Study objectives
Pharmaceutical Sciences revolve around medication and
the people who use it - the sick. From its conception to its
production, from the stages of pharmaceutical research
to commercialisation and information to
dispensation, pharmacists are involved in multiple professional worlds,
at each step of the process. Consequently, if dealing with medication
is what interests you, Pharmaceutical Sciences will give you the
opportunity to devote yourself to that kind of profession within
milieux as diversified as those of public dispensaries,
universities, hospitals or industry. This diversity relates to
scientific, chemical and biological bases, always with the same final
goal of improving the patient's health.
The bachelor's of Pharmaceutical Sciences enables
the student to acquire the skills needed for the practice of the
various orientations of pharmaceutics ( research, industry, hospitals,
dispensaries, administration and information relating to medication).
The course content rotates around two main axes : "Basic Life Sciences"
and "Knowledge of Medication". The studies aim to develop the skills
needed for the integration of the basic sciences in pharmaceutical contexts.
The skills to be acquired can be summed up in four points, as follows:
Integration of the basic
sciences (Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, etc.) within the specific
domains of pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics,
Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Galenics, etc.).
Rigourous administration
and control procedures related to the protocol for carrying out
experiments (from handling information to dealing with production and the interpretation and presentation of results).
Development of a critical mind vis-à-vis the sources of information available.
Faculty of adaptation and
adequation of comportment within the various branches of pharmaceutical
sciences (public dispensaries, hospitals, industry and/or
research) thanks to the acquisition of knowledge and capacities common
to all the sectors.

General presentation of the programme
The bachelor's of Pharmaceutical Sciences represents 180 credits.
A credit refers to " the volume of work that the student needs to produce to attain the study objectives".
The " major " of the programme consists of basic
foundation studies for 60 credits (1st year) and
specific studies ( 2nd and 3rd year) for 90 credits.
The major is completed by a course of 30
credits - an option, such as those offered on the "options menu",
(advanced studies in Pharmaceutical Sciences), or in the form of a "
minor " (an opening course in other disciplines). These courses of 30
credits may be followed on a parallel with the specific course.
Principal Subjects
The bachelor's studies enable the student to learn about the functioning of life, from the atom to society.
Atoms, molecules and the systems which govern them
General Chemistry, Analytical, Inorganic and Organic
Life, - Biochemistry - Applied Physics - Biophysics - Processing
Applied Data - Instrumental Analysis.
From plant cells to animal cells, from organic tissue to the human being
General, Cellular, Special and Molecular Biology -
Cytology and Histology - Elements of Functional Anatomy - Immunology -
Physiology - Microbiology - General Pathology - Botanical Introduction
to Pharmacognosy - Medical Biochemistry
Organic Chemistry applied to Medication -
Conception of Medication - Pharmacology - Introduction to
Pharmacotherapy - Pharmacokinetics and Xeno-biotic Metabolism -
Pharmacognosy - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Man and Society, the individual in the professional world
Philosophy - English
Immersion internship in a pharmaceutical milieu and the corresponding introduction courses
Minors or other options available
During the bachelor's of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, the student has the opportunity to further his knowledge in
the various pharmaceutical domains, by selecting
study options.
Instead of these options, the bachelor's programme may likewise include an option of a "
which will enable the student to open up new horizons. Minors in
the following subjects : Biology, Chemistry, Law, Economics, Human
Nutrition, Clinical
Biomedical Sciences, Statistics, etc., may be envisaged, subject to the
approval of the Teaching Committee of the School of Pharmacy.

The course content is evaluated in
accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations of the University
(c.f. exam reglementation). The exams are organised at the
end of the course session periods (January, June) as well as in September.
The practical work and work experience, if any, take the form of ongoing

Admission to the programme

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's degree entitles access to the master's of
Pharmaceutical Sciences. Complementary masters with a
professional vocation are organised in the practice of
industrial pharmacy, clinical biology, hospital pharmacy, clinical
pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology.
In addition, there is sufficient homogeneity
within the programmes offered by the various schools of the Faculty of
Medecine (MED, FARM, DENT, SBIM, IEPR) to make programme
re-orientation possible during the course of the bachelor's studies, subject to additional complementary courses.
Other studies accessible upon completion of the programme
Other masters within the Faculty of Medecine, as well as
some programmes from other faculties, may be accessible subject to
certain prerequisites.

Useful contacts
Programme management
FARM Ecole de pharmacie
President of the School of Pharmacy : Didier Lambert Tel. 027647362
President of the Training Committee : Joëlle Leclercq Tel. 027647254
Secretaries: Annie Célis and Josiane Toremans (Tel. 027647360, Sfar.toremans@sfar.ucl.ac.be,
The secretary's office is open to the students every
morning from 10 00 a.m. to 12 00 noon and on Mondays and Thursdays from
1 00 p.m. to 2 00 p.m. There is a special timetable during the
Teaching Committee
Joëlle Leclercq (President), Didier Lambert,
Marie-Paule Mingeot, Etienne Sonveaux, Anne Spinewine and four student
Study Advisor
The Study Advisor assists the student in the elaboration
of his personal study programme, in accordance with his previous
studies and personal ambitions.
Study Advisor : Etienne Sonveaux (Tel. 027647349,
Localisation Tour 73 van Helmont)
Exam Juries 2005-2006
1st year of the bachelor's
President of the jury : still to be determined
Secretary of the jury : still to be determined
2nd year of the bachelor's
President of the jury : still to be determined
Secretary of the jury : still to be determined
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics (opening)
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in French Studies (*)
Minor in Latin studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in History of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences
Minor in Clinical Biomedical Sciences
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Geography (*)
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Computer Science (*)
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
