UCL - Studies

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Licence en kinésithérapie et réadaptation (Diploma of the Second Cycle (Licence) in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation ) [KINE2]
>> Programme management
>> Admission conditions
>> Programme content
>> >>> > KINE21 - First year of studies
>> >>> > KINE22 - Second year of studies
>> >>> > KINE21ps - First year of studies, special programme
>> >>> > KINE22ps - Second year of studies, special programme
>> Positioning of the degree within the University cursus

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Programme management

IEPR Institut d'éducation physique et réadaptation

Coordinator : Patrick Willems

Contact person : Secretary's Office for the Institute of Physical Education and Rehabilitation

Tel. 010474418

Admission conditions

The degree programme in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation is accessible to students who :

  • hold the first cycle of university studies diploma ("candidature") in Kinesitherapy ;
  • hold a diploma in Kinesitherapy or a non-"candidature" diploma in Kinesitherapy, subject to passing an admission exam
  • hold a non-university diploma in Kinesitherapy.

  • are holders of the Belgian university degree in Physical Education or a diploma judged to be equivalent.

Programme content

KINE21 First year of studies

A. Compulsory courses


Biometrics and exercise physiology[60h] (5.5 credits) (in French)

Marc Francaux, Xavier Sturbois


Advanced topics in pathology[105h] (8.5 credits) (in French)

Thierry de Barsy, Etienne DELGRANGE, MICHEL OSSEMANN, DIDIER SCHOEVAERDTS, Dominique Vanpee, Nicolas Zdanowicz (coord.)


Questions of Religious sciences[15h] (1 credits) (in French)

Benoît Bourgine


Pain and physical therapy[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Dominique Bragard, Jacques Grisart, Bernard Le Polain de Waroux, Etienne MASQUELIER, Léon Plaghki (coord.)


Physical therapy and psychomotor rehabilitation[45h+105h] (10.5 credits) (in French)

Yves Castille, Francis Detongre, Jean Roeseler, Serge Theys, Jean-Louis Thonnard (coord.)


Theoretical basis of physical therapy[90h] (7 credits) (in French)

Jacques Denayer, Philippe Hanson (coord.), Jean Roeseler


Clinical demonstrations in physical therapy[45h] (2 credits) (in French)

Anne Berquin, Jacques Denayer, Thierry Lejeune (coord.)


Seminar in physical therapy[45h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Dominique Bragard, Thierry Deltombe, Jacques Denayer, Christine Detrembleur, Thierry Lejeune, Jean-Louis Thonnard (coord.)


Teaching physical activities and sports to the handicaped[7.5h+30h] (3 credits) (in French)

Daniel Theisen


Statistics[45h+15h] (5.5 credits) (in French)

Taoufik Bouezmarni (supplée Philippe Lambert), Philippe Lambert, Annie Robert

and a language course, according to choice


English: Interactive communication[30h] (2.5 credits)

Claudine Grommersch, Nathalie Heiderscheidt, Jean-Paul Nyssen


Communicative Dutch for Masters in Physiotherapy, Sports and Physical Training[30h] (2.5 credits)

Nadine Dermaut

Students who prove they have sufficient capacity to actively communicative in another language than French are dispensed from doing the language course.

B. Orientation

The student will choose one of the three following groups of options, totalling 90 hours.

a) Work handicap and Ergonomy


Ergonomics of handicaped people in the workplace[45h+15h] (4.5 credits) (in French)

Bénédicte Schepens (coord.), Jean-Louis Thonnard


Disabilities due to working conditions[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Anne Berquin, Bénédicte Schepens (coord.)

b) Adapted physical and sports activies


Sports and physical activities adapted for handicaped people[15h+45h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Daniel Theisen


Physiological and therapeutic aspects of sports for the handicaped[22.5h+7.5h] (4.5 credits) (in French)

Bénédicte Schepens, Daniel Theisen (coord.)

c) Technologies applied to rehabilitation


Advanced topics in science applied to physical therapy[30h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)

Christine Detrembleur, Norman Heglund, Jean-Louis Thonnard, Patrick Willems (coord.)


