. Meyya Meyyappan (chief scientist at NASA), “Nanomaterials and their Applications in Electronics and Sensor Development”

Meyya Meyyappan, Dr., IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, NASA Ames Research Center, Center for Nanotechnology, California.

Nanomaterials and their Applications in Electronics and Sensor Development

Continue reading “Lecture: Dr. Meyya Meyyappan (chief scientist at NASA), “Nanomaterials and their Applications in Electronics and Sensor Development””