Medical and general English course aimed at improving knowledge of grammar, general and scientific vocabulary; reading and listening strategies required for the intermediate level course in BAC 2. At the end of this module (end of BAC 1), the student will have reached level B1(lower) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in five skills:
- reading comprehension
- listening comprehension
- speaking
- language work
- writing
In order to meet the differing needs of students with different starting levels in the language, two types of course (module) will be offered: a receptive course (listening, reading) and an interactive course (speaking, writing). ( see below, 'assessment methods')

Main themes
For the 5 skills mentioned above, the level to be reached by the end of the course is level B 1 (lower) of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe)
Reading Comprehension
The student can understand texts on subjects relating to subjects of general interest and subjects relating to his/her area of study.
Listening Comprehension
The student can understand the gist of audio-visual text on topics of general interest and/or topics relating to his/her area of study.
. Receptive course: the student can answer questions, express an opinion, speak briefly on a topic.
. Interactive course: The student can express him/herself clearly on subjects relating to his/her area of study and
participate in a conversation on a familiar topic without preparation.
Language work
. the student knows basic grammar, basic vocabulary (general and medical)
. the student works alone (self-study CD Rom) to correct major lexical and grammatical errors
The student can write an email

Content and teaching methods
The course is based on different medical and scientific topics (popular science).
The texts and videos used in the course are authentic materials and require (for the reading texts) the student to prepare the texts at home using reading techniques acquired. Analysis and commentary of texts in class require the active participation of the student.-The student may be asked to make short oral presentations.
Vocabulary and basic structures are reinforced by written and oral exercises (summarising, analysing, and commenting).
Grammar is studied in context and reinforced by systematic exercises linked to the topics covered.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Student must have reached level A2 + of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe)
1. Placement test:
All students take a placement test in the week preceding the beginning of the course. This test is the same level as
the final written exam. The purpose of this test is to:
- place students in either the receptive or the interactive course. In addition, the test covers the basic grammar and
vocabulary and allows the student to pinpoint his/her weak points. With the new self-study methods developed
by the Institut des Langues Vivantes, the student can review, at his or her own pace, grammar points, vocabulary
and pronunciation of specific words (medical vocabulary) where he /she feels it is needed.
Receptive Course:
- maximum 25 students per group
- 2 hours per week (total of 28 class contact hours)
- self-study (see volume of work)
Interactive Course:
- maximum 15 students per group
- 1 hour per week (total of 14 class contact hours)
- self-study (see volume of work below)
Students will be assigned to the receptive or interactive course depending on their results in the placement test.
2. Continuous Assessment
3. Regular vocabulary tests
4. Presentations in class (continuous assessment)
5. Final written examination
Volume of work
. Receptive course:
- Attendance: 28 hours
- Self-study: 52 hours
. Interactive course:
- Attendance: 14 hours
- Self-study: 66 hours (14 hours additional self-study work to cover grammar and vocabulary)
Pedagogical support
1 Course notes
2 CD-Rom for self-study (obligatory for all students)
3 Audio cassette with soundtrack of videos watched in class (optional)
- Maximum of 25 students per group for the receptive course and 15 for the interactive course.
- Each teacher is available during his/her office hours and may be contacted by email

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences dentaires
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences pharmaceutiques
(3 credits)
Première année de bachelier en sciences biomédicales
(3 credits)