Technology applied to rehabilitation[45h] (4 credits) (in French)

Norman Heglund, Patrick Willems

KINE22 Second year of studies

A. Compulsory courses


Démonstrations cliniques[0h+150h] (6 credits) (in French)

Jacques Denayer


Advanced topics in physical therapy and rehabilitation[75h] (3 credits) (in French)

Pierre Delguste, Jacques Denayer, Christine Detrembleur (coord.), Jacques Grisart, Thierry Moreau, Anne Renders, Hervé Reychler

B. Apprenticeships

Academic Supervisor : Jacques De Nayer

The second year of the second university study cycle ("licence") in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation includes nine months of apprenticeship s to be carried out in university hospitals or approved centres, either by the IEPR-UCL, or by the FLOK-KUL (Fakulteit voor lichamelijk opvoeding en kinesitherapie), under the direction of the lecturers in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation and the practical training supervisors. During these nine months of practical training, 150 hours of clinical demonstrations will be directly integrated into practical application and taken in charge by the practical training supervisors.

These apprenticeships will be divided up as follows :

  • 4 months representing the compulsory apprenticeships must be carried out in services of neurology, orthopedics, respiratory kinesitherapy and ambulatory treatment or in private surgeries.
  • 5 months of optional apprenticeships will be spread over the different remaining specialities in accordance with the affinities of the student. It may be that, in the context of his chosen options, the student will carry out one month's apprenticeship in line with the orientation selected in the first year of the programme.

The Institute has a policy of contacts with university hospital institutions and approved centres abroad. (France, Canada, Africa, Asia) and encourages the apprenticeships that the students wish to carry out there. These apprenticeships are evaluated separately and are documented in the form of reports.

C. Thesis

The exam also includes the presentation of a thesis that the student will complete under the direction of a teaching member of UCL or a practical training supervisor.

KINE21ps First year of studies, special programme

This programme is accessible to holders of a Belgian university degree in Physical Education or a diploma judged to be equivalent.

A. Basic programme


Advanced topics in pathology[105h] (8.5 credits) (in French)

Thierry de Barsy, Etienne DELGRANGE, MICHEL OSSEMANN, DIDIER SCHOEVAERDTS, Dominique Vanpee, Nicolas Zdanowicz (coord.)


Pathologies générale et du système locomoteur (in French)


A préciser (in French)


Théorie de la kinésithérapie (in French)


Physical therapy and psychomotor rehabilitation[45h+105h] (10.5 credits) (in French)

Yves Castille, Francis Detongre, Jean Roeseler, Serge Theys, Jean-Louis Thonnard (coord.)


Theoretical basis of physical therapy[90h] (7 credits) (in French)

Jacques Denayer, Philippe Hanson (coord.), Jean Roeseler


Clinical demonstrations in physical therapy[45h] (2 credits) (in French)

Anne Berquin, Jacques Denayer, Thierry Lejeune (coord.)


Seminar in physical therapy[45h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Dominique Bragard, Thierry Deltombe, Jacques Denayer, Christine Detrembleur, Thierry Lejeune, Jean-Louis Thonnard (coord.)


Aspects neurophysiologiques et psychologiques du contrôle moteur (partim compléments de neurophysiologie adaptés à la réadaptation, 30][75h] (2 credits)EN Cours non dispensé cette année académique (in French)



Pain and physical therapy[30h+0h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Dominique Bragard, Jacques Grisart, Bernard Le Polain de Waroux, Etienne MASQUELIER, Léon Plaghki (coord.)

The first year of the special programme in Kinesitherapy and Rehablititation also includes two days of observation to be carried out in a clinic or hospital under the auspices of the practical training supervisors.

B. Orientation

The student will choose one of the three following groups of options, totalling 90 hours.

a) Work Handicap and Ergonomy


Ergonomics of handicaped people in the workplace[45h+15h] (4.5 credits) (in French)

Bénédicte Schepens (coord.), Jean-Louis Thonnard


Disabilities due to working conditions[30h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Anne Berquin, Bénédicte Schepens (coord.)

b) Adapted physical and sports activities


Sports and physical activities adapted for handicaped people[15h+45h] (2.5 credits) (in French)

Daniel Theisen


Physiological and therapeutic aspects of sports for the handicaped[22.5h+7.5h] (4.5 credits) (in French)

Bénédicte Schepens, Daniel Theisen (coord.)

c) Technologies applied to Rehabilitation


Questions spéciales de sciences appliquées à la réadaptation[30h+15h] (3 credits) (in French)



Technologies appliquées à la réadaptation[45h] (4 credits) (in French)


KINE22ps Second year of studies, special programme

C.f. KINE22 programme

Positioning of the degree within the University cursus

This title entitles access to the 3rd cycle of studies (masters) in Kinesitherapy and Rehabilitation.

This site was created in collaboration with ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Person in charge : Jean-Louis Marchand - Information : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Last update :02/08/2006