The student in kinesitherapy carries out therapeutic assumptions of responsibility by exerting kinesitherapy in the various fields of his future profession (kiné respiratory, kiné neuro-electric engine, kiné neuropediatric...).

Main themes
To exert theoretical and practical knowledge of kinesitherapy under the monitoring of the Masters of training courses in the various fields of the occupation of kinesitherapist.

Content and teaching methods
The future kinesitherapist carries out the assumption of responsibility of patients suffering either from pathology locomotor, respiratory, surgical, as well in the adult patients or children, or in hospitalization or ambulatory

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Course of pathology, anatomy, vade mécum of kinesitherapy, practical of kiné and demonstrations clinical.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en kinésithérapie et réadaptation
(6 credits)
Deuxième licence en kinésithérapie et réadaptation
(6 credits)
