It is a basic practical of general chemistry illustrating selected topics of the MD1003 course.

Main themes
The main themes of this practical are :
(i) Titration of acids and alkalies. Experimental pKa determination.
(ii) Precipitations and complexations.
(iii) Redox titrations.
(iv) Illustrative inorganic synthesis (e.g., HCl, NH3, SO2...)
(v) Calorimetry

Content and teaching methods
The practicals are related to the lessons in general and inorganic chemistry (MD 1003) : the students have to perform manipulations related to inorganic synthesis and analytical chemistry.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites :
Sufficient knowledge of French.
During the 1st semester : following in parallel the MD1003 course "Chimie générale et minérale".
Evaluation : continuous evaluation during the semester (written tests, awarded marks for the experimental reports).

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en sciences pharmaceutiques
(2 credits)
