UCL - Studies

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Baccalauréat en sciences pharmaceutiques (Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences) [FARM1BA]
>> Detailed content of standard programme
>> >>> FARM 11BA - First year of studies
>> >>> FARM 12BA - Second year of studies
>> >>> FARM 13BA - Third year of studies

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Detailed content of standard programme

FARM 11BA First year of studies

Foundation studies (60 credits)

Common pool of subjects FARM/SBIM/MED/DENT (48 credits):


Philosophy[30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Mylene Botbol


Experimental physics and mathematical introduction to experimental sciences (1st part)[60h+18.5h] (8 credits) (in French)

Bernard Piraux


Experimental physics and mathematical introduction to experimental sciences (2nd part)[30h+21h] (5 credits) (in French)

Bernard Piraux


Mineral and general chemistry[60h+28h] (8 credits) (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan


Organic Chemistry[60h+30h] (9 credits) (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jacques Fastrez, Jean-Philippe Soumillion (coord.)


Biologie générale[65h+25h] (9 credits) (in French)

Jean Baptiste Demoulin, Marie-Christine Many, Philippe van den Bosch Sanchez de Aguilar


Cytology and general histology[10h+40h] (5 credits) (in French)

Jean-François Denef (coord.), Marie-Christine Many

Pharmaceutical specificities (12 credits) :


Practicals of general and inorganic chemistry[0h+30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Etienne Sonveaux


The molecular aspect of drugs[0h+30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux (coord.)


Drug conception[20h] (2 credits) (in French)

Pierre Gianello


Design of the drug[15h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)

Véronique Préat, Paul Tulkens (coord.)


Medical English[30h] (3 credits)

Sandrine Mulkers

Supplementary pedagogical activities :

As a complement to the lectures and practical excercises or supervised work tasks for the courses in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, the lecturers assume complementary support activities in small groups to help the students enhance their learning in the subject matter. The student is encouraged to participate in those activites in accordance with his learning needs.


Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en physique (par séries)[12h] (in French)

Bernard Mahieu, Bernard Piraux


Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en chimie générale et minérale (par séries)[12h] (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jean-Louis Habib Jiwan, Daniel Peeters, Etienne Sonveaux (coord.)


Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en chimie organique (par séries)[12h] (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jacques Fastrez, Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux, Jean-Philippe Soumillion (coord.)


Activités d'encadrement complémentaire en biologie (par séries)[12h] (in French)

Jean Baptiste Demoulin, Pascal Kienlen-Campard (coord.), Marie-Christine Many

FARM 12BA Second year of studies

Compulsory subjects (45 credits)


Introduction to analytical chemistry[30h+105h] (6 credits) (in French)

Marie-France Herent, Bernard Tilquin, Bernard Tilquin


Biochemistry and molecular biology[75h+37.5h] (10 credits) (in French)

Nathalie Delzenne (coord.), Frédéric Lemaigre, Marie-Paule Mingeot


Organical chemistry Part 2[45h+120h] (10 credits) (in French)

Paul Depovere, Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux (coord.)


General Pharmacology[15h+7.5h] (2 credits) (in French)

Emmanuel Hermans


Human physiology and basics of physiopathology[75h+7.5h] (8 credits) (in French)

Emmanuel Hermans, Jean-Christophe Jonas, Nicole Morel, Maurice Wibo


Botanical introduction to pharmacognosy[45h+30h] (6 credits) (in French)

Jean-Pierre Auquière, Joëlle Leclercq


General microbiology[18h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)

Thomas Michiels

Minors or other available options

The student who chooses a minor in the 2nd year will have to pursue it in the 3rd year and will therefore not be able to choose another option on offer.

In-depth pharmaceutical courses (15 credits)


Biophysics applied to the drugs[30h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)

Bernard Gallez, Marie-Paule Mingeot, André Nauts


Molecular genetics and drugs[30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Etienne De Plaen, Jean-Noël Octave (coord.)


Computerized workshop and research on scientific information related to drugs.[0h+15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Didier Lambert


Eléments d'épidémiologie[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Benoît Boland


Psychologie (partie psychologie générale, 15h)[30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Marc Crommelinck


Medical English[30h] (3 credits)

Françoise Stas (coord.)

Minor (15 credits)

FARM 13BA Third year of studies

Compulsory subjects (45 credits)


Immunologie générale (partim 30h)[45h] (3 credits) (in French)

Pierre Coulie, Jean-Christophe Renauld, Benoît Van den Eynde


Instrumental analysis[30h+105h] (6 credits) (in French)

Bernard Tilquin


Pharmaceutical organic chemistry[45h+30h] (6 credits) (in French)

Didier Lambert (coord.), Jacques Poupaert, Etienne Sonveaux


Biochimie médicale[20h] (2 credits) (in French)

Teresinha Leal, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.)


Pharmacognosy : a) phytochemistry - b) medicinal plants[45h+30h] (6 credits) (in French)

Joëlle Leclercq


Pharmacocinétique et métabolisme des xénobiotiques[30h+30h] (5 credits) (in French)

Nathalie Delzenne, Roger-K. Verbeeck


Eléments de pathologie générale[30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Olivier Feron, Michel Lambert (coord.)


Microbiologie médicale[45h] (4 credits) (in French)

Michel Delmée (coord.), Patrick Goubau


Pharmacologie générale, 2e partie[30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Chantal Dessy, Marie-Paule Mingeot


Inorganic drugs with use diagnosis and therapeutic[30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Bernard Gallez


Eléments de physico-chimie appliqués aux sciences pharmaceutiques[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Rita Vanbever


Traitement statistique des données[0h+30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Jean Cumps

Minors or other available options (more in-depth studies or studies for research students or studies abroad)

Only the students who have chosen the "in-depth pharmaceutical studies " option in the 2nd year can choose to pursue this direction or to become a research student or continue their studies abroad. The others will pursue their existing minor.

In-depth pharmaceutical studies (15 credits)

The student will choose one out of the five course topics on " introduction to the pharmaceutical world", including the work experience period " (7 credits), as well as the courses listed below, corresponding to 8 credits.


Introduction au monde pharmaceutique y compris stages[7.5h] (7 credits) (in French)

Josiane Burton, Marie-Paule Mingeot (coord.), Benoît Mousset, Pierre Wallemacq, Léon Wilmotte

Five topics : dispensary, hospital and clinic, industry, clinical biology, research. The work experience for the "industrial topic" may either be carried out in a pharmaceutical firm or in an officially recognised analysis laboratory (university or non-university) ; complementary sessions on instrumental analysis can be organised within the School in this context.


Pharmacognosie-étude de cas[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Joëlle Leclercq


Compléments d'analyse instrumentale[0h+30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Bernard Tilquin


Compléments de pharmacocinétique[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Roger-K. Verbeeck


Séminaire intégré en sciences pharmaceutiques[0h+45h] (4 credits) (in French)

Nathalie Delzenne, Emmanuel Hermans, Didier Lambert, Marie-Paule Mingeot (coord.), Jacques Poupaert


Drug design en chimie pharmaceutique[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Didier Lambert (coord.), Jacques Poupaert


Evaluation de la biodistribution et de l'effet d'un médicament par des méthodes non invasives[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Bernard Gallez


Exercices pratiques de biochimie médicale[0h+30h] (2 credits) (in French)

Teresinha Leal, Marianne Philippe, Marie-Françoise Vincent, Pierre Wallemacq (coord.)


Premiers secours[15h] (2 credits) (in French)

Eddy Bodart, Pierre Vandenbossche, Dominique Vanpee (coord.)

Any student wishing to follow an option organised by another School within the Faculty of Medecine will check out the possibility of his request with the Study Advisor.

Status of a research student (15 credits)

Any student wishing to pursue his studies in the direction of pharmaceutical research, will apply for enrolment with a host laboratory upon presentation of his dossier. Acceptance thereof will be dependent on the academic results obtained and will remain the prerogative of the Research Student Committee.


Introduction au monde pharmaceutique y compris stages[7.5h] (7 credits) (in French)

Josiane Burton, Marie-Paule Mingeot (coord.), Benoît Mousset, Pierre Wallemacq, Léon Wilmotte

Research students will choose the "research domain".


Projet expérimental personnel(8 credits) (in French)


Minimal studies abroad (Erasmus) (15 credits)

Besides the possible choice of spending one year or six months abroad, any student wishing to pursue a minimal part of his study programme abroad, via the European network of which UCL is a partner, may follow an ensemble of courses for 15 credits (subject to the approval of the Committee). This volume of courses may include a work experience period as indicated above.

Minors (15 credits)

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Last update :14/02/2007